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16 Jun 2011

The Role of Black Artists in African American Culture

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Throughout the Harlem Renaissance, blacks were creating new ways to identify themselves both individually and as a part of a new, developing culture within America. While some black writers used their work to identify their race as a separate entity, others used their writing to expose the...

10 Jan 2011

American colonies

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

The colonization of North America began in the early seventeenth century and was mainly carried out by Spain, France and England. British colonization was inaugurated in 1607 by the establishment of the first colony, organized around the city of Jamestown, Virginia. Throughout the century,...

27 Jan 2011

The Atlantic facade of North America

Essay - 6 pages - Geography

Defining keywords: A coastline is a coastal area, which provides an interface (space contacts, exchanges) between a continental hinterland and a foreland ocean connected by dense and varied communications. This is an area of production and trade activities which led to a phenomenon of coastal...

27 Jan 2011

The rise of power of China and its opportunities facing the American superpower

Essay - 8 pages - International relations

The People's Republic of China today plays an increasingly important role at the regional and international levels.In recent history it is rare that a country has maintained its hegemony for over a century. One may therefore question whether the U.S. can extend their supremacy for longer...

22 Feb 2011

Contrasting and comparing the ethics of the healthcare system in the Netherlands, Denmark and the United States of America by means of the different moral philosophies

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

I'll be going over 3 different health care systems in 3 different countries; the Netherlands, Denmark and the United States of America. For each country I will give a brief explanation of the current health care system and then I will go over the advantages and disadvantages keeping the...

16 Jun 2011

Arts of America [A Mask- Shaman Pendant- A Sully Portrait]

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

There is a dynamic range of artistic style, cultural influence and quality of the pieces on display in the Arts of Americas wing of the Museum of Fine Arts, in Boston. The variety of the art is reflective of the different cultures represented. The spectrum can be seen throughout the three...

05 Aug 2010

Oil is the lifeblood of America

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In modern America, most activities of common life revolve around oil. All over the nightly news, every newspaper, and in everyday conversation there is talk about rising gas prices and the control oil has over people. In the painting above, the anonymous artist conveys the problem he sees...

29 Sep 2010

Noam Chomsky, Hegemony or survival: America's quest for global dominance

Book review - 2 pages - International relations

In the book entitled "Hegemony or Survival", Noam Chomsky, professor at MIT and one of the most controversial intellectual activists, dissects the American foreign policy one more time. His theory is supported by a detailed analysis of history. According to him, the world political leaders are...

29 Sep 2010

Hegemony or Survival America's quest for global dominance, Noam Chomsky

Book review - 9 pages - International relations

In this book, Noam Chomsky presents a view of American foreign policy over the ages, developing a very widespread theory that is clearly presented in the first chapter's title “Imperial Grand Strategy”. In fact, he explains how the US, especially since the beginning of the 21st century...

11 Mar 2010

Native American's in United States of America

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

From the 1850's to the 1890's the Indian question became an issue of discord in America. The main query was what exactly was to be done with the Native Americans, whose time had far exceeded any time the new Americans had been in the United States. The Americans' qualm with the Native...

04 Mar 2010

America: No place for free blacks? Navigating "freedom" in Uncle Tom's Cabin

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Since my first experience with Uncle Tom's Cabin in high school and in further studies, I've struggled with the question of abolitionism and the societal value of the African-American characters in the novel. More broadly, one of the reasons I enrolled in this course was my interest in...

23 Feb 2010

Colonization of America

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Christopher Columbus reportedly discovered America in 1492 while he was searching for a new route to the Indies. At this time Europe had just recently emerged from the Middle Ages, and was experiencing an age of enlightenment. The idea behind the enlightenment was that a better world could...

31 Dec 2010

The productive forces of United States of America

Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general

The GNP of United States is the highest in the world, at $10,946 billion in 2004, substantially higher than the EU-25 ($9449 billion, including $1523 billion for France) and two and a half times higher that of Japan ($4390 billion). The GNP per capita remains the fourth highest in the world, with...

30 Dec 2010

Joseph Beuys's 'I Like America and America Likes Me'

Thesis - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Joseph Beuys's “I Like America and America Likes Me" was performed in May 1974. The location of the action is commonly referred to as the Rene Block Gallery in New York. The gallery opened with this performance at 409 West Broadway. Beuys performed this action as a 53-year- old...

