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Theme : American market

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22 Aug 2022

Financial Market and Sustainable / Green Finance

Dissertation - 18 pages - Finance

In April 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report focusing on the mitigation of climate change. The experts underline the emergency of a new way of life in order to limit global warming to 1,5°C. To respect the agreement taken during the COP 21, the IPCC proposes...

05 May 2021

Marketing Mix - The Apple Watch

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

The connected watch industry has taken a big leap forward over the past ten years. Indeed, if only a few hundred units were sold in the 2010s we are now witnessing a real revolution launching the production of these watches to several million per year. Consumers are more and more connected to...

19 Feb 2021

E-commerce Market Study

Market study - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Electronic commerce, also called e-commerce, is the process of ordering items via the internet. In the early days of this type of business, transactions were done only by consumers who owned a computer, but with the advent of smartphones and digital tablets, sales increased 15-fold, with...

13 Sep 2013

Lemonade Lorina on the US market - marketing analysis

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

We have decided to study the potential market for the French product Lorina's lemonade on the American market. The French lemonade maker has developed authentic lemonades made from spring sparkling water which is totally in line with the changing needs and behavior of...

07 Aug 2012

International marketing car industry

Case study - 17 pages - Services marketing

If a French car manufacturer like Peugeot would like to launch a hybrid car on the American market, it has to know that it could be hard and there is few studies to know in order to be better and do not fail. An electric car is a really particular car that is not appreciates by...

18 Apr 2013

Renault marketing plan

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

The last couple of years, the car market have seen many changes. Gas prices have significantly increased and people became much more aware of the deterioration of the environment. This led to the development of new technologies. Carmakers around the world started to develop new car models...

29 Sep 2010

Introduction of the " Company ' L ' Occitane en Provence " on the U.S. market (2008-2009)

Case study - 18 pages - Business strategy

Beauty and skin care products in the American market represent a huge market where the competition is very strong and dominated by multinational leadership groups. But we can find niche segments in this market and it's an opportunity for small and medium sized French...

29 Sep 2010

Balance sheet of "Safeway Foods" and "Whole Foods" - the U.S. market for organic groceries

Case study - 16 pages - Finance

This report aims at performing a financial analysis of two American food providers: Safeway Foods and Whole Foods and assess the financial strengths and weaknesses of both companies. All the quantitative data in this analysis come from prior years annual reports. The American...

03 Sep 2013

International marketing plan for a French car manufacturer - published: 03/09/2013

Case study - 28 pages - Business strategy

First, I think that the most important motive is the opportunity offered by the American market. Indeed, even if I can't find any numbers of that, I'm sure that there are more cars per capita in the US than in France. This specificity of the North-American car...

21 Sep 2011

Airbus -US and World Market

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

When American aircraft manufacturers were lobbying to prevent Airbus' entry into the American market, George Warde, a former president of American Airlines was appointed by Airbus to promote its fleet in America. By 1978, Eastern and Pan American World...

29 Sep 2010

International marketing: The launch of an electric / hybrid car by a French car manufacturer in the US market.

Case study - 7 pages - Services marketing

During the vehicle exhibitions in Frankfurt in 2009, Renault, a French car constructor showed new electric concept cars. These cars are today, more than just concepts because Renault offers its customers a whole range of electric vehicles. This is the best way for Renault to offer a range of...

05 Dec 2011

International Marketing Plan for a French car manufacturer, Renault: The launch of an electric car in the United States market

Market study - 9 pages - Services marketing

Renault makes it clear on its website; that they have the ambition to be the first carmaker to offer zero emission cars to use, accessible to everybody. Electric cars are the ultimate answer to current problems related to environmental issues and noise pollution in cities. Technical innovations...

09 May 2009

Marketing and branding strategies of consumer durable companies in India

Dissertation - 37 pages - Services marketing

The Consumer Durable industry is huge! Think of a typical day then you wake up to make coffee that has been brewed by your-controlled coffee maker. You pop a couple of slices of bread into your electric toaster, grab some juice from the refrigerator and throw a load of laundry into your washing...

29 Sep 2010

Marketing strategies adopted by organic cosmetic brands

Case study - 45 pages - Services marketing

This document delves into the marketing strategies adopted by the organic cosmetics industry; the eco-friendly nature of these products facilitates the ethical image of the brands, complemented by an effective marketing communication. A growing industry, the resounding success of bio-cosmetics...

29 Sep 2010

Management of Starbucks to Enter New Foreign Markets

Case study - 12 pages - Economy general

Starbucks is a company that is already 23 years old, and has been working internationally for 14 years. Starbucks is a Seattle, Washington- based coffee company. It buys, roasts, and sells whole bean coffees and coffee drinks through an international chain of retail outlets. From its beginnings...

