How Can American Foreign Policy Be Explained Through the Developments and Demands of Its Self-Conception?
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
American imperialism and expansionism to the West and in the Pacific can be seen as a colonial process. This essay will attempt to demonstrate how this ideology emerged from the development, articulation and demands of its own religious identity.
The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the American way of life (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise,...
Economic and commercial consideration in the American foreign policy
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The American imperialism began about 100 years ago, in 1890, with the end of the Frontier, an imaginary line that separated civilization from wilderness and that was constantly moving towards west. When the whole territory was conquered, it was like a shock in American mentality...
Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
This book, as the title suggests, deals with American foreign policy since 1938. It is concerned with the more prominent features of the American foreign policy, as well as events that gave rise to changes in it. More specifically, it covers The...
Patrice Lumumba: American foreign policy and cover-ups
Thesis - 6 pages - International law
Historically, the foreign policy of the United States has been such that one event has integrated itself into effecting the majority of events to follow. The case of the United States foreign policy in the Congo and, specifically, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba...
How Korea impacted American foreign policy throughout the second half of the twentieth century
Thesis - 9 pages - International relations
It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear proclaimed General Douglas MacArthur on May 15, 1951 in...
The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 have led to a complete change in American foreign policy
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
When George W. Bush arrived in office as President in 2000, he was determined to limit the role of the United States in foreign affairs, although there was in his electorate a hope for a strong foreign policy. The new administration saw in the failure in Yugoslavia,...
Mass media and the influence of religion on American foreign policy
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The proverbial man from mars suddenly plunged onto the American continent would be amazed and confused at the spectacle before him. He would soon discover that in the world's most perceived secularized society it is not uncommon to justify national interests with religious...
Domestic Politics and American Foreign Policy: American & European political culture, an unsolvable misunderstanding?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The end of the cold war with the collapse of the Soviet Union enabled the emergence of the United States as a hegemonic power. At this time Realist Theories in International Relations predicted that a counterbalancing coalition should soon be organized. The European Union appeared as the most...
American Foreign Policy Regarding Israel and Palestine: From 1998-2002
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
Since the founding of Israel, over 50 years ago, America has taken the fledgling country under its wing . The sympathy of the American people towards Israel has wavered little despite the ups-and-downs Israel has been through in its short history . Especially throughout the Clinton...
U.S.-India Relations: An Evolving Foreign Policy Landscape
Case study - 5 pages - International relations
The United States and India have developed a complex and dynamic relationship that has significantly evolved over the past century, establishing itself as a central element of U.S. foreign policy in Asia. India's importance to the United States is greatly reflected in the...
Moldova economics and foreign policy
Case study - 5 pages - Economic politics
Moldova's economy remains vulnerable because the Moldovan administration is weak and corruption is an endemic problem. (...)
US Foreign Policy: Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism
Essay - 3 pages - Political science
In the course of international relations, the United States, as usual, faces a challenge that consists of two choices in strategy dictating methods of dealing with international problems. A feature of multilateralism, not a unilateral one, is international cooperation and participation between...
What are the main institutions and actors that decide on, influence, and implement EU foreign policymaking vis-à-vis Morocco?
Essay - 7 pages - Political science
The main priorities of the European Union's external relations concern its extension to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and its relations with the countries of the Mediterranean region which are not members of the European Union in the will to pursue a coherent action. As far as...
U.S. Political Institutions and their Roles in the U.S. Foreign Policy
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
In 2017, Trump stated in the National Security Strategy of the United States of America that the US "seeks a Middle East that is not a haven or breeding ground for jihadist terrorists, not dominated by any power hostile to the United States, and that contributes to a stable global energy market."...
