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Theme : Australia

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15 Jan 2009

Australian culture, between complex and suspicion?

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In his review of My life as a fake, Blake Morrison makes the following observation: “Carey is fascinated by what the hoax says about Australian culture - both its “terror of being out of date” and its suspicion of European-style bullshit […].” Do you agree with Morrison's...

15 Jan 2009

The Australian Strine

Essay - 17 pages - Philosophy

Having spent my eight-month-stay between Sydney and Brisbane, respectively State capitals of New South Wales and Queensland, sharing Australians' life, and having also travelled a bit to other cities and States of the East Coast, I feel I must share my affection for this vast, exciting...

15 Jan 2009

Australia, Britain and the EU

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The relationship between Australia and the European Union does not seem to attract much attention. Few books had been written on it, and the general impression is that this relationship is not put forward by neither Australia nor the EU. While many scholars focus today on the...

25 Sep 2009

A revamping of the Australian economy

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

Amidst a national economic crisis, many people seem to overlook the fact that several other countries throughout the world are also having problems with their economy. Among these is Australia, a country most people forget about other than their occasional dinner at the...

14 May 2009

The Australian aboriginal culture

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Aborigines are native Australians, the first population of the country. They have been living there for more than 40,000 years and are one of the oldest populations in the world. Several archeological studies have been carried out, but they have not been able to find a concrete explanation to...

16 Jan 2009

The study of a famous Australian wine company : Banrock Station

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

Banrock Station is an Australian wine company situated within three hours drive from Adelaide, in South Australia. Its slogan "Good earth, Fine wines" perfectly embodies the two main motivations of the company: the protection of ecological balance and the pleasure of quality wine...

29 Apr 2008

Investigative Report on Climate Change: The actions of the Australian Government

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

This report explores the recent issue of climate change. It will outline the key elements that make climate change an important issue politically. It will focus on how the issue of climate change is being addressed by both the Australian Labor and Liberal Parties.Climate Change has recently...

22 Apr 2008

Australian Travel Guides: Frommer's vs. Lonely Planet

Essay - 14 pages - Geography

Guidebooks are important because they are portable, they contain a surplus of information on destinations and they are easy to refer to. Noteworthy information guidebooks provide are the “must know” elements of different areas including advice on the culture and safety within...

03 Jun 2008

Australian Assimilation And The Impact on Aboriginal Health: A Critical Analysis

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

Australia is one of the world's most culturally diverse societies and it is commonly assumed that the country offers free and fair opportunities to all its inhabitants. However, on close observation it is clearly evident that the country's indigenous population is at a social and economic...

18 Nov 2008

Aboriginal Australians - Black response to white dominance 1788 - 1980

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

It seems that a sad hallmark of indigenous peoples is their oppression and systematic elimination at the hands of foreigners. The Native American marginally survives today after centuries of conflict with Europeans. The Ainu of Japan were nearly entirely wiped out by half a millennium of...

24 Apr 2008

The Australian ANZAC Legend

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

“The search for national character is one of the obsessive dead ends of Australian history (Alistair, 1997)”. Australians spent time searching for their national identity in the years following the 1901 Federation. The Great War posed exactly the opportunity Australia had been...

14 Dec 2006

Class and inequality in Australia

Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

If Horne described Australian society by its “climate so professedly egalitarian” and its “Fair go, mate”, McGregor points out that “it is impossible to live in Australia without coming to realize that the different social classes […] experience crucial...

31 Oct 2006

The impact of multiculturalism on the Australian society

Essay - 31 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Austral continent is divided into six States and two Territories. Sydney, the capital of New South Wales is the oldest place where Europeans settled and the biggest Australian city. The bridge of Sydney, “Harbour Bridge” and its Opera are the symbols of the city. In 1911, Canberra...

23 Oct 2024

Destination Branding & Brand Architecture

Case study - 2 pages - Brand management

Different nations have different market dynamics, regulations, population composition, and purchasing power that inform how different brands market and promote their products in the country. Australia has unique characteristics that marketers are trying to gain a significant market share...

22 Jul 2022

English Test : History on Geopolitical Relations

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Modern history

In Australia, the “History Wars” are a debate on the nature of the colonial settlement and on the extent of the deprivations suffered by the Aboriginals. What fuels the debate is not merely the quest for an ever-elusive historical truth, but rather the consequences that history...

25 Oct 2024

The Guardian, Embarrassing Stories, and Who Pays? Trump trial key takeaways, day seven - Sam Levine (2024) - From Representation to Ideology

Text commentary - 2 pages - Political science

This essay critically examines the article "Embarrassing Stories, and Who Pays? Trump Trial Key Takeaways, Day Seven" published by Guardian Australia. Amid the adultery scandals of former President Donald Trump, this piece discusses the discreet use of "catch and kill" communication as a...

