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Theme : American society

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30 Oct 2018

The growth, development, and changes in American society after the Civil War

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Theodore Geisel wrote children's books for adults. Eric Foner wrote a text designed to challenge student ideas about America's progression toward a more inclusive society. Professor Jamieson picked books and movies designed to encourage you to consider the theme of the class--what...

08 Jan 2013

The hippie counterculture and its impact on the American society

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Throughout the history, the evolution of the United States of America has been marked by numerous social and cultural movements that have influenced the course of important events and have helped shape what we know today as one of the most powerful, influential and complex countries in the world....

17 May 2013

Compare and contrast the ways in which both authors might be seen to present an indictment of 20th century American society in 'The Catcher in the Rye' and 'The Virgin Suicides'

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

There is an argument that American society was founded or widely based on the American Dream, an idea based on freedom, and the belief that prosperity will occur through hard work, with equal opportunity for all. This was the basis for the American Declaration of...

30 Jul 2010

Gender roles with respect to the American society

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The gender roles, or the fundamental behaviors assigned to women and men in a society, have been changing more rapidly since the industrial revolution. Yet as much as these roles have transformed over the last several decades, conflicting expectations and pressures still exist within our...

16 Jan 2009

Changes and paradoxes in the American society

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Franklin Delano Roosevelt had launched as early as 1944 a new pledge to implement a new economic Bill of Rights ("New Deal") for all Americans. Another new trend appeared under Truman with the fate of the "Full Employment Act". The new president delayed submitting his own version of the...

11 Nov 2008

A study of the beginnings and effects of country clubs in American society

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In today's current society, there is an aspect of social life that is experienced by a portion of those in America's middle and upper classes. This aspect is the country club, which is major part of some American's lives. In present times, such institutions are viewed as places...

28 Sep 2016

The role of mobs in colonial society and The American revolution

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

When thinking of the American Revolution, most people today think of George Washington's solidarity with the troops at Valley Forge, Thomas Paine's call for liberty and independence and Paul Revere's ride to warn the townspeople of Boston of the incoming British invasion. While...

16 Jun 2011

Women's Role in the American Antebellum Society

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

Even though feminist ideas have a long history, the call of Abigail Adams to “remember the ladies” had not been heard, and very few changes were made in the antebellum American society. The fact that basic social rights and freedoms were still inaccessible for women...

08 Apr 2010

Interpreting Washington's plans of African Americans in society and the political system post-slavery: The flaw of Du Bois' argument on Washington's program

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

In his autobiography, Up from Slavery (1901), Booker T. Washington, a renowned African American leader in the late nineteenth century, describes his influential life experiences and his hypotheses for black reconstruction. Washington provides detail about his childhood, his education at...

29 Feb 2024

Presidential Proclamation for National Native American Heritage Month - Barack Obama (2016) - Does preserving one's language and traditions help to build a unified nation?

Text commentary - 2 pages - World geography

Barack Obama recognizes the role of early Americans in shaping the nation's destiny, the president emphasizes the autonomy of young American Indians and Alaska Natives to determine their own future.

03 Sep 2014

Why did the Catholic Church bind together yet simultaneously tear apart nineteenth-century Latin American Societies?

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The Great Schism of 1054 signifies the split between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches as a result of Patriarch Michael I and Pope Leo IX excommunicates each other. In the past, there were disagreements between these churches sighting the bishop of Rome (who was the acting pope) who felt...

24 Dec 2024

Society's Response to Crime impacts Public Policy, Sentencing, Practices, and Correctional Operations

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

'We are living in a modern society where the community's response to crime and punishments has evolved significantly over the years and this has actually impacted various sectors of our criminal justice system today, including sentencing practices, correctional practices and public...

22 Apr 2024

The place of youth in American cinema

Dissertation - 1 pages - Film studies

The idea here is to present youth as a generation, between the ages of 17 and 28, with a certain margin of freedom. Indeed, young people are those who don't work, or who have just started working, and who don't necessarily have enough income or a place in society. As a result,...

27 Oct 2024

Best African American Poems Past and Present - Leonard A, Slade Jr and W Maurice Shipley (2023)

Book review - 3 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

In the anthology Best African American Poems Past and Present, the authors take an essential and worthwhile trip through the prospect of African American poetry. The anthology serves as proof of the wealth, diversity, and invaluable treasures of black poets through the years. The...

09 Mar 2015

Problems in How the African American Community Talk About Themselves

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Racial discrimination has been among the biggest problems to the American society. After the civil rights movement, the law provided a platform for racial equality in the country. However, almost fifty years later, the society is characterized by big differences between the...

07 Jan 2024

How Can American Foreign Policy Be Explained Through the Developments and Demands of Its Self-Conception?

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

American imperialism and expansionism to the West and in the Pacific can be seen as a colonial process. This essay will attempt to demonstrate how this ideology emerged from the development, articulation and demands of its own religious identity.

