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05 Jan 2025

Business in Asia - What should Telenor do in India?

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

Telenor is a telecommunications company headquartered in Fornebu, Norway. It has operations in 11 countries and over 146 million mobile subscriptions. The company was started in 1855 in telegraphs and has since evolved to become a major player in the telecommunications industry. Telenor was...

06 Jan 2025

How is the Asian continent imprinting its mark on the western concept of knowledge/power nexus?

Essay - 7 pages - Politic philosophy

The connection between power and knowledge stems from Michel Foucault's well-known thesis that power inspires and shapes knowledge. Overall, this concept coming from a group of French geopolitics pundits claims that power is not necessarily tangible power, according to them, power is in the...

05 Jan 2025

International Strategy in Asia - Netflix

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

- Netflix today has operations in the US and other territories, including the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa, that strategically depend on HQ. - Presence in a wider territory helps the company mitigate the risks associated with dependence on a specific region for its revenue.

16 Oct 2024

Asian Americans

Case study - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

To start the study of Asians in the United States who are not as feared as immigrants from other origins, we could use the traditional approaches of Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionism to the statistical and descriptive information from López et al. (2017).

29 Jul 2024

Strategic integration & brand expanding dominance in Asia - LVMH - Script for a presentation

Presentation - 13 pages - International marketing

As it currently stands, the luxury market is a thriving market with continuous growth despite a complex economic situation in recent years. The market registered nearly $88 billion in global spending on luxury goods in 2003. We anticipate an increase in spending on luxury goods of 3% to 5% over...

03 Jul 2023

Foreign aid in South Asia

Thesis - 39 pages - Economy general

This thesis involves an analysis of international aid, its implementation and its effectiveness in Southern Asia. An analysis of this topic leads to show the complex relationship between donors and recipients when it comes to development goals and priorities. This topic also suggests to...

14 Oct 2020

SWOT Analysis - The Asian luxury market: LVMH

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

The Asian market is offering a lot of opportunities. As it's an emerging market (except Japan), there is a high growth rate with a global increase in wealth. Consequently, Asians are becoming richer and have more purchasing power. So the propension to consume luxury goods is quite important....

13 Feb 2015

East Asia Studies

Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

There has been tremendous changes in situations in East Asia, the East Asia of today barely resembles that was only a decade ago. Recent proliferation of several mini9sterial conferences and numerous multilateral dialogues, along with various calls for the creation of the East Asian...

27 Jul 2014

Likely evolution of the Security and Economic Dynamics in Central Asia

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Central Asia is a region bordering China to the West, Russia to the north and finally Turkey to the South. Historically, this area has lacked strong political representation and has thus relied on powerful neighbors for all aspects of her development. This paper examines the changing...

28 Jul 2014

Start-up business plan - Asian Restaurant

Business plan - 2 pages - Business strategy

The name of the company that we intend on launching is Ambrocio Restaurant. This is a restaurant that is expected to be one of the busiest ones in Asia. This is because we have chosen an ideal site for it, at a shopping mall in Hong Kong. The mission of the company is to be a leading head...

27 Jan 2011

Diagnosis International: Carrefour's expansion strategy in Asia

Essay - 48 pages - Business strategy

Lately the Carrefour group inaugurated its store numbered one thousand in the world, in China. Its eight hypermarkets in Japan were yielded to the Japanese group Aeon. Such a paradox within the same continent pushes one to question on the strategy of the French giant in Asia. The group...

26 Oct 2011

Business Report- How to enter the Asian market with the Dyson Airblade(TM)

Market study - 12 pages - Services marketing

Dyson Ltd. is already exporting its products successfully to 49 countries with an increased turnover of 23% within the last year (The Telegraph, 2010). As a marketing consultancy we would like to present to you possibilities to stretch out to new interesting markets to keep on with this story of...

30 Jun 2011

The Realm of East Asia: Changes and the Future

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The realm of East Asia consists of Japan, China, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia. This realm, although it has been around for thousands of years, has gone through many drastic changes in modern times. Rich in raw materials, people, and cultures, the East Asian countries...

13 Jul 2010

Power equations in South East Asia

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

This article deals with the major power equations that have a strong bearing on Southeast Asia's international relations. Although the interactions between the major powers have a significant impact on the region, it must not be assumed that the region is merely a passive onlooker. The...

16 Jun 2010

Business options in Asia

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

The growth of financial markets has led to the evolution of sophisticated and complex financial instruments. The complexity of these instruments continues to grow to meet the immediate needs of companies that look up to hedge against risks. These financial innovations, known as exotic options,...

