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15 May 2008

New Zealand Popular Music

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

New Zealand rock and pop, while relatively new, are both very exciting and active genres of music. Several artists have found much success in the field over the years, having their music heard through New Zealand and sometimes even throughout Australia, Great Britain, and the United...

15 Jan 2009

Cadbury Schweppes

Essay - 13 pages - Business strategy

Cadbury Schweppes is one of the world's largest beverage and confectionery company, with over 50 different brands, manufacturing plants in 25 countries, sales in a further 165 and a market extension that covers countries all over the world, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada,...

15 Jan 2009

Market study hotel industry business 2005

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Marriott International's Q1 2005 net income was $145 million, a 27% increase compared to the same period last year. Marriott International recorded earnings per share (EPS) of $0.61 in the first quarter of 2005, up 30% from the same period in 2004.Management fees increased 52%, driven by 9.2...

23 Mar 2009

Operational risk management: Implementing a Bayesian Network for foreign exchange and money market settlement

Dissertation - 114 pages - Finance

Recent Financial scandals in the banking industry have caused considerable attention to be focused on operational risk. This is because an analysis of some of these scandals reveals that the underlying causes of these huge Financial losses are due to Operational Risk (OR) and not to credit or...

22 Jan 2010

Lloyds TSB's mergers

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Lloyds TSB Group is fourth biggest British clearing banks in the United Kingdom. It offers a broad variety of global banking and financial services. It has almost 3,000 branches throughout the United Kingdom, and its global business is conducted in 47 countries, with the United States, Canada,...

30 Dec 2010

The management of the supply chain of Domaine de la Motte

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Description of activity The Domaine de La Motte is not far from Narbonne which is in the heart of Languedoc Roussillon. It includes nearly 175 acres of vineyards in Australia and specializes in the production of Chardonnay. The production area is mainly reserved for brands such as the...

03 Jan 2011

Global wine wars: New Challenges

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

During the last few decades, the global wine industry has grown by leaps and bounds to emerge as a $90 billion market. Scientific discoveries such as pasteurization and the cork-stopper invention have revolutionized the production of wine by easing restrictions on transport of wine, thus enabling...

17 Nov 2013

A clash of civilizations in France?

Case study - 10 pages - Political science

Huntington's influence in international relations (Graham 2004) necessitates a deconstruction of his, and question whether it is still applicable today. However, it is essential to define Huntington's civilization: the “...highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of...

11 Apr 2014

Case study: Bulgari a Diversification Strategy

Case study - 14 pages - Business strategy

First, we have to distinguish two different types of competitors. The luxury brands, whose core activities are jewelry, watches and other personal goods, and invest in hotels don't have the same objectives as brands for which hotels represent the principal activity. If we consider Bulgari, hotels...

13 Oct 2011

Caterpillar - Growing in the US Market

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

"Caterpillar is headquartered at the US and its business is growing in American region. Three new facilities have been added in the US. The capital expenditure as planned for the year 2011 is $3 billion with more than half of which is planned for the US market. As the economic environment is...

06 Dec 2013

Past, Future, Family

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Kate Morton's Forgotten Garden is a tale of mystery and self-discovery as Nell, the protagonist, tries to uncover her family's secret past, which opens a door to a new future as well. The decision to keep certain secrets concealed and her enigmatic past, affect Nell's personality and her...

28 Sep 2006

Comparative international accounting systems and practices

Essay - 26 pages - Accounting

There is no doubt that Anglo-Saxon accounting can be distinguished from accounting in continental Europe, Asia, Latin American, and many other parts of the world. It is practiced not only in the United States and United Kingdom, but also to an important extent in countries where, for example, the...

19 Oct 2007

Between Affliction and Alcatraz

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

History is littered by the decaying carcasses of punishment, institutions that will forever be remembered for their severity, even amidst the global hunger for something worse. The tortured ghosts of this nation's blackest memories still walk the halls of Alcatraz. The billowing sails of the...

09 Jan 2009

What place does the Maori culture hold New Zealand today?

Thesis - 13 pages - Sociology & social sciences

New Zealand, made with several small islands and two main ones, is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea, around 2,000 kilometres far from Australia, New Caledonia and Fiji Islands. It is 270,000 km² large, with three million people living in the northern island and one...

07 Dec 2007

When China Ruled the Seas

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

When China Ruled the Seas is a discourse on the histories of China's naval prowess. The book begins with early Chinese history, detailing China's first ships, and the somewhat disputable evidence of China's colonization and exploration of places such as Japan, North America, Australia,...

