Strategic Management: The market of applications for Smartphones
Thesis - 10 pages - Management
The Smartphone applications market is skyrocketing: While operators recorded 3% global profit in 2009, the application market is on track to reach 17 billion Euros in 2012, versus 4 billion in 2009 (with already some 7 billion application downloads). This means a growth of...
Optical fibers and their applications in new technologies
Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies
The optical fibers are the source of a technological revolution in telecommunications, because they are capable of navigating light over thousands of kilometers.The main objective of our project is to show how communications using fiber optics can meet the explosive growth of E-traffic expected...
Multi-criteria selection of allied transportation firm: An application in plastic industry
Thesis - 12 pages - Management
Transportation is a critical process in supply chains which includes receiving raw material from suppliers and sending products to customers. Companies usually face the problem of selecting the proper transportation contractor to transfer their raw material and finished goods. However, this...
Acquisition strategy specific to data centric applications and growth plans of EMC Corporation
Essay - 3 pages - Business strategy
EMC Corporation (NYSE: EMC), has adopted a strategy of selective acquisition along with its own plans of organic growth to consolidate its leadership position. Recent company activities and initiatives point towards this direction. Such a strategy is in sync with EMC's aim of becoming a leader in...
The rhetorical application of pity in 'We Shall Overcome'
Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy
Painting an image of the role emotion plays in human cognition, American thinker William James once said, emotions aren't always immediately subject to reason, but they are always immediately subject to action. The correlation of emotion and action is applicable to rhetorical...
The "Total Quality Management" (TQM) and its application in the Thomson factory at Casablanca
Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy
TQM is a philosophy; a management practice that aims to satisfy consumers by involving employees, coherent governance and a commitment to continuous improvement. In native Japan in the 1950s, the concept of TQM was first passed through an application of methods of statistical controls,...
Application of ANN in non-life insurance industry
Thesis - 12 pages - Business strategy
Most of the Institutions are yet to use basic best practices for marketing spending and effectiveness for allocation of marketing resources. They traditionally allocate their marketing budget either based on historical allocation level or based on product level priorities. Marketing has come...
The growing impact of operational risks and its application to banks
Dissertation - 70 pages - Finance
Since their implementation in the banks in January 2007, operational risks are considered a main point of the strategy of banks. Operational risks are defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events1. The...
Web mail server for mobile mailing application
Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science
The Web Mail Server is a mailing system implemented to allow a user to access POP3 mail account through a Mobile SMS and also supports to access POP3 mail account through GUI on intranet. The server will be support to any mobile. To design a Mail Server to address the above problem and allows...
RFID adoption timing: The application of option pricing model
Thesis - 6 pages - Finance
This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of RFID adoption and find a feasible way to decide the optimal adoption timing for RFID adoption. Due to the significant investment of this technology, RFID implementation could be considered in two stages -- internal and external adoption....
The application of the European Arrest Warrant in the United Kingdom and its use in the fight against terrorism.
Essay - 6 pages - European law
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a judicial decision issued by a Member State with a view to the arrest and surrender by another Member State of a requested person, for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.' The EAW is...
Internal control and risk management: Application to Eurostar
Thesis - 6 pages - Management
The Eurostar Group is an EEIG (European Economic Interest E) which is responsible for managing commercial passenger service on the Paris London route among others. The fleet of 27 trains is owned by three companies belonging to the EEIG (SNCF, SNCB and EUKL). Each of these three companies is...
A new paradigm in designing an advertisement - an application of real time data warehouse & data mining in preparation of an ad copy
Thesis - 16 pages - Computer science
The purpose of the article is to address the relative information of modeling an ad copy through real-time data warehousing. In modern enterprises the day-to-day activities information is to be stored in data warehouse. We have taken the example of data warehouse concept from SAP Business One...
Application of quality function deployment for the supplier selection process
Thesis - 8 pages - Management
The manufacturing organizations are facing the pressure of increasing competition due to the varied dynamic demands of the customers. In this competitive scenario, voice of customer' gains importance. It needs to be translated into technical language. Quality function deployment (QFD) has...
Logistics planning technique and applications
Case study - 12 pages - Logistics
Exercise 1: We have to solve a linear programming system, concerning a cost transport optimisation. To minimise the total transport cost, we have to use the linear programming mathematical model. Exercise 2: We have to find an appropriate place for a new distribution centre by using the Gravity...