29 Sep 2010

Inequality in America

Worksheets - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

An apparent and striking observation that has been noted in virtually all of our readings by far is the shocking extent to which America's low-income citizens are denied of an equal status, let alone any, a political representation. Dahl reminds us frequently that the moral foundation...

29 Sep 2010

America's middle-class

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

We have examined throughout the length of this course the fact that America's lower class does not have the ability to voice their political concerns that the wealthier classes have and thus, when focusing on the issue of welfare it is important to realize that most of the policies...

10 Aug 2010

The working poor: Invisible in America

Book review - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The book, The Working Poor: Invisible in America, by David K. Shipler, seeks to unveil the lives of countless people in America living at or below the poverty line. His intent is to describe their situations and map out the reasons for their poverty and how the cyclical nature of...

31 Dec 2010

Cover letter for a training course in tourism in Latin America

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

This paper is an example of a cover letter. The writer is hoping to get an internship at a tourism company in South America. It begins - Madam, I learned about your company from a study that researched tourism in South America. In order to complete my training I am required to do...

21 Jun 2010

New York: A symbol of the modern United States of America (USA)

Thesis - 6 pages - Medieval history

At the end of the sixteenth century, New York was dotted with islands, with a rich fishing area populated by several thousand Indians. Sailors from Holland visited the area more often since the early seventeenth century which gave it the name "New Amsterdam," before a massive increase in English...

24 Feb 2010

Preventing terrorism in America

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

Walking the streets of America is a unique experience because of the diverse atmospheres within each city. From Los Angeles to New York one can find a multi-ethnic multi-religious population who represent all walks of life. America is dynamic and ever changing; a country that is...

25 Aug 2010

The 1929 crisis in Latin America

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Herbert Hoover, when assuming the office of the President of the United States, said in March 1929: "I have no fear for the future, it shines with hope." Unfortunately, Thursday, October 24, 1929 is also called the "Black Thursday", the world economy plunged into the chaos as Wall Street, the...

17 Dec 2010

Populism in Latin America and its perspective history

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

There are terms which return constantly in the historiographical lexicon, which suitably describe the Latin America of the 20th century. "Populism" is one of them. Nevertheless, it's excessive and systematically pejorative use in Europe nowadays, has widely tarnished its meaning. Thus our...

29 Sep 2010

Brand management - Land Rover North America

Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy

Range Rover of North America subsidiary opened its doors in 1987. In seven years, the firm had grown from a distributorship selling only one Land Rover model to a multi-product firm with three vehicles under the corporate brand. In 1992, the firm changed its name to Land Rover North...

04 Mar 2010

America and the First World War

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The First World War was a tragedy that America entered under false pretenses and exited with lasting wounds. America's involvement was encouraged by those who had the least to lose from the war: industrialists, politicians, and journalists. Their efforts were crucial in shifting...

11 Mar 2010

The America's: In women's hands

Thesis - 2 pages - Film studies

The film The America's: In Women's Hands provides a look into Chilean politics and the role women played in political transitions and regimes. In Chile, tradition and the Catholic Church defined women's role in society and the home; thus, Chilean women's politics have been motivated by...

09 Aug 2010

Native Americans in modern America

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

According to The Dictionary of Anthropology, the definition of genocide is acknowledged as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group as such” (Barfield, 221). History throughout the world has involved much genocide....

29 Sep 2010

Is the American Constitution the best in the world?

Essay - 3 pages - Constitutional law

"We, the people of the United States,?do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America?. By these words starts the American Constitution. This document was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention, led by Thomas Jefferson and George...

29 Sep 2010

American Civilization and World History: an essay on American Exceptionalism

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Alexis de Tocqueville was the first author to write that 'the position of the Americans' was 'quite exceptional.' But the modern notion of American Exceptionalism emerged in the 50s and 60s, and has been particularly challenged since then. This concept refers to the...

20 Oct 2010

America's response to Indian Nuclear development

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Political science

The United States and democracy go hand in hand. Most would be surprised to hear that the United States does not even have the world's largest democracy. That is India's claim to fame. For the U.S., this is a good and a bad thing. It is good to have a corresponding government with another...

29 Sep 2010

The measure of America: how a rebel anthropologist waged war on racism, Claudia Roth Pierpont

Book review - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Based on Boas's life and achievements, Claudia Roth Pierpont's article ?How a rebel anthropologist waged war on racism' deals with the origins of anthropology in the United States, laying emphasis on the importance of Boas, the "rebel anthropologist?, in the transformation of the...