The potential of non-conventional energy sources is enormous as they can in principle meet many times the world's energy demand. Renewable energy (non-conventional) sources such as small hydro power, biomass, wind, solar, and geothermal can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources. A transition to renewable-based energy systems is looking increasingly likely as their costs decline while the price of oil and gas continue to fluctuate. This paper discusses the potential and achievements of non-conventional energy resources, especially small hydro power. It discusses about various non-conventional energy resources keeping in view the immediate requirements of having various advantages of these over conventional energy resources.
Keywords: Non-conventional, Bio energy, Photovoltaic, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydropower, Wind Energy, Clean Energy Technologies.
[...] Wind mill pumps for irrigation and wind electric generation (aero generator system) to generate power are used, later system i.e. wind battery charges are viable in remote inaccessible areas for small applications where the extension of grid or supply of oil is prohibitive proposition wind electric system are available with the rating of 500-750 kW Biomass Energy Conversion Technologies and Applications There are a variety of technologies for generating modern energy carriers electricity, gas, and liquid fuels from biomass, which can be used at the household community (~100 or industrial MW) scale. [...]
[...] solar PV pumps, solar refrigerator and solar electricity etc. SPV system for direct conversion of sunlight to electricity can perhaps play significant role in domestic, industrial and commercial applications in rural areas Solar Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Technologies There are two basic categories of technologies that convert sunlight into useful forms of energy, aside from biomass-based systems that do this in a broader sense by using photosynthesis from plants as an intermediate step. First, solar photovoltaic modules convert sunlight directly into electricity. [...]
[...] An estimated 10,000 MW plant will need 200 wells to be drilled and occupy 30 km3. Eleven geothermal wells completed so far can yield 100 tons of steam and water per hour at maximum steam pressure of 45 kg/cm2 and a minimum temperature of 140oC. The temperature of geothermal water varies from one resource to another. Some resources produce water at temperature above 350oC, whereas other produce water at temperature Table 3 : Summary of important characteristics of non-conventional energy sources 5. [...]
[...] Table 2 shows the summary of important characteristics of non-conventional energy sources. Table 2 : Estimate potential for renewable energy sources in India [ 4 ] 4.3 Bio fuels In view of worldwide demand for energy and concern for environmental safety there is need to search for alternatives to petrol and diesel for use in automobiles. The Government of India has now permitted the use of ethanol blended petrol. Ethanol produced from molasses/ cane juice, when used as fuel will reduce the dependence on crude oil and help contain pollution. [...]
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