Application of data mining techniques in designing knowledge base on student competency at the post graduate level
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
Maintenance of academic standards is the prime concern of any educational institution. Education at the Masters level, involves the conscious involvement of time, money and effort by the candidates. With the industrial downturn and reduction in the demand for graduates at the job market due to...
An application of genetic algorithm method for solving patrol manpower deployment problems through fuzzy goal programming in traffic management system: A case study
Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Computer science
This article demonstrates a fuzzy goal programming (FGP) procedure with the use of genetic algorithm (GA) solution approach for proper allocation and deployment of patrol manpower to various road-segment areas in different shifting times to deter violation of traffic laws and thereby reducing the...
Forecasting time series using neural network model: Application for Korean stock market
Thesis - 8 pages - Finance
This study examines the performance of forecasting model established by using neural network. The neural network model proposed in this study is implemented to forecast the stock price stream of Korean stock market. Factors for forecasting that influence Korean stock market are obtained by the...
Clausewitzian theory, application and its relevance in a modern context of warfare
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Carl von Clausewitz was an active theorist, writing extensively on the history and philosophy of military warfare. His most famous and widely read book, On War (Vom Kriege,) was published after his death in 1832. It was written in response to, and impacted by, the Napoleonic Wars, which dominated...
The application of the flexible production system to high-tech industries and services
Essay - 5 pages - Management
More than 20 years ago, Toyota revolutionized the production methods in the car industry due to its flexible production system called Toyota Production System. Originally called 'Just in Time Production', this system was built on the approach created by Sakichi & Kiichiro Toyoda and...
The lifestyles of the consumer: Marketing analysis, applications and outlook
Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing
Nowadays the consumer is inundated with advertising from morning to evening. Advertisements abound on radio, television, print, on film, in the streets, in our mailboxes, on the internet, on our clothes; in shops etc. It was during the period between 1960-70 advertising became a determinant of...
The concept of private equity and its application
Thesis - 4 pages - Finance
Private equity is a relatively young asset class, but has evolved substantially over the last two decades. Due to the long-term horizon required for investing, private equity is dominated by institutional investors, such as pension plans, foundations, endowments and family offices. Investors are...
Difficulties of application of international law - Example of the Cambodia genocide
Essay - 10 pages - International law
This paper will show to the reader the difficulties which can appear in practice concerning the international criminal law. Indeed, several problems can occur. First of all, one has to know what the aim of the international criminal law is and we have to define what is the international criminal...
The importance and application of value chain analysis in business - (17 Slides)
Presentation - 5 pages - Finance
An organized creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs and eliminating the same from the system without affecting the functional utility, guarantee and safety performance. A study on the factors determining value. The stages through which the return of investment varies is another...
Applications of neural networks in chemical engineering
Thesis - 7 pages - Physics
Neural networks, which are simplified models of the biological nervous system, is a massively parallel distributed processing system made up of highly interconnected neural computing elements that have the ability to learn and there by require knowledge and make it available for use. Neural...
Financial ratios: Meaning, calculation and application
Thesis - 10 pages - Finance
A financial statement generally refers to the basis statements, which are as follows i) The income statement ii) The balance sheet iii) Statement of retained earnings iv) Statement of charge in financial position in addition to the above two statements. Financial statement analysis is the...
Applications and Limitations of Diagnostic Imaging - published: 07/07/2009
Presentation - 58 pages - Medical studies
The traditional evaluation of the patient includes the history and physical examination and a well-planned set of diagnostic tests, often including imaging. Dramatic advances in imaging not only supplement the physical examination, but also now may begin to substitute for part of it. Medical...
Impact and application of affirmative action (24 slides)
Presentation - 2 pages - Political science
Affirmative action is a positive discrimination to ensure the social and economic enhancement of under represented minorities. It provides external support to remove people from the vicious circle of economic backwardness and incompetence. Affirmative action also enables in conducting private and...
Cyber Terrorism: The darker side of internet applications
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
Cyber terrorism is the convergence of cyberspace and terrorism. Computers and the Internet are aggressively being used by many international terrorist groups. Although cyber terrorism attacks have not yet happened and also there is no such identified substantiation that terrorists are planning a...
The evolution, features, concepts, application and terminologies of fiscal policy
Thesis - 12 pages - Government finance
Fiscal policy can be explained as a policy executed by the government to produce desirable effect on national income, output and employment. There are two type of fiscal policy they are - Contractionary & Expansionary.It helps the government by creating an environment for rapid economic growth....