US Foreign Policy since 2001: President Bush's first term
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
The period since 2001 has been a highly active one for the US: they waged a war in Afghanistan, another in Iraq and they may be preparing another one against Iran. The official rational in Washington, at least initially, for that activity, under the motto of "the war against terror", was the...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - France and Germany
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
Since the origins of the European project, Europe has depended on close Franco-German cooperation. As we have seen, all the big moves forward were possible because of the basic Franco-German agreement; the last major instance was Maastricht in 1992. The other countries had to follow. Of course,...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - The Countries Other than France and Germany
Course material - 8 pages - Political science
France and Germany alone can no longer call the tune in the EU. They henceforth have to take much more into account the agenda of the other members. We shall see first that agenda, regrouping, of course, the different countries into larger groups along their affinities, and then the possible...
The United States and the World: Bush's Second Term and Current Trends in the US Foreign Policy Establishment
Course material - 9 pages - Political life and election
After Bush's re-election in November 2004, there were some doubts about the kind of policy he would now follow, after the occupation of Iraq had revealed itself as a much more difficult undertaking than what the Administration had contemplated. Many felt at the time the President would...
United States foreign policy
Course material - 5 pages - Modern history
A period of political isolation intervened between the end of WWI and the entrance of the US into WWII. In the 1930s new threats to world peace appeared through Japan's invasion of China; Italy's invasion of Ethiopia; the Spanish Civil War; Germany's occupation of Austria; and...
Future of US Foreign Policy
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
America has been enjoying complete global domination for quite a while now. There is no other country on earth that has been able to do that; ever. For about 50 years, America has been the strongest in terms of its economy, its military might, as well as the cultural power it holds over the other...
Income Inequality evidence and Policy Representation- American Politics
Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
There is incontrovertible evidence that the American income inequality has increased, while the social mobility has reduced. It is widely known that states with higher income inequality have lower social mobility, in cases of income-based definition of mobility. This implies that...
How does the United States foreign policy affect the war on drugs?
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
The violence that the population in the illegal drug producing countries of Latin America has continued to take its toll on the population in a vicious cycle that continues to result in deaths, injury and a life if terror for many of the inhabitants. The poor civilians are caught in-between...
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Worksheets - 3 pages - European law
It is only with the European Council acting by qualified majority and the concurrence of the President of the European Commission that the High Representative is appointed. Art 18 TEU states that the High Representative shall implement the common foreign and security policy of the...
The Effects of the Soviet Union's Foreign Policy on the United States
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
Relations with the Soviet Union have been a large concern for the United States since the end of World War II and the emergence of the Cold War. The Soviet Union and its foreign policy during that time prompted otherwise avoidable animosity and conflict for the United States, namely...
French foreign Policy in the Middle East during the 5th Republic
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
The roots of the conflict in the Middle East started around 1950 when the British mandate in Palestine was given to the United Nations which decided then to create the state of Israel on the Palestinian lands. Some migratory waves of Jewish settlement had already started to come to Israel in the...
CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) and Non Proliferation
Essay - 12 pages - European union
Since the end of the Cold War, the nature and origins of threats on Europe have changed. This evolution of repartition of powers in the world led some countries to develop their defence and military capabilities, whether it concerns missiles, biological or chemical weapons, or the ultimate...
Outline of "de Gaulle's "vision of France's international role and discuss the ways in which his foreign policy sought to realise this vision.
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
General de Gaulle is one of the most distinguished political figures of the twentieth century. Often known as l'homme du 18 Juin, Charles de Gaulle was a hero of the French Resistance during the Nazi invasion of France, and later became the President of l'Hexagone'. This essay...
The High Representative of Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Essay - 5 pages - European union
This paper will examine the new role of The High Representative of Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (High Representative') that came into force in 2009 following the Lisbon Treaty signed in 2007. First, the historical background will be discussed followed by the...
The foreign policy implications that the treaty on the constitution of Europe signified for the EU in terms of giving it a legal personality
Thesis - 6 pages - European law
Whereas the consequences of the French and Dutch no to the referendums proposing the adoption of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe do not stop to rattle the European political class, the innovations it proposed are still dangling. Nonetheless, some major points have...