29 Sep 2010

Eleven years after the Asian crisis, what are the policy lessons?

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Year 2008 is remembered, in History books, as the year of a major economic crisis throughout the world. As most papers put it mentioning as, “The worst since the great depression”. But as the world suddenly pays attention to its economic system and its (present) prominent imperfections,...

29 Sep 2010

Asian Pacific Business - Malaysia

Market study - 7 pages - Economy general

The world has seen the most important economic growth since the end of the Second World War in the region of East Asia. This incredible economic phenomenon had emerged more particularly in Japan during the 1950s. This trend has been followed later by what is known as the four dragons:...

29 Sep 2010

Compare the 1997 Asian financial crisis with the subprime crisis

Essay - 4 pages - Finance

The subprime crisis was triggered by an expectation of defaults of payments on subprime mortgages in the US. It is an on-going crisis that has already led to the free fall of the US housing prices, billions of losses by banks, and generally speaking a slow-down (maybe a recession) of the American...

17 May 2009

Cultural briefing: Asian markets

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Japanese business culture is wrongly perceived as the biggest obstacle to starting business in Japan for many foreign companies thinking of entering the Japanese market. Many foreign companies never do start business in Japan (or only enter the Japanese market through a distributor) simply...

16 Jan 2009

The role of trade in the economic development of Eastern Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

At the end of the last century, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea attained higher rates of economic growth than other developing countries. It could be because of a close correlation between export expansion and economic growth, but are they automatically associated? What is the...

23 Nov 2009

Confucian study, East Asia and the process by which women were educated

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

According to the Confucian understanding of gender, “[a] woman is only virtuous if she is untalented. ” They key to this postulate is the word ‘virtuous.' Virtuous, unlike any other synonym that the author could have chosen, indicates a sense of purity, specifically, purity in a...

13 Jan 2009

Power of pre-colonial Southeast Asian state and peasantry with respect to colonialism

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Southeast Asia is not an homogeneous region. That is why it can hardly been analysed as a whole and therefore must be divided into several groups. Concerning the issues related to the relations between the state and the peasantry, South East Asia countries belong mainly to two...

16 Jan 2009

Asian pacific business since 1997: Samsung and South Korea

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Everybody knows Samsung, Toyota, Sony, LG or even Hyundai which are very famous brand all over the world. Those very successful companies have similarity. Indeed, all of them come from the Pacific Rim. The Pacific Rim is defined by "far Eastern countries and markets bordering the Pacific Ocean,...

16 May 2009

Asian business culture

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

Since the last decade the Northeast Asian economies such as Japan, South Korean and Taiwan have had a remarkable growth and an important development into world-class economic powers. They have emerged from an “array of political and social challenges such as world and civil wars, massive...

15 Jan 2009

When the Japanese moved into Southeast Asia in 1941, local reactions to the occupying forces differed greatly. Evaluate the motivations that fueled these varying responses, taking into consideration particular local situations and periods of the war

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Raising the question of the reactions to the Japanese takeover in Southeast Asia is very delicate and original for many reasons. Firstly, Southeast Asia is a broad region and it is most likely that the reactions of locals will differ greatly from one place to another. Secondly,...

12 Jan 2009

Japan since 1945-left Asia to join the West?

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - International relations

In 1639, the rule of Tokugawa Iemitsu officially stated the edict of separation of Japan, establishing a long period of isolationism for the Nippon archipelago. During this period, every contact between Japan and the outside world was forbidden, and “every Japanese who would leave the...

17 May 2009

Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) in Asia

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy- is the world leader in the market of luxury products. Its net revenue in 2005 reached €14 billions and it employs 59 000 peole. As for its retail network, all over the world, more than 1700 shops have been opened. Indeed, the Group is present in 12 countries in...

16 May 2009

Essay: What should Asia Pacific gov-ernments do to support their adher-ence to 'good' corporate governance principle and sustainable develop-ment?

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

According to The World Bank (2006), ‘good' corporate governance (CG) refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies. This involves the relationships among the management, board of directors, controlling and minority shareholders as well as stakeholders....

15 Jan 2009

Multinationals, Asian success and the global economy

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

For more than thirty years, Asian countries have known an amazing period of growth, and have now a real and consequent influence on the economic world. However, these countries, like all other developing countries have to face the problem of funding resources in order to develop their economic...

16 Jan 2009

Contemporary international finance and East Asian economic integration

Essay - 12 pages - Economy general

The “Current Account crisis” is a particular type of external debt crisis that affects mostly low-income developing countries. It is characterized by a huge deficit in the current account balance which provokes a Balance of payments deficit and a currency crisis. A current account...