Selling and Advertising
Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
"We could become more aware of what we can do to help people. Indeed, there are still many people who need help around the world, for various reasons, and we could learn how each of us can do small things to help them."
Advertising & media planning for NOKIA C3 in India
Case study - 27 pages - International marketing
STRENGHTS - Leader in the Indian market - The largest distribution network - Wide portfolio: from « made for India » to innovative product - First mobile with full QWERpeople - Brand ambassadors: Cricket and Bollywood - TY keyboard - Many features - Meaningful communication: connect
A look at the consumer response to creativity in advertising
Dissertation - 56 pages - Services marketing
This chapter will provide an outline of the topics that will be covered in this proposal. It will briefly give an overview of the proposed research topic and acknowledge the importance of this study. Next, the literature review and the methodology chapters will be summarized. This will give a...
How language in advertising has changed over the decades
Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing
Like ball players with their bats, or librarians with their books, advertisers look to a versatile collection of contrivances for seducing an audience. Advertisers look to words and language as their way of capturing the attention, and hopefully the dollar of those who are exposed to it. The way...
The ethics in advertising
Thesis - 26 pages - Services marketing
The field of advertising is extremely broad and diverse. In general terms, of course, an advertisement is simply a public notice meant to convey information and invite patronage or some other response. As that suggests, advertising has two basic purposes: to inform and to persuade, and...
Advertising influence on impulsive buying - published: 11/07/2006
Essay - 22 pages - Services marketing
In this chapter you will find a summarizing overview of this study. It explains fairly about the two discussed main topics: impulse buying and advertising. It gives an introduction of what impulse buying is and if it is related to advertising. In which way are they...
Advertising - An overview
Thesis - 27 pages - Services marketing
Advertising is one of the largest generators of revenue in the world economy. Yet it remains enigmatic to a large section of people. It is akin to dream selling for some. For others it is a sheer waste of money. Whatever the perception, advertising in India as anywhere else continues to mesmerize...
Advertising on the radio
Case study - 48 pages - Services marketing
Advertising, in general, expresses the positioning. Powerful advertising is the result of powerful planning. Great ideas and great ad campaigns don't just pop out from nowhere, they are built on the key communication points that motivate sales. Radio is entirely a medium of sound, which evokes...
Advertising and its modern aids
Thesis - 20 pages - Services marketing
Marketing is more than just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. It comprises all the stages between creation of the product and the after - market which follows the eventual sale. One of these stages is advertising. The stages are like links in a chain, and the chain...
The role of music in commercial television advertising
Thesis - 17 pages - Services marketing
This thesis is written for the Bachelor of Business Studies final. It is a fully literature- based thesis so only literature research is involved. This thesis is about the role of music in commercial television advertising. To reach a satisfying solution to this problem, the position of the...
Effectiveness of online advertising
Tutorials/exercises - 28 pages - Business strategy
Internet is fast emerging as a powerful medium of advertising in the new millennium. With the number of Internet users increasing manifold, the new medium is viewed as the advertiser's dream. The Internet is the fastest growing medium in the 2000's with millions of users and an average...
The role of advertising effectiveness in changing customer's perception in relation to LG and its competitors
Tutorials/exercises - 80 pages - Business strategy
Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively and making it accessible. Companies must also communicate with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. Every company is inevitably cast into the role of communicator and promoter. For most...
Evaluation of print media as a medium of advertising with respect to consumers and advertisers
Dissertation - 46 pages - Services marketing
The topic Evaluation of print media as a medium of advertising with respect to consumers and advertisers is one of the best topics, which focuses on the print media sector as one of the means of providing services to the society that carries the idea or message of the marketer to the masses....
Steps and processes involved in advertising
Thesis - 18 pages - Services marketing
With realistic goals for advertising, you can satisfy both, those who are investing in the advertising and those who are creating it. Almost every person involved with advertising wants to measure their advertising results. Those who pay the bills want to know the return on their...
Role of advertising agencies in global marketing
Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing
Modern type of advertising developed in the late 19th or 20th century. Commercial advertisers generally try to increase the consumption of products through branding. Different types of media are generally used for this, such as magazines, news papers, television and billboards. The money spent on...
