Potential Health Risks and Benefits of Genetically Modified Food
Essay - 2 pages - Biology
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are plants or animals whose genetic material has been manipulated or altered through genetic engineering techniques. Concerning GM foods, plants are altered to develop some features, one of which is better performance towards pests and herbicides and...
How do social media and digital tools affect HR practices? Why and how should HR departments adapt their practices to use these tools to their advantage? What are the benefits and risks of an HR social media strategy?
Essay - 3 pages - Human resources
In the last decades, the functions of Human Resources departments have changed a lot. They are, in general, more involve in the group strategy. The HR manager now has a key role at the Board of Directors.. [...] Even if the digitalization is affecting each department of a firm, Human Resources...
Data Security and the Benefits for Users and Companies
Dissertation - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
In today's interconnected digital world, data becomes the life-sustaining fluid of every part of existence, whether we are talking about individual communications or global trade. (Lopez, 2023) illustrates that, ultimately, the role of the SOC becomes a validation of the importance of...
Persuasive Essay: The Benefits of Adopting Rescue Animals
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
"Imagine a dog with a shaking body, eyes full of fear and uncertainty, standing in the corner of a concrete kennel, with the cold blowing around it. This is the North American experience for millions of dogs and cats in animal shelters, not knowing their fate. Every year, these shelters get...
Benefits Of Mindfulness Practice on Stress Management
Litterature review - 4 pages - Psychology
The pervasive nature of stress in contemporary society poses a threat to both our mental and physical well-being. An efficacious remedy, nevertheless, exists for this disorder: the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness practitioners embark on a transformative journey toward heightened...
Information technology benefits in e-supply chain coordination
Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy
Information technology (IT) has enhanced Improvement of the customers' services. Fast services to the customers get enhanced resulting to customers' satisfactions leading to more sales thus high profit. IT reduces the time cycle right from the acquisition of the inventories to the distribution...
Impact of Affordable Care Act on healthcare insurance benefits in Georgia school districts
Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences
European Medical Universalism has been approach that has been adopted by the European Countries in the implementation of their medical strategies and interventions. Unlike the European counterparts the United States of America have adopted an approach commonly referred to as the social model. In...
Vegetarian Nation: The Health Benefits of a Meatless Diet
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Since the beginning of time, human beings have been preoccupied with the notion of immortality. Achilles, the Greek warrior, was dipped into the River Styx as an infant so that he might be invincible in battle. Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon headed an exploratory expedition in search of a...
Benefits of capitalism and inequality of social classes based on Carnegie's argument in "The Gospel of Wealth"
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
In 1848 Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto in which he defined his creation of two social classes known as the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. These consisted of the wealthy and owners of factories, the bourgeoisie, and the rest of the public, who had no money, known as the proletariats....
Turkmenistan and benefits for the US
Case study - 25 pages - Political science
Turkmenistan is a country full of promises and potential for a brighter future to the world. Throughout history, the country of Turkmenistan has provided an abundance of archeological finds as well as an advance dwelling civilization. This civilization has been through many epochs and...
What is functional food and what are its potential benefits?
Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies
People are becoming increasingly interested in disease prevention rather than cure the disease and holistic approaches to promote health, such as eating nutritionally diet, maintaining fitness, etc Interest in natural and nutritional' treatments and products therefore continues to...
Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing
Benefits: The benefit system date of the First World War, when manufacturers decided to withdraw a certain percentage of workers' wages for redistribution to families (more than four children). Originally this system was designed to boost the birth rate. Soon, their ideas grew...
Advantages (benefits) and disadvantages (risks and demerits) of online shopping
Thesis - 3 pages - Business strategy
Internet has become a part of our everyday life over the last decade. It has opened new horizons for the companies and the people as online shopping and auctions are experiencing a remarkable success. According to Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine (2000) the total turnover of online sales in...
Failures and benefits of free trade and the role of World Trade Organization (WTO)
Essay - 10 pages - Economy general
The free flow of international trade gained significance after the Second World War when the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was tabled. The GATT was followed by the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The WTO was formed to establish rules for international...
Teleworking: benefits and drawbacks
Essay - 3 pages - Management
The world is looking for innovation, notably in the organization of work. Teleworking aka telecommuting, which associates data-processing, telecommunication and new organization of work, was an important innovation in the eighties. Working remotely means working from a distance through the use of...
