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25 Oct 2024

Banking on Bitcoin - Christopher Cannucciari (2016) - Cryptocurrencies and Their Vulnerabilities

Artwork commentary - 5 pages - Finance

This essay seeks to analyze the vulnerabilities inherent in cryptocurrencies and their implications for both businesses and consumers, both domestically and globally. By examining the security risks, regulatory challenges, and market volatility associated with cryptocurrencies, as well as their...

29 Oct 2024

Pizza Bomber: The Untold Story of America's Most Shocking Bank Robbery, Chapters 23-30 - Jerry Clark and Ed Palattella (2017) - Justice, Resilience, and the Complexity of Human Behavior

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

The last part of the book additionally marks the resolution phase as the collection of all parts of the rich narrative in the Pizza Bomber case. These last chapters give readers a full general idea of the details and consequences of the case. The following sections, which contain the early...

25 Oct 2024

The Role of FinTech in Transforming the Landscape of Banking

Dissertation - 10 pages - Bank marketing

The rapid growth of financial technologies (FinTech) is transforming and reshaping the future of banking services. With digital platforms replacing conventional methods of providing banking services globally, Fintech has evolved the application of innovative technologies in finance to develop...

26 Nov 2023

DigitaI Lending - Commercial Banking Transformation

Presentation - 14 pages - Bank marketing

Digital lending enables faster processing of loan applications through advanced algorithms and technologies. Online lending platforms can evaluate loan applications quickly, providing borrowers with a response in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months with traditional lenders.

02 Mar 2023

Central Bankers and Interest Rates

Course material - 9 pages - Finance

Inflation was a major problem in the 1970s. The 1971 collapse of the Bretton-Woods agreement gave governments latitude to alter their currency exchange rates. The previously locked exchange rates had the effect of taming inflation. There were also "oil shocks" in 1973 and 1979, which caused oil...

04 Aug 2022

Fintech: Between Synergy and Power Struggle in the Banking and Financial Sector

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

This thesis examines the future of fintech integration within a complex financial ecosystem. It explores the impact that these have and will have in the future on the market. Through a literature review divided into three research questions combined with a qualitative approach, we will try to...

08 Apr 2022

The operation of the bank and the financial market

Practical guide - 9 pages - Finance

The financial system is part of the economic activity of a country and contributes to its proper functioning. It designates all the regulations and, in general, the institutions that make it possible to connect the organizations that can offer financing and the consumers or businesses that need...

09 Sep 2021

Estonia's Banking System Overview

Case study - 14 pages - Finance

This document is a PowerPoint presentation in which is given an overview of the Estonian banking system. The sector, news and events will be analyzed before providing a conclusion.

29 Sep 2016

A marxist view of the 2008 banking crisis

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

In 2008, there was a major issue facing the American banking sector and the global financial world right now. A catastrophic loss of confidence stemming from a failure of the securities market has caused a number of banks to suddenly find themselves in danger of collapsing. In a sudden...

25 Mar 2015

Central banks & monetary policy

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Most of central banks presume that financial stability has policy responsibility. In a few situations where the central bank is faced with legal objective that is explicit for stability in finance, objective is of a wide range and the responsibility of central banks far...

16 Jan 2015

Brazil bank: Free software case study part I

Case study - 6 pages - Finance

With the advancement of technology we have today computerized systems in any company, from corporations to a simple newsstand, we found computer systems. Computers work is required to use this software and can be free or Owner. Some examples of proprietary software are Windows and Office, as...

08 Oct 2015

Corporate investment banking : Barclays bank group

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

Multinational companies have looked to improve their products and come up with the best strategies in order to compete with other companies. One of the main aspects that the multinational companies look to improve is the innovative strategies and the best methods that can transform and change the...

16 Jan 2015

Free Software in the Bank of Brazil: Case study

Case study - 5 pages - Finance

The Bank of Brazil in accordance with the Migration Project of the Federal Government, migrated your old proprietary system to the open source system. Mainly aimed at savings hardware, computers were becoming obsolete for use with proprietary software and would be destroyed and part of his...

22 Apr 2015

Billion dollar bankruptcy in Santa Catarina

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Chapecó - Judge of the 3rd Civil Court of Chapecó, Rosane Portella Wolff, declared yesterday the 13th of May 2005, the bankruptcy of Chapecó Food. The refrigerator poultry and pork was in crisis for 10 years and has a debt of $ 1 billion, an amount that was being negotiated for six years with...

01 Feb 2014

The European System of Central Banks

Case study - 4 pages - Economy general

The European System of Central Banks (ESCB) is composed of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the National Central Banks (NCB's) of all 15 EU Member States. The "Eurosystem" is the term used to refer to the ECB and the NCBs of the Member States who have euro as their...

