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Theme : American company

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29 Sep 2010

American Airlines vs. Southwest Airlines

Case study - 10 pages - Finance

The Airline market is facing problems across the years. Before, national companies were leader in their countries, but with the opening of the airline market, the deregulation of the industry and the globalization phenomenon thousand of new airlines have borne. What does it mean? Traditional...

21 Apr 2008

The American's with Disabilities Act

Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects

The Americans with Disability Act provides the unique opportunity to enhance self-determination, choice, and greater freedom for all men, women, and children with disabilities in the United States. The most significant movement was the black civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's....

23 Oct 2007

African Americans in Oklahoma

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Modern history

The “All-Black towns” of Oklahoma represent a unique segment of American history. Neither in the deep south nor the far west did so many African Americans come together to create and govern their own communities. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans had...

29 Nov 2006

War and the American Presidency : Arthur Schlesinger

Book review - 4 pages - Political science

War And The American Presidency was written by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who used to be an adviser for Adlai Stevenson's campaign and a special assistant to President Kennedy . He participated in the founding of Americans for Democratic Action, “America's oldest independent...

28 Apr 2008

African American Children's Literature and the Quilting Trope

Case study - 6 pages - Modern history

African American children's literature is rich with significant themes and tropes that educators can effectively use to teach about important events, figures, and historical facts in a culturally sensitive way to a diverse classroom of students. It is extremely important that teachers have...

09 Jun 2008

Feeding the American Family: Feminism and Food

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Due to the multiplicity of duties and roles families play in American society, women with families face the increasingly difficult task of managing food preparation and providing nutrition for their families at once. Women with full-time careers must both conduct their own lives and care...

19 Jun 2008

Anticommunism and Racism: Forging African American Identity in a Binary Mirror

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Cold War America was a world of binaries. In a quest for patriotism, white United States citizens defined themselves by mirroring against what they were not: they were Capitalist because they were not Communist, heterosexual not homosexual, coupled not single, Americans not Russians. Black...

20 Jun 2008

"A Hideously Difficult Task": An Exploration of American Racial Identity through the Works of James Baldwin

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

In a style similar to other minority works of literature, James Baldwin's writing encompasses the recurring theme of identity—what it means and from where it originates. This theme stems from incomplete identity of the black American community. Baldwin's writings try to explain the...

10 Jul 2008

Asian American representation in American media: A study

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

Asian American portrayals in American media have been historically stereotypical with damaging images and characters in the areas of advertising, film, and television. Various studies and groups have been conducted and formed to highlight and monitor the representations of Asian...

17 Jul 2008

Adolescent substance abuse among Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian populations

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Substance abuse has been a significant problem for adolescents in recent years, prompting many community programs for awareness, prevention, and treatment. In a recent survey of nearly 50,000 U.S. students, nearly 50% of high school seniors and 20% of eighth graders reported having used marijuana...

20 Aug 2008

Critically analyse the decision in the House of Lords' decision in the American Accord

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

The globalisation of trade brings with it greater risks than internal trade, with the differences in business practices, application of local law, combined with external political factors . The four main risks applicable when dealing with global trade are foreign law and the ambiguity of what...

25 Aug 2008

The new American musical: How the musical has changed to attract a new audience?

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

Throughout the greater part of the twentieth century the American musical has entertained audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The musical has become a reflection of American life: sometimes tragic, somewhat unpredictable, but always persevering. The American musical has...

25 Sep 2008

Creating the New American Hospital

Book review - 5 pages - Management

Written in 1993, Creating the New American Hospital: A Time For Greatness by V. Clayton Sherman still has lessons for the twenty-first century hospital. Though issues such as the rise of managed care, cost constraints, litigation and malpractice, changes to Medicare and Medicaid, and low...

07 Nov 2008

Dragon ladies and China dolls: Images of Asian American women in American film

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

The image of Asian American Women in film has undergone many changes from the 1920s to today. With stereotypes such as “dragon lady” and “china doll” and the practice of yellow-face, Asian American actresses had plenty of obstacles in the world of film. Actresses...

13 Jan 2009

The African-American cinema: Between protest and integration

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

The invention of cinema happened at the very same time as the establishment of the segregation in the South. This social and political system, which advocated prejudices and inequality of races, is definitely going to stigmatize the nature of the relationships between the American cinema...