Provocation in advertising
Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy
The public is bombarded with hundreds of advertisements through the media everyday. As a result of this, it has become difficult for the customer to differentiate advertisements and no wonder they pay less attention to it. In such situations, it becomes increasingly important for...
Advertising influence on impulsive buying
Essay - 22 pages - Services marketing
In this chapter, you will find a summarizing overview of the study of impulse buying and advertising. It explains fairly about the two discussed main topics, impulse buying and advertising. It gives an introduction of what impulse buying is and if it is related to advertising. In which way are...
Standardization versus adaptation of international advertising strategies : towards a framework
Book review - 10 pages - Services marketing
The purpose of this article by Papavassiliou and Stathakopoulos was to create a framework capable of detailing the environmental determinants that affect the degree of standardization or adaptation needed in international advertising decisions. Some studies argue that a standardized advertising...
International advertising: "Global" advertising or "local" advertising ?
Dissertation - 31 pages - Services marketing
Consumption is at the core of the capitalistic world. In order to take people into buying your specific product, companies bet on advertising. The bottom line is: how can one marketing campaign convince every single person around the world? Should the campaign be global or local? In order to...
Effective Advertising
Essay - 12 pages - Services marketing
Despite rapid changes in the global environment and competitive landscape, advertising remains being perceived as the main marketing communication tool. Though it can be disputable, but not in terms of mass audience reach and therefore expensiveness (PICTON, David & BRODERICK, Amanda 2005,...
Advertising and branding in society
Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing
While there is debate about the effectiveness of advertising in society, few can escape the reach of advertising in everyday life. In one day at Dominican University, we witness the effects of brand names and advertising in many forms. Upon walking through the doors of Caleruega, the...
Interpellation of Subjects in Advertising
Market study - 4 pages - Services marketing
In the world of marketing and advertising, reaching the target audience of a magazine or other media source is essential for the success of the marketing campaign. Advertisers take many factors in to consideration including age, sex, race, and class when creating ads to market a product or...
Advertising atmosphere
Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing
According to Webster's Online Dictionary, advertising can be defined as the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, where the seller...
Actimel Advertising and Media's
Market study - 8 pages - Business strategy
Nowadays, working on a discipline like advertising is not an easy task to achieve. Advertisers have to be more and more attentive to the competition which is very large, even in the business to business market. They have to do the difference, in a world where advertising bludgeoning is on every...
The evolution of sex imagery in French advertising
Essay - 17 pages - Services marketing
The term Chic Porn is sometimes seen differently by the customers. On one hand, it reveals something that the customer rejects and on the other hand something exciting. It is very interesting to analyze the use of sex imagery in advertising and its evolution. The sex images in...
Does television advertising have a negative effect on children?
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
Advertising is a collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services. Advertising is a form of mass selling, employed when the use of direct, person-to-person selling is impractical, impossible, or simply inefficient. It is to be...
Effects of television advertising on children
Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing
In their article, The Commodity Flow of U.S. Children's Television, authors Matthew P. McAllister and J. Matt Giglio argue that commodity flow is one of the most prominent aspects of television programming for children, and that this commodity flow and corporate brand imaging builds into the...
Creativity in advertising
Dissertation - 30 pages - Services marketing
Advertising is both art and science. The science of advertising is the analytical part that we have been looking at this point: setting goals, deciding strategy, choosing among different creativity styles. Some people call this step convergent thinking because the process is to distill lots of...
Image creation, building and management through advertising
Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing
Marketing managers and PR personals do not always talk the same language. Marketing managers are much more bottom - line oriented, whereas PR practitioners see their job as preparing and disseminating communications. But these differences are disappearing. Many companies are turning to Marketing...
Advertising alcoholic beverages
Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing
Advertising plays a significant role in our everyday life. We find them everywhere. These days we find advertising of alcoholic beverages frequently. We find them regularly when we switch on the television, radio and internet. They are also found on the large hoardings on top of the buildings, on...