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01 Jul 2024

Salvador Dalí, a source of advertising inspiration - The example of Perrier

Case study - 1 pages - Communication

Salvador Dalí is one of the most iconic Hispanic artists of the 20th century. In the same way as Norman Rockwell, one of his paintings has inspired several brands including Perrier, presented below, or even Lipton.

01 Sep 2024

The use of parodies in advertising industry

Summary - 3 pages - Medias&communication marketing

The underlying argument linking the five documents is the advertisement industry or, to be more specific, the way in which parodies can be made of advertisements, how said parodies can subsequently be exploited for commercial or informative purposes, and how these so-called spoofs, can help...

27 Nov 2023

Selling and Advertising

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

"We could become more aware of what we can do to help people. Indeed, there are still many people who need help around the world, for various reasons, and we could learn how each of us can do small things to help them."

13 Nov 2023

Start-ups and the business of personalization of textiles and advertising objects in France

Case study - 11 pages - Business strategy

Start-ups are, unlike SMEs, based on an activity that has great growth potential. Within this very attractive sector, the world of advertising is not to be outdone. Indeed, the use of articles or advertising objects is a fast-growing market that is experiencing growing interest from...

01 Sep 2023

Advertising poster for an internship offer

Creative writing - 1 pages - Medias&communication marketing

This is an advertising poster for an internship, during the summer school holidays, for high school students.

21 Apr 2023

Advertising, Sales Promotion and Retailing

Course material - 6 pages - Communication

Sales promotion is an essential feature of modern business. It consists of all the activities used by firms to maintain and increase their sales. If companies want to be successful, then they must make potential customers aware of what they sell. Also, they must provide reasons for customers to...

04 Jul 2022

Business report: H** M** France - press agency, advertising

Internship report - 15 pages - Medias&communication marketing

The H** company in which I am doing my internship is a very complex company that deserves a lot of explanation in order to understand all the workings of the company. Indeed, the organization is international, the group is quoted on the "Stock Exchange" and has a very heavy weight in the...

07 Nov 2022

International Advertising

Case study - 6 pages - International marketing

According to Assael (1987), culture refers to the set of norms, beliefs and habits acquired in a social environment and which determine the patterns of behavior common to all individuals. It includes rituals, heroes, values, religion, language, history and education of a given human community....

14 Jun 2021

Advertising Production For Television

Essay - 4 pages - Arts and art history

Ads give thanks, shower praise, confirm self-worth, answer prayers, express devotion, foster hope and inspire belief … In the end, we buy the advertising, not the product, because it promises something we want. This quote is somewhat true, as it is saying that adverts promise to make...

14 Apr 2021

Advertising & media planning for NOKIA C3 in India

Case study - 27 pages - International marketing

STRENGHTS - Leader in the Indian market - The largest distribution network - Wide portfolio: from « made for India » to innovative product - First mobile with full QWERpeople - Brand ambassadors: Cricket and Bollywood - TY keyboard - Many features - Meaningful communication: connect

28 Jul 2015

Research done prior to advertising

Essay - 2 pages - Marketing theories

Advertising research is normally aided by several other academic disciplines. These various academic disciplines play important roles that not only ensure that the advertising research is carried in the best manner but also meets its set objectives.

01 Apr 2014

Google AdSense(TM), to what extent does the concept AdSense revolutionize the advertising on internet?

Case study - 10 pages - Computer science

The first ad that appeared on the web was posted in 1994 by AT&T on the website Created by the interactive agency Modem media, the size of this banner - 468x60 pixels - became the standard size of the classic banner. The contract, signed in April, 1994, concerned a period of twelve...

02 Aug 2013

Political radio advertising

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

In today's high-tech world, there are essentially three types of media advertising marketers try to reach us by: television, internet and radio. Given that is it 2012 and as the November elections draw closer by the day, political advertising seems to be a constant especially over...

30 May 2012

Advertising and women: how advertisement has been directed to the US women

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Prior to the Civil War, the life of most US women were influenced by what history commentators refer to us “the Cult of True Womanhood.” ( Industrialization and other developments generated a shift in work customs, which saw men leaving...

11 Apr 2012

Theories of how advertising works

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

Nowadays, advertising is pervasive. From the moment people wake up until the moment they fall asleep they are bombarded with all kinds of advertisements. Ads appear on the TV and radio, on billboards, newspapers and magazines, on the Internet. Considering this, Tellis (2004) implies that...