11 Nov 2008

A study of the beginnings and effects of country clubs in American society

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In today's current society, there is an aspect of social life that is experienced by a portion of those in America's middle and upper classes. This aspect is the country club, which is major part of some American's lives. In present times, such institutions are viewed as places where...

13 Jan 2009

The general oil market and the American oil policy

Thesis - 14 pages - International relations

Since the Industrial Revolution, energy is an international concern: one fifth of international trade of goods is the supply in energy of the companies. At the beginning of the century, oil became the most important energy source. Today, oil represents the most important share of the energy...

15 Jan 2009

Organizing a global company: the Caterpillar case

Essay - 14 pages - Business strategy

Within the framework of the course “Organizing a Global Company” we are invited to realize a group work composed of two parts. The objective of the first part is to try to analyze and to understand the organizational structure of an international company better, taking...

16 Jan 2009

The American Revolution 1776-1783

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

The American Revolution is one of the biggest events that durably affected the American population: first this conflict was the only one that ever took place on their territory, and secondly it opposed American people themselves in a merciless civil war. Before 1775, the...

20 Feb 2009

Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life

Book review - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Robert Bellah's Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life chronicles the history, definition and present condition of individualism in America, and how it has affected the lives of modern society. Bellah attempts to define individualism by mapping its evolution...

05 Mar 2009

The melting pot revisited: Supporting research into the genetic diversity of the American population

Thesis - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The advent of the genomic era has brought with it a host of opinions regarding to what ends genetic tools ought to be applied. There is a growing interest in research that will illustrate the genetic diversity of populations. Advocates suggest that research detailing unique features of...

18 Mar 2009

Reflections of race and American culture in the 'Tom' show

Thesis - 10 pages - Literature

In Martin Scorsese's 2002 film Gangs of New York, the two main characters-Amsterdam Vallon (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) and Bill "the Butcher" Cutting (played by Daniel Day-Lewis)- attend a 'Tom' show (a stage adaptation of Uncle Tom's Cabin) in New York City. In this scene,...

30 Mar 2009

How Korea impacted American foreign policy throughout the second half of the twentieth century

Thesis - 9 pages - International relations

“It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear ” proclaimed General Douglas MacArthur on May 15, 1951 in a...

03 Apr 2009

A look at American Depository Reports

Thesis - 15 pages - Finance

Since 1980, the value of U.S.investment in non- U.S.equities has grown approximately 100-fold to $1.9 trillion .The first ADRs were introduced in the United States in 1927 when JPMorgan issued receipts for the British retailer Selfridges. Prior to the 1980s,ADRs primarily were used by foreign...

19 May 2009

The American reality: Life in the working class

Thesis - 19 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1848, as the spread of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were forever changing the social, political and economic landscape in Europe and America, early social theorist Karl Marx defined the working-class as those “laborers who must sell themselves piecemeal… a commodity like...

08 Jun 2009

American history: A chart on the causes and effects of the revolutionary war

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

Throughout the mid-1700's resistance to British control in the colonies grew as Britain tried to consolidate their empire through a series of ordinances after the Seven Years' War. Although the passage of the Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Sugar Act, and the Townshend Duties did not inevitably hurry...

07 Jul 2009

The American West: A clash of social, cultural, and environmental forces

Thesis - 9 pages - Modern history

The character of America was largely shaped by the American experience in the West from the early 1700s until the present day. Although the values of freedom and equality under the law had been established in the East during the colonial and revolutionary periods of American...

07 Oct 2009

Biographies of three African American aviators

Thesis - 7 pages - Journalism

The following document presents an overview of three distinct and influential African American pilots from the 1920's and 1930's era. Following World War I and II, many African American men and women began to dream of become pilots. Unfortunately, the situation in the United States...

20 Oct 2009

Is the American dream a reality? If so, how far does Barrack Obama symbolize it?

Thesis - 15 pages - Journalism

The American Dream is a term that has been used to encompass the founding ideas that have existed since the birth of the United States. Its definition is broad and has been open to many interpretations, which have adapted and changed over the course of American history. Liberal...

25 May 2010

Arab-Israeli conflict: From Copenhagen to Beijing and Washington to Jerusalem: American-Israeli relations cooling off

Thesis - 12 pages - International relations

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution there have been two consistent interlocking themes behind Middle Eastern-Great Power interactions. First, Great Powers have a tendency to view the Middle East as a strategic commodity, because of its geographic location and vital natural resources....