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Theme : American company

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18 Jun 2010

Two centuries of economic growth: Europe chasing the American frontier (Robert J Gordon)

Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general

This paper deals with the gap between the economic developments of the United States with respect to the main Western European Countries in the last two centuries. In the mid-nineteenth century, Europe and the U.S. had similar GDP and productivity levels. However, over a period of time the...

28 Jul 2010

Americans and the Second World War (WW2)

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

World War II for Americans was considered by most to be “the good war”, it got the United States out of the depression and American patriotism and pride were at an all time high. Core values of Americans such as honesty, freedom, pride, peace, hope, and liberty were...

29 Sep 2010

American Civilization and World History: an essay on American Exceptionalism

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Alexis de Tocqueville was the first author to write that 'the position of the Americans' was 'quite exceptional.' But the modern notion of American Exceptionalism emerged in the 50s and 60s, and has been particularly challenged since then. This concept refers to the...

29 Sep 2010

Hershey Company

Case study - 21 pages - Management

Hershey Company, a United States-based snack food company has been looking to assume an international role for the past two decades. Founded by Milton Hershey over one hundred years ago, going international has proven to be quite a feat especially when it is chocolate that is the...

29 Sep 2010

Miramax Company

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

The world of the cinema is a very peculiar one. And because it is a very peculiar one, I choose to study the most peculiar firm on this market: Miramax. This choice has been motivated by the fact that this firm had a very strange story which determines its strategy. While at the beginning it was...

29 Sep 2010

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its consequences

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

The agreement NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) defines a free trade area of 430 million inhabitants trained by the United States, Canada and Mexico. Signed by the presidents of these three countries on October 7th, 1992 in San Antonio (Texas), the treaty came into effect on...

06 Sep 2013

Popularity of tattoos growing in American culture

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The word "tattoo" stems from the Tahitian word “tatu”, meaning “to mark or color [the skin]” (Webster, 1913). A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's skin....

31 Dec 2010

Multi-field approaches of the company: Strategy of Adidas

Thesis - 16 pages - Business strategy

The choice of the international group Adidas has imposed itself. Indeed, we wanted to get better acquainted with the sports market since it has steadily increased over the past years. It still represents a certain future and substantial market share in the market of sporting goods. The...

30 Jun 2011

Parent/Child relations in American Literature

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Throughout American Literature, one can notice many writings focus on either mother/daughter relationships or father/son relationships. These relationships are described in various ways, but one very common way involves parental love towards sometimes unappreciative children. This...

23 Sep 2013

Jurgis and the American Dream

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

In Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle, a Lithuanian immigrant named Jurgis Rudkus experiences the hardships and emotions of life in the meatpacking district of Chicago, otherwise known as “Packingtown.” Jurgis's story begins very tranquil as he is getting married to a sixteen-year-old...

27 Sep 2013

The Death of the American Dream

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

What is the American Dream? There are as many answers to that question as there are Americans and those around the world who look to the American way as a guiding ideal. For some the American Dream might be achieving professional success, others may seek fulfillment in...

07 Oct 2013

The American Myth

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The American dream and the nature in which so many Americans struggle to achieve it is an omnipresent theme in Happy and Biff's journey throughout Death of a Salesman. While the brothers both struggle to achieve the American dream, their techniques in handling this struggle...

20 Oct 2014

The Audience Study of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Case study - 7 pages - Film studies

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater company was found in 1958 by an African American ‘'dancer, choreographer and visionary'' named Alvin Ailey ( Ailey vision was to establish a multi-racial dance center...

27 Jul 2006

Religion and early American identity

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Trying to determine what the motives of the migrants to the new world were is a difficult quest because motivations were diverse depending on the colonies. The migrants could be motivated by economical considerations. They thought they could have a better life, to be richer in North America by...

13 Oct 2008

American Interests United: Double-Q's introduction to the South African Market

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

As the management team of American Interests United (AIU), we are interested in expanding to new markets with our popular packaged food line. After extensive research, we have been able to discover that South Africa is a rapidly growing market that will be an extremely profitable venue in...

21 Nov 2008

American Jews and politics in the selected works of Philip Roth and Joseph Heller

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The works of Joseph Heller and Philip Roth are frequently inhabited by American-born Jews. In The Counterlife Roth discusses the association between the American born “Diaspora Jew” to the State of Israel. In Plot Against America it is the reaction of a Jewish family to...

