An ethics case study: Trial by fire
Essay - 4 pages - Journalism
In March of 1988, a young man named Joey Philion suffered burns over 90 percent of his body. The U.S. and Canadian media reported that Joey, fifteen at the time, had run back into his fire engulfed home to save the life of his younger brother. The story showed Joey as a hero and soon money and...
The effectiveness of e-learning programs
Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this section is to establish from various literature, the main points of best practice in implementing e-learning into a large organisation, in particular recent research on the attitudes of the implementation of effective e-learning. It will look at the advantages and disadvantages...
The "Memorial Laws"
Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Social sciences
In the first part of this paper, I give an account of a recent controversy that arose in France and in which historians played a significant role. This controversy involves a number of actors: the French government, which passed the so-called memorial laws; the interest groups that...
Client consultancy project: Leeds Metropolitan University Student' Union Elections
Thesis - 29 pages - Political science
This report carries out extensive background research to the election process of Leeds Metropolitan University Students Union (S.U.) and the attitudes of students attending the University. The findings show that students do not feel there is an effort to engage them in the S.U. election process...
Community festivals and events - Their role in raising awareness, generating pride and fostering a sense of belonging within socially isolated areas
Essay - 5 pages - Social sciences
Phillip Kotler's traditional definition of a product (1997) includes anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a demand. This large definition embraces goods, services, retail stores, persons, ideas and also places. Place marketing usually concerns countries, regions and big...
Britain and the euro: not for yesterday, not for today, not for ever...?
Essay - 14 pages - Finance
The EMS's Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) has long been a source of political controversy, playing for instance a relevant part in the final drama of Margaret Thatcher's resignation as a serving Prime Minister. Britain entered the ERM in 1990 to exit from it in 1992 and afterward, the new...
Sir William Beveridge - social insurance and allied services, 1942
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
This text is the introduction of the Beveridge Report, called Social Insurance and Allied Services. This report was presented to the British Parliament in November 1942 and was published the on 1st of December 1942. He was commissioned by Arthur Greenwood, in June 1941. William Beveridge...
Flexicurity: the Danish Model
Essay - 7 pages - Sociology
The word "flexicurity" is used to describe a social system combining an easy possibility for the employers of hiring and firing - flexibility - to important social benefits for unemployed people - security. This model is typical for Denmark for different reasons. Welfare benefits...
Operating methods in global business
Essay - 13 pages - Business strategy
When companies decide to enter foreign markets and start doing international business, there are different kinds of entry models they can use. In our report we give an overview of some of the entry modes, including benefits/motivations, risks and requirements of the models. First we go...
Rezidor SAS: CRM in the hospitality industry
Essay - 8 pages - Management
It's a key issue for Rezidor SAS to know who its customers are and what are their needs and expectations in order to align the best strategy in order to target them and to make them more loyal. Moreover, it will allow determining who customers are the most profitable. The CRM vision of the...
International economics: The World Trade Organization
Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general
Pascal Lamy, General Director of the WTO recently said that negotiations towards a conclusion to the Doha Trade Round are 70% complete. Indeed, the WTO trade talks have not been efficient over the last few years. Lowering agricultural and industrial tariffs, reducing subsidies in...
Pounding the concrete or entering the pool: Efforts to reduce driving
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology
The cool, clean air blows right on my face. The radio is as loud as I want it. There is minimal lurching, and no smelly strangers sitting right next to me. My shoes are not wet, I did not have to leave a half hour early to get where I need to go, and there is no need to leave before it gets too...
Capital budgeting: India
Case study - 35 pages - Economy general
An efficient allocation of capital is the most important financial function in modern times. It involves decision to commit firm's funds to long-term assets. Such decisions are tend to determine the value of company/firm by influencing its growth, profitability & risk. Investment decisions...
Mutual fund as an investment option at Angel Booking Ltd
Case study - 53 pages - Finance
Let me advocate that the Indian economy is an economic giant in all of Asia. This development has taken place due to the growth in the financial system. This financial system provides the background to various investors regarding varied options to invest. Thus, development of the economy depends...
Investor behavior towards mutual funds with special reference to Reliance Capital Assets Management Ltd
Tutorials/exercises - 48 pages - Finance
The economy of a country is highly influenced by the Financial System of the country. The Indian Financial System has been broadly divided into two segments: the organized and the unorganized segments. An investor has a wide array of investment avenues available. Economic well being in the long...
