The Great Scramble: European Anxiety and the Division of Africa
Case study - 4 pages - Political science
In the high Victorian era, the Great Powers of Europe were suddenly struck with what initially seemed a inexplicable fever to divide among themselves an entire continent about which they knew remarkably little. Although some of the colonies subsequently formed became very profitable, the initial...
Election rigging and effects on education development in Africa
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
In a contemporary society, election is recognised as the legitimate way of effecting a change of government. This is based on the fact that democracy is the best form of government through which many dividends can accrue to the citizens of every nation that imbibe it. The conduct of election can...
The truth and reconciliation commission of South Africa
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of South Africa was formed by parliamentary legislation in December of 1995. It's purpose was to give the people and government of South Africa the chance to reach a mutual reconciliation. The apartheid had ended, but there were still...
The high susceptibility of females to HIV/AIDS in sub-saharan Africa
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Imagine the following scenario. You are a twelve-year-old boy living in Tanzania, the oldest of five children. Your mother and father have recently perished from AIDS, and your only living grandparent has recently become infected with HIV. For this reason, he is unable to work to earn money for...
Business plan for concrete manufacturing plant in Ghana, West Africa
Business plan - 52 pages - Business strategy
Population of Ghana has been increasing at an average rate of 1.8% per year. Increase has imposed a burden on the country for infrastructure in the form of schools, hospitals, housing, and roads. At independence in 1957, the required infrastructure was provided mainly by the then...
South Africa - An investment-friendly economy
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
This paper is devoted to one of the most advanced, broad-based and productive economy in Africa. This paper is about trying to understand how the Republic of South Africa became "one of the most advanced and productive economies" in Africa. We will pay attention to foreign...
Examination of human rights violations in the African nation of Djibouti
Essay - 2 pages - Political science
Surrounded by Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, Djibouti is situated in the horn of Africa. This Easter African nation was populated by over 818.159 inhabitants in 2009, according to the country's census (Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Planification - Djibouti, 2010)....
Heinekan case study: How to enter South Africa market
Case study - 25 pages - Services marketing
This is a sales proposal written for Heineken on how they should enter the South-African. What we researched is: How can Heineken enhance its sales by expanding its market share to new consumer markets in South-Africa? During reading this sales proposal, you can find the current situation...
The Arts of Africa [Opon Igedeu v Nkisi Nkondi]
Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history
Throughout African history, artistic creation has been a fundamental element of the livelihood of various cultures. The Yoruba, of Nigeria, hold the aesthetics and criticisms of art to an extremely high standard, of which they can measure personal contentedness with life as a whole. The Chokwe,...
Can the sector of tourism contribute to the development of Africa?
Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing
Tourism has become a leading global industry and has played a major role in the development of a continent. It contributes to the enhancement of the cultural heritage and culture of a country. According to figures provided by the WTO (World Tourism Organization), Africa has attracted 36.7...
Project Management of project: Africa Without Borders
Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy
As the poorest continent in the world, Africa includes countries where the living conditions of children remain difficult. Although quality education is widely recognized as a basic human right that can promote economic growth, this element is not easily accessible to many African...
Globalization and its impact: Case of Africa
Case study - 11 pages - Economy general
As defined by the Merriam-Webster English language dictionary, globalization is the tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe and thereby increase the inter-connectivity of different markets....
China's economical and ethical rise in the African continent
Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general
The paper is based on the theme of an article that emphasizes on China's role in Africa. We first learn about the contents of the article and then state the status quo of the collaboration between the country and the continent. After description, we will go through a critical thinking...
Chinese Presence in Africa, and its Economic Impact
Essay - 16 pages - International relations
The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and is the second most populous continent. This continent has abundant natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil etc. and has been the bone of contention between the super powers of the world for a long time now. China has...
To what extent can white people be blamed for the African slave trade?
Thesis - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Before the Atlantic trade and probably before the trans-Saharan trade, slavery existed in Africa as in every other ancient society. However, if we consider the intensity and the conditions of life associated with the trades, the Atlantic trade is a fundamentally new system that did not...
