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Theme : Automotive industry

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04 Aug 2023

Financial Statement Analysis - BMW

Case study - 12 pages - Finance

The Liquidity and Solvency section aims to analyze the financial situation of BMW through two different perspectives: Firstly, by analyzing its liquidity, which indicates the ability to pay its short-term liabilities, and secondly, by evaluating its solvency, which indicates the ability to pay...

14 May 2009

The German automobile industry

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Traditional economic theories say that there are a lot of factors for comparative advantage of a country such as the land, the location, the natural resources, the labor and the local population size. In the opinion of Michael E. Porter, a nation can create new advanced factors endowments. It is...

20 Apr 2007

Discuss the shift away from the conglomerate form in the advanced industrial countries, and its persistence in most emerging markets performance?

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

Western business strategies are often held as models for emerging countries. Despite General Electric being the largest worldwide conglomerate, such success stories have become rather rare nowadays in the United States and Europe, although this is not true in Japan for cultural and historical...

18 Sep 2009

Mercedes Benz in the Indian automobile industry

Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy

As the 21st century already approached, marketing has become more attractive at the company, state, national, international levels. In the early days, there was no difference between “selling” and” marketing”. But today the difference between these two terms has been...

28 Jul 2022

The cosmetics marketing

Case study - 5 pages - Luxury marketing

The cosmetics industry is a huge and profitable market in the world. Today, this market is worth billions. In fact, according to the Cosmetics Europe and the personal care association in 2020, Europe was the largest market in the world, with 76.7 billion euros; followed by the USA with...

29 Dec 2020

Transforming the Showroom Experience - Audi AG

Case study - 5 pages - Automotive marketing

In the early 20th century, the German engineer August Horch founded with two companions the Audi company. Indeed, Horch in German means “listen”, and was translated into Latin to become “Audi”. Audi AG (AktienGesellschaft, Limited Company), is one of the oldest automakers in...

03 May 2023

Amazon battles for slice of online gaming market - McGee Patrick (2020) - Amazon's study in the video game sector

Text commentary - 3 pages - Digital & e-marketing

The video game industry or video game industry is a sector of activity specializing in the creation and marketing of video games in the world. Existing since 1970 in the United States, this industry is becoming more and more popular in the world and whose largest firms are...

25 May 2021

SWOT Analysis - Garmin

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

The Garmin group is part of the new technologies and other connected objects sector. Its fields of activity are very varied since the company is present in the world of marine, aviation, but also automotive, fitness and all outdoor activities. The group's turnover at the start of 2020...

20 May 2021

Marketing Mix - Tesla

Case study - 4 pages - Automotive marketing

In this part, we will introduce the Tesla company by discussing its generalities and market figures. Next, we will see what the concept of the marketing mix consists of in general. In past years, this company was called Tesla Motors. Currently, Tesla is one of the fastest-growing companies in the...

03 Aug 2021

Detailed analysis of the financial performance of Tesla and NIO

Financial analysis - 15 pages - Finance

In this document, we will perform an analysis of two electric car manufacturers, Tesla and NIO. We will be able to compare their models, their strategy but above all their performance. Tesla and NIO are companies that design, build and market vehicles. They are therefore involved in research and...

19 Nov 2021

Strategic study of the Renault-Nissan alliance

Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy

In 1999, the chairmen of Renault and Nissan, L. Schweitzer and Y. Hanawa, signed an agreement to link their two companies. Renault purchased 36% of the capital of the Japanese company and 100% of its financial subsidiaries in Europe. This alliance has experienced strong growth, which has enabled...

04 Jul 2022

Business report: H** M** France - press agency, advertising

Internship report - 15 pages - Medias&communication marketing

The H** company in which I am doing my internship is a very complex company that deserves a lot of explanation in order to understand all the workings of the company. Indeed, the organization is international, the group is quoted on the "Stock Exchange" and has a very heavy weight in the...

03 May 2023

SWOT Analysis and recommendations - General Motors

Case study - 3 pages - Automotive marketing

General Motors suffered from a collapse in 2009 (after the crisis), which was mainly driven by five factors: (i) retired employees had plenty of benefits (from when the sector was more profitable) (ii) GM overfocused on "overpricing and discounting," which drove the clients' attention away...

05 Nov 2015

Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes Case Analysis

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

Andrew Ryan is the Senior Manager of Engineering Services at VC Brakes, a manufacturer of automotive brake parts in Middletown, Ohio. Founded in 1985, VC Brakes operated independently and adhered to its traditional top-down authoritative management culture during its first dozen years of...

15 Jun 2012

Volkswagen group- China's analysis in competitive strategy

Case study - 20 pages - Business strategy

Chinas automotive industry growth reflects on China's economy, with it being one of the most dynamic and promising industries in the country. Volkswagen Group entered the Chinese economy thirty years ago, and therefore played an important role in shaping this industry. After...