16 Jan 2009

The American way of life in the fifties

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Between 1947 and 1960, the average real income for American workers increased by as much as it had in the previous half-century. Over the same period, the GDP soared 220%. Consumption of personal services increased by 3 times. In 1960, per capita income was 35% higher than even the boom...

29 Apr 2009

A brief look at the company L'oreal and some of it strategies

Thesis - 12 pages - Business strategy

Eugene Schueller a young French chemist developed an innovative hair color formula, Aureole. He manufactured his own products and sold them to Parisian hairdressers. The company was registered in 1909. The guiding principle from the beginning was research and innovation in the interest of...

20 May 2009

Maverick Energy Group: Company profile

Thesis - 18 pages - Business strategy

Maverick Energy Group, is a rapidly growing US independent currently positioned to benefit from the current rise in both oil and natural gas prices. Declining production and depletion of existing reserves within the United States is causing increased pressure on state and federal agencies to...

03 May 2010

American business in the age of the modern corporation: Government, infrastructure and the corporation

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

When analyzing the history of the American corporation, it is tempting to believe that the cause of the rapid rise of large, hierarchical corporation, in a highly concentrated industry is over determined. Historians have advanced theories that explain this “corporate revolution”...

23 Sep 2009

American marriage and family: The final

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In “The Mommy Tax,” Ann Crittenden discussed the fact that, unlike countries like France, America has no real infrastructure to protect women workers. While some countries view producing good children as a contribution to the nation, America doesn't measure things that way: France...

24 Jun 2010

Why ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) is good for America?

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, abbreviated “ARRA”, is a stimulus bill which was proposed and passed by President Barack Obama and the 111th Congress of the United States exactly one year ago. What better way to examine the effectiveness of ARRA than giving it...

24 Aug 2010

Gender in American English: How women are socially muted through speech

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This paper will explore the theory that women as a minority group are socially muted through the prevalent use of masculine and male created language in American English to describe common activities at home, work place and in the society. The research was started with the question,...

29 Sep 2010

American Grain Corporation

Essay - 14 pages - Finance

American Grain Corporation: When shareholders are about to invest in project, they need to know what the financial consequences of it are. They need to plan the expenses and the possibilities of return on investment, regarding how long it will take to start earning a profit. To choose the...

29 Sep 2010

The Oakley Company

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

The Oakley Company: In this article, we analyze the marketing strategy of the Oakley Company, especially the International one. We will analyze the marketing strategy of the company and its marketing plan regarding the Porter Marketing Mix and its 4Ps. We then, will build a...

18 Jun 2015

L'Oreal company case study: Management and performance

Case study - 49 pages - Management

L'Oreal, the global leader in the cosmetics industry celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009. The group's history began in 1907 with the development of a formula for hair dye. That was when L'Oreal was launched officially. It is the world leader in cosmetics today. As part of a...

29 Sep 2010

Intercultural management: European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS)

Case study - 13 pages - Management

During the beginning of the 90's, the European industries of aeronautics and space already cooperate in many partnerships and common programs. Soon the need for gathering seems to be essential to the concentration movements on the US market. Indeed, Northrop and Grumman merged in 1993, as...

29 Sep 2010

Mexico and the USA - A recent history framed by the North American Free Trade Agreement : the borderless economy in a "Neo-Monroeist" order ?

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) represented a turning point in the relationship between Mexico and the USA and was considered likely to resolve key bilateral issues. NAFTA was thus a sort of promising frame to achieve the benefits of interdependence in a...

30 Oct 2018

Analysis of the American musician, actor and composer Richard Wayne Penniman, better known as Little Richard

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Richard Wayne Penniman, better known as Little Richard, is an American musician, actor, and composer, who throughout six decades was the leading figure in the American musical stage. Together with other singers, Little Richard was at the root of the creation of such genres as...

28 Dec 2010

Study of Latin American societies in the context of urbanization

Case study - 5 pages - Management

One way to understand Latin American societies is to examine issues that cause conflict. These are most common when management tangles with urbanization, this has become a central issue, particularly since the late 1980s that saw the emergence to the "urban crisis" [1] . The articles in...