Philippe Hugon's analysis of the changes wrought by globalization on the African economies
Case study - 4 pages - Management
Despite the effect of globalization on some economies, particularly those of East Asia, Africa has remained untouched by this phenomenon. Among the 49 Least Developed Countries (LDCs), 34 are now on the Dark Continent. Although the continent accounts for 11% of world globalization, it...
The region of 'African Great Lakes'
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The term 'African Great Lakes' represents 4 countries of Central Africa: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly called as Zaire), Uganda and Rwanda. This region was characterized by the presence of multitude of lakes which were forming the natural border between the...
French language as a tool for trade facilitation in West Africa
Essay - 7 pages - Economy general
The French language is important for trade relations. In the case of ECOWAS, no study has been undertaken to establish this to facilitate trade. ECOWAS is one of the economic blocs in West Africa which was founded on May 28, 1975, in order to promote cooperation and integration among West...
Conflicts in Africa
Essay - 9 pages - International relations
Ever since 50 years Africa is the continent with highest concentration of conflicts in its territory. Marginalized within the international system because of its small economic size, Africa still remains a subject of interest to study International Relations. At a time when maOver...
Sub-Saharan Africa, of the middle of the years 1950 at the end of the Eighties
Case study - 8 pages - Geography
The process of colonization was marked by dominance and imperialism and dates back to the 16th century. From that time, the Portuguese and Spanish shared the known world and established colonies (territory under a foreign state, the mainland). A new doctrine called colonialism was born and called...
Identity and nationalism in West Africa since 1990: A case study of Ivory Coast
Case study - 20 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The democratization of West Africa started in 1990 and was led by Houphouet Boigny. The process revealed social cleavages in the case of groups that could not find a sufficiently powerful voice to express their opinions. Since then, there has been a process of nation building that is...
Africa's situation
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Africa is one of the biggest continents in the world, approximately three Americas equaling the square mileage of Africa. There are parts of Africa that are largely isolated and uninhabited by people due to lack of resources or areas such as the African deserts Kalahari,...
David J. Francis, Uniting Africa: Building regional peace and security systems
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
Africa today is faced with a stark choice, either unite or perish. So opens David J. Francis' intriguing study on the state of African nations in relation to one another. Frances spends a great deal of attention outlining the serious social and economic problems facing the...
The aftermath of the French influence in Africa?
Thesis - 8 pages - Political science
In the year 1960, France tried to play an active role in the Third world to affirm itself vis-a-vis the two large powers that clashed during the Cold war. Deprived of the major part of its colonial empire, it has assets which will enable it to bond well with the recently decolonized countries....
Analysis of the creation United States of Africa
Essay - 24 pages - International relations
The United States of Africa is a project that has been raising issues for decades. Indeed, many international actors, activists groups, countries and other companies are concerned about the unity of an African people formed as a strong and powerful continent. It is true that many key...
Chaos in Africa: Causes and consequences
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Ever since the end of the Cold War in 1991, Africa has faced ethnic conflicts that had led to the destabilization of several of its countries. It also paved the way for the collapse of regimes and led to large-scale massacres in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Rwanda. The neighboring states that...
Recycling in South Africa
Thesis - 16 pages - Ecology & environment
As part of my third year at the business school of Rennes in South Africa, I had the opportunity to do an international internship for a period of 10 weeks. This course's main objective was to test my ability to adapt. Indeed, during this internship, I had to adapt to a different...
China in Africa: Political or Economic Interest?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
China's growing involvement in Africa has been actively commented upon over the last few months. In 1996, President Jiang Zemin stated he wanted 'a new relationship' with Africa, based on five points: reliable friendship, sovereignty equality, non-intervention, mutual...
Burger King in South-Africa
Case study - 14 pages - Services marketing
Burger King was established in 1954 in Miami, Florida, by James McLamore and David Edgerton. They were among the pioneers of fast food. The Whopper , launched in 1957, was an instant success, and is today the emblem of the brand. Burger King quickly distinguished itself by its unique taste and...
The process of regionalization in West Africa: CEDEAO
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
'I was convinced that the political freedom would inevitably precede our economic advancement. In the same manner, I am convinced that the African Unit will be done and this common base will enable us to build our complete development. This statement was written in 1957 by Kwame Krumah,...