25 Oct 2024

In Mystic - Joy Harjo (2015); American Smooth - Rita Dove (2004) - Exploration of Cultural Identity

Book review - 4 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

The examination of cultural identity is a regular subject in literature, which usually serves as a reflection through which authors assess their intricacies and their joint involvement. In the poems, American Smooth and In Mystic by Rita Dove and Joy Harjo respectively, the authors dig...

28 Dec 2010

Study of Latin American societies in the context of urbanization

Case study - 5 pages - Management

One way to understand Latin American societies is to examine issues that cause conflict. These are most common when management tangles with urbanization, this has become a central issue, particularly since the late 1980s that saw the emergence to the "urban crisis" [1] . The articles in...

18 Aug 2014

Relationship between School, Education, and the Society

Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Education, since ancient times, has been purposed to bring people to a full realization as possible to its interpretation of a human being. Other statements of education as developing intellect, serving social needs, creating an effective workforce, promoting social or political system and...

08 Dec 2021

Globalization and Inequalities: Towards a World Without Poverty: Theories, Institutions, SDG's Policies, Future Perspectives for a Better Society

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

When we talk about globalization, we mainly think about how it has been a driver and shaper of our current society. Despite having increased and revolutionized the economic exchanges, it has largely impacted our cultural and political processes by perturbing them. Globalization appeared...

28 Sep 2016

Arranged marriages: the differences between American and Indian marriages

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Marriage, which is the bonding of two individuals usually for the rest of their lives, can occur in many ways. In some cultures, such as that of the United States, men and women decide on their own whom they would like to marry. This type of system is representative of American culture in...

29 Sep 2016

The price of the dream: subprime mortgages in the African-American community

Essay - 2 pages - Finance

Let us first say that the financial disaster which has just recently occurred has effected the entire world, regardless of race, color, or creed. It is perhaps a testament to the new levels of equality and interconnectedness that what may have started out primarily among certain populations can...

04 Sep 2023

The place of wine in society in the face of climate change

Thesis - 38 pages - Green marketing

Don't worry, you're not the only one who drinks wine. Millions of us drink wine. And not just one glass! In fact, there are about a thousand bottles tasted every second in the world. France is known for its gastronomy, and its luxury, but also for its wine. Wine is a drink that brings...

19 Oct 2023

Because of Stereotypes About Native American Women, Can It Be Said That They Were Totally Enslaved by Their Husbands and Male Relatives or Whether, They Had Any Kind of Autonomy, Importance and Influence Within Their Tribe?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The study of women in the chronicles of India has focused mainly on the odyssey of Spanish women who migrated to the New World, relegating the experience of Amerindian women to a second level. In the event that the latter appear, we encounter a fundamental problem: although the range of women...

18 Oct 2024

Population Health Project - The Case of African American Women in Urban Areas

Case study - 6 pages - Economic politics

There is an urgent need to set a target that enables all people, regardless of financial status, to access quality healthcare and prohibit any forms of impartiality. Different characters create different experiences, yet sometimes the effect of demographics on the people who are suffering from...

29 Oct 2024

Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee (1989) - Examining Race Relations in American Culture

Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

As the sizzling heat of Brooklyn summer sets in, Lee's 1989 hit film, "Do the Right Thing," approaches simmering disputes and clashes of culture that arrived and were boiling. Floating in the background, it becomes a formidable formula that helps to see the race relationships of the late 80s...

20 Dec 2021

Opinion: the process of plea bargaining should be reformed in the American Justice System

Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law

According to the Department of Justice, more than 90% of Criminal Justice cases end in plea bargains (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005). This statistic shows how important the process of plea bargaining is in the American Justice System. Clark Neily (2021) describes plea bargaining as "a...

08 Oct 2015

Nineteenth-Century American Literature: Louisa May Alcott, Hospital Notes (1863); Mary Chesnut, A Diary From Dixie (1861-65)

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

The Civil War is just the most important thing in American cultural and social history—as well as political and military history, of course—since the War of Independence from Great Britain. It is, quite simply, fundamental to America's identity and sensibility, and it remains so...

21 Nov 2014

The Social-Cultural Identity of Greek- Americans

Case study - 10 pages - Political science

According to some, Astoria is the largest “city” of the Greek outside the Athens-Greece. The New York's Queens Neighborhoods of Astoria, New York conjure up the image of a Greek immigrant community that has lived in it for over forty years (Hantzopoulos, 2005). For the Greeks and their...

04 Oct 2022

American Cultural Aspects for Business

Course material - 11 pages - Modern history

America has been created from the East to the West. The West is a concept in history, for an American it is often associated with the idea of frontier. In the 19th century St-Louis (Missouri) was considered as the gate way to the West, when people went to the West they went directly to...