21 Mar 2012

Global advertising strategy of Apple

Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy

The objective of this analysis, is to understand how a big brand like Apple makes its promotion world-wide. We have chosen Apple, because we we own Apple products, thus we found it interesting to discover something more about this brand and its promotion campaign. Apple is one of the big...

10 Jan 2011

Analysis of the advertising campaign of the new Toyota Picnic

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Technology, progress, innovation, etc. are terms that gained momentum from the late twentieth century onwards. These terms were adopted by advertising agencies in their advertising campaigns every other day. The advertisement of the new Picnic vehicle launched by Toyota is a classic...

27 Jan 2011

Social psychology and visual advertising of "BMW Series 5 Touring"

Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing

The visual advertisement of the brand "BMW" and the "5 Series Touring" car is probably taken from a regional magazine in the Paris region. This advertisement is intended to pass this car as the best for customers not only from a technical standpoint but also from a relational point of view. It...

16 Feb 2011

The "pornographication" advertising

Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy

In our consumer society, we daily target thousands of advertisements whose influence can be unfavorable publicity among the consumers. Therefore, most advertising we encounter remain latent or unnoticed. Therefore, each time it took to innovate in advertising techniques, creating...

27 Jan 2011

Analysis of television advertising: The coffee brand Nespresso

Case study - 7 pages - Management

Television conveys messages in mass, both visual and auditory. It serves as a support for other advertising discourses, which is one of the instances of production that we find in the media which will be the topic of our study in this paper. We will devote our analysis on one of the TV...

07 Feb 2011

Analysis Advertising of Budweiser

Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy

The lager is made of 5 components for one original taste: Barley, malt, rice, yeast and water. It is the leader in America with 49% of the market shares. It didn't communicate internationally before the late 90s because of competitors such as the companies with ‘trademark' products. It...

16 Feb 2011

Analysis of advertising of a product of great consumption: Coca-Cola

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

The Coca Cola campaign with the tagline: "Take the Coke Side of Life", that took shape in November - December 2006 is studied here. This campaign is based on a fairytale world, with a multitude of fantasy characters, and invites consumers to take a look at the good side of things. It shows a...

05 Dec 2011

Advertising and communication - published: 29/11/2011

Market study - 11 pages - Business strategy

Brokerage is a service provided by specialized companies which allow putting in relation customers and specific products. Generally for financial products, brokerage companies are the authorized intermediary between both. To be clearer, brokers are stakeholders (Source: Doc-Etudiant, Quel est le...

27 Jan 2011

Advertising campaigns geared towards Seniors

Essay - 6 pages - Management

Declining fertility, increased life expectancy and later arrival of the first generation of baby boomers are all factors that combine to explain the aging of the French population. The number of seniors in the French population should reach 35% in 2010 when it was only 27% in 1980. One French...

29 Sep 2010

The influence of advertising and medias on children

Essay - 10 pages - Management

It has become obvious that advertising is designed to influence children. Advertising has an impact on their needs, their desire and their requests. How has it evolved in this way and what are the reasons of this interest for such a young audience? How can we define...

26 Jul 2010

E-Marketing: Advertising on the internet (Internet advertising)

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

In recent years the Internet has evolved, and with it technologies have matured that have led to an actual rise of the digital economy viz. high-speed powerful computers, standardization of languages and technologies. The creators of information content, administrative and commercials are able to...

22 Jul 2010

Analysis of the book advertising and society

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Through this book the author recognizes that, though the concept of advertising was despised until the early 1970's it gained a lot of importance in the mid 1980s. It has now acquired a new legitimacy owing to its role in a consumerist society and the advent of mass media. The 1980's...

29 Sep 2010

Micky Pant's strategy: An innovative tool in Reebok advertising policy

Case study - 16 pages - Services marketing

Vice-President of global marketing at Reebok, Micky Pant, implemented a renewal of Reebok branding strategy, especially by developing new media concepts. He was the coordinator of several marketing campaigns, such as the tremendous "Terry Tate, Office linebacker" TV ads, presented in 2003 during...

18 Jun 2010

The evolution of the advertising industry

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Advertising has become a global phenomenon with its presence in the broadcast media. The need for an advertising campaign is to design and organize communication strategies to influence people who are in favor of ideas, activities, products or the brand which an organization wants...

30 Jul 2010

Advertising and social influence

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Advertising is the most prevalent form of communication. The ubiquitous nature of advertising is mind boggling to say the least. According to David Shenk's book Data Smog, on an average day in 1971 Americans were exposed to about 560 advertising messages a day. By 1997 that...