21 Aug 2014

Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street by Karen Ho - Understanding of Ho critique of investment banking

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

Financial disintegration whether the internet bubble, the junk of bond markets, or the heightened leverage on housing market, there are in most cases explained as inevitable implications of market cycles. In other words, this means that what goes up must always come down in the long run. In Ho'...

13 Nov 2014

Citibank Analysis

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Citibank in UAE was founded in 1964. Since then, it has excelled in the field of banking. It offers a variety of services across the region including trade finance, advisory services, syndications and security in financial services. Citibank has worked to become the world's leading international...

03 Aug 2014

Impact of information's sharing and collaboration on sustainable practices of national bank of Abu Dhabi

Case study - 28 pages - Finance

The aim of this paper is to provide detailed information about sustainable practices in information in supply chain and the impacts in the business world. A case study was embarked on of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi one of the world's safest bank and a bank with branches...

07 Nov 2014

Customer Relationship Management in Riyadh Bank

Case study - 15 pages - Management

Customer Relationship Management is a tool for attracting and retaining customers that a business has identified as potentially profitable in the long term. CRM can help businesses to build sustainable competitive advantage and protect their market share from possible erosion by new entrants. It...

04 Sep 2014

Bank secrecy analysis

Case study - 7 pages - Finance

Banks under the protection of secrecy are forbidden to give out information about the accounts of their customers to the authorities unless there are special circumstances, such as filed criminal complaints about the customers (Kingsbury, 2009). The main features of banks that...

28 Jul 2014

Evaluating the organization culture at Barclays bank Case Analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Finance

Barclays bank PLC lists as the leading banking institutions in the banking and financial industry. The bank acknowledges organization culture as a leading strategy to accomplishing the bank's ultimate goals and objectives. Bob Diamond defined organization culture as how one...

15 Apr 2013

Investment banking sector: a look into the future

Case study - 15 pages - Finance

Disappointing economic performances reported by main banking players in the last couple of years are expected to continue in the near future, reflecting an overall stagnating economic environment not only in Europe, but potentially also in U.S. (dependent on fiscal cliff starting in January...

23 Nov 2012

The implementation of CRM systems in banks: The case of Caisse d'Epargne

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Since a few years, many banks have adopted strategies of Customer Relationship Management. CRM can be defined as an approach based on new communication and information technologies, in order to identify the customers' needs and expectations to provide them with adapted products and...

03 Dec 2012

Barclays bank: Strategic management

Case study - 6 pages - Finance

Barclays is a British bank based in London UK and is over 100 years old. Its history began in 1896 when several small London banks decided to join their forces to form a new bank that takes the name of Barclays & Company. In this area, it represented 182 new bank...

11 Feb 2011

The introduction of Islamic banking in France: A research on the potential market for retail Islamic banking

Dissertation - 37 pages - Finance

This study provides an assessment on the current problems and progresses made in France for the introduction of Islamic banking into its economy and contains an evaluation and an analysis of the potential market for Islamic retail banks in France. The research is divided into two...

27 Jan 2011

The European Central Bank

Essay - 2 pages - European union

While the U.S. Federal Reserve has already lowered interest rates, the ECB has delayed a similar decline in interest rates. Indeed, the ECB sees Europe as "Robust" and sees no need to lower its interest rates. In trying to cope with inflation, the ECB did not realize that the risk of a slowdown...

10 Jan 2011

The functioning of the Central European Bank and the American Federal fund

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

The European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve: These are two institutions that operate the two most important monetary policies in the world: the euro and the dollar. An essential function of a Central Bank is to regulate the evolution of money supply and interest rates, but...

10 Jan 2011

Comparison of the monetary policies of the American Federal fund (EDF) and the European Central bank (BCE)

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

Interest rates of the Fed are currently at an all-time low. The rates of the European Central Bank are at their lowest levels in history and on April 2, 2009, there was a further decline with a reduction to 1%.Indeed, monetary policy is an important instrument of control, and along with...

07 Feb 2011

Chemical Bank: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard

Thesis - 13 pages - Management

In 1993, Chemical Bank and Hanover Corporation concluded a merging process. The new larger banking company was better-positioned to compete with other major players in the market. Michael Hegarty, the head of the Retail Bank Division of Chemical Banking Corporation, wanted to...

29 Sep 2010

The growing impact of operational risks and its application to banks

Dissertation - 70 pages - Finance

Since their implementation in the banks in January 2007, operational risks are considered a main point of the strategy of banks. Operational risks are defined as “the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external...