03 Mar 2011

Plan for marketing of Levi Strauss Signature in Europe

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

Levi Strauss Signature is a trademark of Levi Strauss. The company manufactures and sells denim and denim items for the whole family. The following marketing plan is related to a horizon of six months and one year in the launch of the brand in the three selected European countries of United...

29 Sep 2010

Is ethnic marketing ethical and legitimate?

Dissertation - 38 pages - Services marketing

The concept of ethnic marketing introduces a new way to segment markets, to communicate, and presents a new vision of the consumer. This novel concept seems to be a new challenge for marketers. While some people believe that this marketing concept does not respect ethics because marketers...

06 Oct 2008

African American economic growth

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

African American community as far as the 1960s has maintained a rich tradition of philanthropy due to the challenges the community faced in the past decades. The resources that contributed to the philanthropic activities include the mutual aid organizations, churches, major political...

29 Sep 2010
pdf entering the Australian Market

Case study - 69 pages - Services marketing Inc. is an American-based multinational electronic commerce company. Since its foundation as an on-line bookstore in 1994, the company has been showing an incredible growth that it now sells not only books, but also VHSs, DVDs, music CDs and MP3s, computer software, video games,...

02 Dec 2010

Business appropriateness in the Mexican food market

Thesis - 48 pages - Economy general

The 12 presidential elections that took place in Latin America have attracted considerable media attention this year. Indeed, in addition to informational interest, a considerable change is looming on the American continent and a new socialist trend creates a major part of Latin America....

12 Jan 2007

How to use rumours as a marketing tool?

Dissertation - 68 pages - Services marketing

Today, advertising a new product is totally different than it was 10 years ago. For years, consumers have been flooded by TV, radio, newspaper ads, posters and fliers and more recently, internet spam, pop ups, banners, etc. The frequency of advertising is so high that most consumers often do not...

11 Jul 2006

Mergers and Acquisitions: reasons and consequences at the international market

Dissertation - 40 pages - Finance

The paper deals with the issue of mergers and acquisitions on the western market, viewing the topic from the standpoint of their failure and success. The subject is an extremely important one at present, as, on the one side, there is a trend towards major international mergers and...

20 Jan 2009

The French wine market and international competition

Market study - 32 pages - Services marketing

For a long time, France has been a "wine country", a reference in terms of production and consumption of wine. Nevertheless, this world leader has seen erosion in its market share for the last few years: volumes exported are decreasing and national consumption is down. The main cause is...

26 Dec 2007

The Americanization of Puerto Rico and Its Effect on Law, Religion, and the Spanish Language

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

According to material provided by the Hispanic division of the library of congress, by the end of the 1800's, Puerto Rico held strategic value for the United States, for both economic and military reasons. Puerto Rico would provide a new market for exported American goods, as well...

29 Sep 2010

Does Marketing threaten children's education at primary school?

Dissertation - 60 pages - Services marketing

This project aims to identify the ethical problem of marketing by aiming at children, and will focus on children in primary school. This area has interested people since the last decade and the likes of psychologists, doctors, marketers have always tried to understand the power of brands on...

03 Apr 2009

A look at American Depository Reports

Thesis - 15 pages - Finance

Since 1980, the value of U.S.investment in non- U.S.equities has grown approximately 100-fold to $1.9 trillion .The first ADRs were introduced in the United States in 1927 when JPMorgan issued receipts for the British retailer Selfridges. Prior to the 1980s,ADRs primarily were used by foreign...

29 Sep 2010

The Smart Car entering the US Market

Case study - 16 pages - Services marketing

The Smart car brand has seen great success in France over the last several years. Through our research, we have found that Smart has enormous potential in the United States' automobile industry. Thus, we have created a marketing plan that outlines the strategies and tactics that Smart brand...

29 Sep 2010

Heineken and the beer market

Case study - 15 pages - Services marketing

Heineken was born in 1973 in Amsterdam. The company grew with its brand image and acquired international recognition in a momentum which was fairly gradual. One of its key product which is beer was being exported to Dutch India which is now called Indonesia. Further, in 1876 France was identified...

29 Sep 2010

Marketing analysis of Oreo

Case study - 28 pages - Services marketing

Everyone has a special Oreo story. Nowadays, every person has heard about the Oreo cookies, thanks to the word of mouth and the different ways of advertising through TV, magazines, internet etc. There are many theories pointing to the origin of the name ‘Oreo'. Indeed, it was taken from...

11 Apr 2014

International marketing plan for a French car manufacturer

Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy

Our subject here is to set up an international marketing plan to export electric / hybrid cars from a French manufacturer to the US market. In order to have a reliable marketing plan, we will do a quick overview of the different main stacks of the hybrid/electric cars. The electric /...