21 Jul 2022

English test - Translation and Essay writing: How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political science

This document is a corrected English test made of a translation exercise, a fully written essay, and a rough draft of a second essay. How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples? Is Australia's origin as a convict colony important?

18 Aug 2020

British Empire map in 1886

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

This document is a world map made by British people to show and glorify the British empire in 1886. The projection used is centred on Europe but more precisely on the Greenwich Prime Meridian, placing Great Britain just above the map's central focal point. On the map itself, in the middle, we...

20 Oct 2014

The incorporation of a company limited by shares as a form of corporate business organization

Case study - 15 pages - Accounting

There are a number of different business forms for each individual trader to hold and operate. However, the company limited by shares is the most popular form of business organization. A propriety company limited by shares may be a propriety (private) company or a public company limited by...

05 Apr 2010

A multinational study of gender wine preferences

Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Wine has become an international business, and the difference in wine preferences based on consumer's gender and how these differences vary from country to country are important issues that should be considered in wine product development. We examined consumer's preference for the type of wine...

16 Jan 2009

The creation of the faculty of economics and business at the University of Sydney at the turn of the twentieth century

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

The creation of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce spread over the last two centuries. Throughout its foundation, this essay will deal with the Australian society over that period from the conception of this Faculty in 1850 to its effective creation in 1907. It will also relate to broader...

20 Jan 2009

Is the Dingo a true Aussie specie? Managing the Dingo (Canis lupus dingo): Conflict between the anthropogenic and environmental factors

Essay - 6 pages - Biology

According to Aboriginal myths and legends, the dingo (Canis lupus dingo) would have evolved in Australia from the “Dreaming” - the creation period - and have always been a highly estimated and valued companion. As a consequence of these oral memories and scarce testimonies of the...

29 Sep 2010

The Threat of the New World to the French Wine Market: Are historically traditional wines are being usurped by aggressive new competitors?

Dissertation - 77 pages - Services marketing

The objective of this dissertation is to identify the difficulties that the French wine market faces with regard to the competition of the producers of new wines. Simple, easy to drink wines, have been commercialized on a large scale in the past ten years or so by Australia, South Africa,...

25 Nov 2010

Marketing and the promotion of Bordeaux Wines in France and abroad

Thesis - 60 pages - Services marketing

In the past few years, there has been a new phenomenon known as the "French Wine Crisis". This industry of French wine previously known as unique and untouchable is nowadays confronted by an international competition that was able to adapt its products and features to a new kind of consumer and...

30 Apr 2013

Boost juice bar: Case study

Book review - 25 pages - Services marketing

Boost Juice Bar is one of the most famous healthy drinking brands, originally from the Australia. The company has expanded from an “easy grab and go fruit juice” to an established network of retail outlets throughout the world. Until now, Boost Juice has developed their supply...

29 Sep 2010

Is the adversarial system of criminal procedure more or less effective than an inquisitorial system in finding out the truth about an alleged offence? Advantages and disadvantages of adversarial and inquisitorial criminal procedure - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

As early as 1866, Faustin Helie, a French judge and legal author, underlined the idea of a necessary equilibrium between the interests of the society (which needs to be protected from infringements) and the interests of the accused persons (whose rights must be totally guaranteed) in the criminal...

27 Nov 2013

Questioning Perceptions of Criminality: Confronting Discrimination in Peter Temple's Broken Shore

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

In the anthology Constructing Crime Fiction: Discourse and Cultural Representations of Crime and ‘Deviance,' Christiana Gregoriou makes the observation that “the fictionalization of crime has not only become a much-loved pursuit, but also a means of analyzing society, even an excuse to...

31 Jan 2010

Is the adversarial system of criminal procedure more or less effective than an inquisitorial system in finding out the truth about an alleged offence? advantages and disadvantages of adversarial and inquisitorial criminal procedure

Essay - 7 pages - Penal procedure

As early as 1866, Faustin Helie, a French judge and legal author, underlined the idea of a necessary equilibrium between the interests of the society (which needs to be protected from infringements) and the interests of the accused persons (whose rights must be totally guaranteed) in the criminal...

05 Apr 2010

Developing supply chain management focus through ISO 9000: An empirical assessment

Thesis - 14 pages - Management

The ISO 9000 quality management (QM) standard, a key approach to implementing QM in organizations, also has many supply chain management (SCM) concepts associated with it. In this paper, we assess the extent to which organizations can use the standard to develop a SCM focus. Specifically, we...

07 Nov 2014

Strategic Analysis of Suncorp

Case study - 15 pages - Business strategy

For too long, most financial service companies in Australia maintained their back-office activities within the domestic borders more than their kind companies from the Western nations. Despite the presence of shared-service centers being a common phenomenon in the Australia, most...