09 Dec 2008

The battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943

Essay - 9 pages - Modern history

The year is 1942. Nazi gains in the Soviet Union and North Africa have brought the Allies to the verge of destruction, while Japan continues to conquer island after island in the Pacific. Even Australia is in full panic mode, as occupied New Guinea seems likely to serve as the staging...

15 Jan 2009

The integration of immigrant people

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Canada is the second multicultural country in the world after Australia. According to Statistics Canada (2001), 18.4% of the total population in Canada was born outside the country (Caidi, N., & Allard, D. 2005). Many cultures are therefore in contact under the roof of the Canadian...

05 May 2002

Feminism and criminology

Thesis - 10 pages - Psychology

The application of feminism to the field of criminology can be quite uncommon; indeed, in criminology it is men who supply the essential “standard case”. Until recently, criminology has been primarily focused on men and crime with little reference to women. Feminist criminology...

08 May 2002

Cross cultural differences: Indonesia

Case study - 7 pages - Management

With a population of almost 200 million people on 13,667 islands, Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago located between the continents of Asia and Australia, and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Only 35% of the population live in urban areas, but there are more than 30...

15 Jan 2009

British Imperialism

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The American War of Independence (1775-1783) is referred to as the end of the first British Empire and as an evolution of the management of the colonies. Britain realized that trade might continue to bring prosperity even in the absence of colonial rule (this contributed to the extension in the...

16 Jan 2009

From dust to steel? State building in Afghanistan

Essay - 15 pages - International relations

One month after the attacks of September 11, 2001, in October 2001, the United States decided to invade Afghanistan in order to capture AlQaeda mastermind Ossama Ben Laden and to withdraw the Taliban regime. The “operation enduring freedom” was led by the US, with a majority of forces...

16 Jan 2009

Case study: Woolworths turnaround strategy 2007

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Woolworths Holdings Limited is a South African based retail group that operates locally and internationally through two subsidiaries, Woolworths (Pty) Ltd and Country Road Ltd. Stores are based in Africa, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, Europe, and...

16 Jan 2009

Asian pacific business since 1997: Samsung and South Korea

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Everybody knows Samsung, Toyota, Sony, LG or even Hyundai which are very famous brand all over the world. Those very successful companies have similarity. Indeed, all of them come from the Pacific Rim. The Pacific Rim is defined by "far Eastern countries and markets bordering the Pacific Ocean,...

13 Apr 2009

What lessons can Britain learn from health care systems in other countries?

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The market for health presents a number of market failures and equity issues which advocate a role for government in its provision. What role this is however, how precisely the government should attempt to tackle these problems is debatable. There exist a spectrum of approaches to both the...

14 Apr 2009

Standard Chartered Bank and human resource management

Thesis - 24 pages - Human resources

Standard Chartered Bank is a British bank headquartered in London with operations in more than seventy countries. It operates a network of over 1,700 branches and outlets (including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) and employs 73,000 people. Despite its British base, it has few...

17 May 2009

Concentration/evaporation of the juices - published: 17/05/2009

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

The fruit juice processing industry is one of the world's major agro-based businesses. Orange juice is the dominant juice trade worldwide. Juice is a liquid naturally contained in vegetable or fruit tissue. Juice may be supplied in concentrate form. Generally, concentrates have a noticeably...

21 Feb 2010

In defense of food

Presentation - 22 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Half of us believe high - calorie foods eaten in small amounts contain more calories than low - calorie foods eaten in much larger amounts. A third of us believe that an absolutely fat free diet is better for us than a diet containing the smallest amount of fat. If you're alone on an island for a...

17 May 2009

Concentration/evaporation of the juices

Thesis - 10 pages - Physics

The fruit juice processing industry is one of the world's major agro-based businesses. Orange juice dominates in juice trade worldwide. Juice is a liquid that is naturally contained in vegetable or fruit tissue. Juice may be supplied in concentrate form. Generally, concentrates have a noticeably...

29 Sep 2010

Presentation of the Dell firm

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

Dell Computer Corporation was created in 1984 by Michael Dell, from Austin University in Texas, with an investment of $1000 and the will to suppress intermediaries in the computer industry. In 1985, the company Dell launched its first computer, the Turbo, featuring the Intel 8088 processor. In...

29 Sep 2010

e-business in the development of Interflora - Case study

Case study - 11 pages - Services marketing

Our study will focus on Interflora with respect to the French market. The French website will have interface with all other region based Interflora websites throughout the world, so as to ensure prompt and efficient global deliveries. Interflora is the largest flower delivery company by which...