29 Nov 2010

China, the 'auto'-mobile zone

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

China has long been regarded as the land of the bicycle. This Asian country is now a new Eldorado for the automotive industry. In 2005, China became the third largest producer of cars after the U.S. and Japan, and the fourth largest market in the worldwide vehicle sales. Within a...

05 Jan 2011

Toyota: How trade barriers can affect the firm's strategy in terms of marketing operations

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

Automotive industry is recognized as one of the most global of all industries. “On a global level, the assets of the top ten multinational automotive enterprises represent 28% of the assets of the world's top 50 companies, 29% of their employment and 30% of their total...

25 Aug 2009

A brief look at Mico: A part of the Bosch Group

Case study - 10 pages - Management

The progress of the Indian economy is highly dependent on the growth of the industries, which in turn has been favored and supported by the development of the transport facilities in the country. Realizing and accepting this necessity, de-licensing and opening of the sector to FDI was initiated...

08 Feb 2011

Strategic marketing: The brand image functional to Nissan

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Nissan is a Japanese motor company that was founded in 1911. It operates in many countries and employs more than 185,000 workers around the world. Its 2008 sales were worth $1.52 billion USD, and Nissan produced 3,395,065 cars in the same year. Nissan is one of the Japanese biggest...

05 Jul 2013

Behavioral science concepts by two competing brands

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

There are multiple factors included in marketing products to consumers. Companies must evaluate several factors including the market size, description of the product, consumer behavior, pricing, distribution, and promotion. This evaluation varies within each company. Companies within the...

16 Apr 2009

Sales and distribution of the products of Hyundai and Tata Motors

Dissertation - 28 pages - Services marketing

The automotive industry is an extremely reliable indicator of economic growth; quite obviously, its growth boosts the economy's performance. The automobile industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 per cent between 1992 and 1997, industry that was...

15 Nov 2011

Strategic analysis of Nissan group

Market study - 20 pages - Accounting

“As the crisis has evolved, Nissan has remained focused on the recovery, guided by our corporate recovery plan. Although our company is still operating in crisis mode, Nissan is on track toward a complete recovery. In fiscal year 2009, we returned to profitability after losses in the prior...

05 Jul 2021

Porter's Five Forces - Garmin

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

Garmin was created in 1989 by Gary Busell and Min H. Kao to offer a new generation of GPS. When it was created, the firm sold geolocation systems to the US military. The firm has since developed and diversified its activities by offering geolocation tools for the general public, such as a GPS box...

04 Jan 2011

Study of the Porsche company

Case study - 20 pages - Management

Registrations, turnover, and financial results: all these have only grown for Porsche over the years. The arrival of the Cayman was witnessed on November 26, 2005, but the hybrid Cayenne and Panamera arrived in 2009 and offered outstanding performance. Amid a global automotive...

11 May 2009

Case study: Renault - published: 11/05/2009

Thesis - 13 pages - Business strategy

Since Carlos Ghosn's arrival as the head of Renault in 2005, there have been many movements in the strategies of Renault. These changes were particularly implemented in the 2009 contract. Three directions were given: Quality(Laguna III in the top 3,in quality of product and...

27 Jan 2011

Strategy of the Renault group

Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy

In 2007, Renault had produced figures in line with expectations, with operating income of 1.35 billion euros and a turnover of 40.682 billion euros (up 1.78%).The bottom line was the confirmation of the forecast for the year 2008's operating margin of 4.5%, as well as 2009's commitment of 6% with...

08 Mar 2011

General Motors - Strategic management plan

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

The development of the automotive industry is probably the biggest revolution of the twentieth century along with Internet and telecommunications. Motor cars were invented in 1769 but we had to wait until 1890 to hear about the word "automobile". Since then, many car companies were...

20 Oct 2013

Training and development: Tata AutoComp Limited (TACO)

Case study - 49 pages - Management

Tata AutoComp Systems (TACO) Limited, promoted by the Tata Group, provides products and services in the automotive industry to Indian and global customers, including Ashok Leyland, BMW India, Mercedes-Benz India, Eicher Motors, Fiat, Force Motors, Ford India, General Motors India,...

05 Feb 2009

Proton: Struggling against the grain of economics

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

Economics might finally be winning in its fight after over 25 years with Proton, a small Malaysian carmaker whose very continued existence is a direct affront to the academic discipline. The end finally appears near for the pet project of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed and source of...

29 Sep 2010

The impact of external growth strategies on airline corporate branding

Case study - 35 pages - Business strategy

The deregulation and the overcapacity of many industries have led to a record level in external growth operations in the late 1990s (Doyle 2000). Nevertheless, development by acquisition tends to be selective in terms of industry sectors. In banking, insurance, pharmaceutical, airline and...