The Euro: Costs & Benefits for France
Essay - 3 pages - Economy general
On the 1st of January 1999, the euro went into circulation as a common currency for eleven of the fifteen European Union countries, with Greece joining in 2001. France joined in 1999. The ratification of the Maastricht treaty in November of 1993 provoked the creation of the European Monetary...
Nespresso: Customers Benefits
Case study - 7 pages - Management
Nespresso, currently the market leader, has always offered coffee machines to suit everybody, for professionals and the general public. The success of the brand relies on increased consumption, and a strong want by the company to meet customer expectations. It can be any type of Nespresso...
Trade off between the economic benefits as opposed to the ethical and environmental problems of increasing international trade
Thesis - 12 pages - Economy general
The concept of ethics, social responsibility and accountability in business is inherently complex and has fuelled polarized debate as to the parameters of its role in practice. Furthermore, this has been compounded by the integration of the globalization phenomenon into international business;...
A comparative financial analysis of the costs and benefits of a lease-purchase investment
Case study - 5 pages - Accounting
This report was prepared as a result of work performed by the accounting and finance department in response to management request to investigate the company's lease-purchase options for the IT department. The upgrade of our IT material and equipment is essential for Reunite Corporation to remain...
Did government policy influence the development of large local firms and/or business groups in South Korea? What have been some of the long run benefits and problematic legacies of such policies?
Essay - 7 pages - Political science
The South-Korean state's industrialization programs achieved national economic ob-jectives through the use of government economic policies, defined as measures by which a government attempts to influence the economy (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008). This paper focus on three government...
A study on benefits for female employees in MNC's
Thesis - 9 pages - Human resources
The study covers five multinational companies, i.e., INFOSYS, WIPRO, IBM, SAP LABS and GOOGLE. After the study of the policies of the companies mentioned above, I have generated the following report with recommendations. Women constitute the largest number among the protected classes. In1995,...
The benefits of existentialist psychology
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
JD is a 26-year-old Hispanic male with quadriplegia who has been refereed to treatment by his primary care physician. Anxiety and depression appear to be the most prominent issues facing the client at the present time; however, the client both denies suicidal and homicidal ideation and is...
Two different types of retirement benefits that have been developed by private organizations: Defined benefit and defined contribution
Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy
In recent years concern over the financial solvency of Social Security has lead to considerable controversy over when the fund will be exhausted. This issue has become a pervasive concern in light of the fact that the 78 million baby boomers currently living in the United States will soon reach...
An essay on the benefits of breast feeding
Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies
Child and maternal health have become significant issues for public health officials. Although infant mortality in the United States is currently at an all-time low, this is not the case in many developed and underdeveloped nations. For this reason, organizations such as the World Health...
Public perception of the pay and benefits given to executives
Essay - 8 pages - Management
Research on executive compensation packages clearly demonstrates that the general public is incensed and outraged by, what they perceive to be, excessive pay and benefits for these professionals. Throughout the course of the twentieth century organizations have argued that executive pay...
The benefits and risks associated with the implementation of 3G technologies at Vodafone
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
Mobile phone technology has evolved rapidly in recent years. In particular the mobile phone industry is now witnessing the development of third generation or 3G mobile technologies. While these 3G technologies appear to provide a number of market and financial benefits for the mobile phone...
The Benefits of Psychotherapy
Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies
Introduction Encapsulating psychotherapy in a few pages can be a very difficult task. As Bruce Wampold, author of The Great Psychotherapy Debate: Models, Methods and Findings, pointed out, there are more than 250 distinct approaches under the umbrella of psychotherapy, each one remarkably...
Evaluation of the national child benefit act: Critique and policy suggestions
Thesis - 10 pages - Constitutional law
Introduction - This research paper will present an evaluation of the 1997 Federal National Child Benefit Act. The NCB was introduced as a way to aid poor working families which include children override income disparities which exist between them and families in higher economic brackets....
Pay and reward package benefit both employers and employees
Essay - 4 pages - Management
Reward describe by (Bloom and Milkovich, 1996: 25) as "bundle of returns offered in exchange for a cluster of employee contributions" is a combination of financial and non-financial components that is attributed to the employees depending on several factors such as the legal, ethical and the...
Market share strategy to getting company benefit
Thesis - 14 pages - Business strategy
Companies in the era of growing globalization, need to rethink the mission of business and marketing strategies they were critical. Currently the company is not engaged in market competition with the already known and have the option, or a customer that is stable, but in the war between the...