A study into the retail industry of India and China
Tutorials/exercises - 58 pages - Business strategy
Retailing is the final step in the distribution of merchandise - the last link in the Supply Chain - connecting the bulk producers of commodities to the final consumers. Retailing covers diverse products such as foot apparels, consumer goods, financial services and leisure. A retailer,...
Looking at how and where CRM can help an organization
Thesis - 26 pages - Business strategy
CRM is an integrated effort to identify, maintain, and build up a network with individual consumers and to continuously strengthen the network for mutual benefit of both sides, through interactive, individualized and value-added contacts over a period of time. The core theme of all CRM is...
Recruitment and selection procedure: A look at the Infosys BPO
Dissertation - 56 pages - Human resources
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a management function that helps manager's recruit, select, train and develops members for an organization. According to Edward Flippo: Personal Management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development,...
Recruitment and selection process at Siemens BPO Services Pvt Ltd
Dissertation - 42 pages - Human resources
The outsourcing history of India is one of phenomenal growth in a very short span of time. The idea of outsourcing has its roots in the 'competitive advantage' theory propagated by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' which was published in 1776. Over the years, the...
Baby boomers and retirement: The stark reality
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
We are constantly inundated with news about Baby Boomers and retirement, especially as it relates to concerns that baby boomers are not adequately prepared for retirement, and also worry separately about the state of Social Security in America. Many of the concerns that baby boomers have about...
Customer-buying behavior focusing on market segmentation in the insurance sector
Thesis - 19 pages - Services marketing
Insurance is in a manner of speaking the last frontier in the financial sector to open. It is also a sector, which leads to benefits across the full spectrum, from the individual who now have wider choices, to the economy, which see increased savings, to the infrastructure sector, which...
The study and research of different fields of certified financial planning
Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - Finance
Every body has dreams, dreams for themselves, dreams for their families, To fulfill these one needs to back up earnings by investing wisely. Most people work hard and earn money but when it comes to financial planning and actually going ahead with it they don't care much. Every one is different,...
The importance and advantages of improving the quality of worklife
Tutorials/exercises - 36 pages - Management
It was around 1900 that F.W. Taylor developed what are commonly known as the Principles of Scientific Management which till today form the basis for designing jobs in most organizations. The traditional job design of scientific management focuses mostly on division of labor, hierarchy, close...
Financial services through non branch delivery channels
Case study - 42 pages - Finance
With more than 70 percent of financial system assets owned by the banks, the banking sector continues to be the most dominant force in the Indian financial system. However, with the growth in the economy being sluggish, banks can no longer afford to rely on corporate banking' to...
The Lewis and Clark centennial exposition: An economic and cultural look into the 1905 Portland World's Fair
Thesis - 10 pages - Modern history
The year of 1851 was the first among 150 years of World's Fairs that took the world of tourism, both domestic and abroad, by storm. With over thirty recognizable World's Fairs that have taken place over time, The Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exhibition and Oriental Fair in...
A study on security analysis for selecting appropriate security
Case study - 79 pages - Management
An investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in anticipation of some positive rate of return in future. Today the spectrum of investment is indeed wide. An investor is confronted with array of investment avenues. Among all investment, investment in equity is best high proportion....
Financial instruments and documents that facilitate export import trade
Tutorials/exercises - 51 pages - Finance
Exports are vital to any economy, be it developed or developing. No country can isolate itself from exports in some form or other. Export performance is one of the main economic parameter of a nation. However, exports all over the world face tough challenges than before and Indian exporters are...
Six case studies on usage of technology in relation to the philosophical, social and ethical factors in modern education system
Dissertation - 71 pages - Educational studies
The following are the case studies discussed in this paper. 1. The misuse of e-Mail technology has created ethical problems. Some critics think that technology tends to remove students from the moral implications of technology. Issues at stake include respect for privacy, the proper use in...
Risk management in the asset management industry (risk measurement techniques): An evaluation of 'value at risk' tools
Tutorials/exercises - 112 pages - Finance
This Report is divided into two parts. Part I is introductory in nature containing brief profiles of global and Indian mutual fund industries, risk and the mutual fund industry, theoretical aspects of risk management process and various concepts associated with measurement of risks in...
Export procedures and documentation in India
Tutorials/exercises - 74 pages - Government finance
India has a mission to capture 2% of the global share of trade by 2010, as compared to the present level of less than 1%. Export is one of the lucrative business activities in India. The government also provides various promotional schemes to the exporters for earning valuable foreign exchange...