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158 results

12 Apr 2010

Implementation of speed controller of PMDC motor: A fuzzy logic based approach

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

This paper focuses on one of the armature control methods of speed control of PMDC motor by using fuzzy logic, which is implemented in MATLAB tool box. The use of fuzzy logic in the control system is to reduce the complexity and probably to minimize the mathematical work is in the area of...

12 Apr 2010

Manufacturing and testing of parabolic solar cooker

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Physics

Solar cooking has been proved as the simplest, safest and the most convenient system for cooking food without using traditional fuels and heating up of the kitchen. A parabolic solar cooker works by reflecting solar radiation to a small area, where cooker or baking pot is located. The parabolic...

12 Apr 2010

Brief study of Gabor filters for feature extraction

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Physics

Gabor filters have attracted researchers since they extract information quanta in forms of time and frequency, two physically measurable quantities, combined in the most elegant way by the Heisenberg's uncertainty relation. For decades time-frequency analysis has played a central role in...

12 Apr 2010

Concrete mix design and concrete testing: An experiment using the slump test and compression test

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

This paper investigates the design of a concrete mix to a specified strength. In particular, it studies the behavior of concrete under compressive loading in order to determine properties such as (1) the compressive strength taken on concrete cylinders taken at 2, 7, 14 and 28-day intervals and...

12 Apr 2010

Hardness and impact test of metals: An experiment using the Rockwell hardness test and the Brinell hardness test (Macroindentation measurements)

Thesis - 6 pages - Physics

Solid material objects come in contact with each other, exerting and transferring forces. The outcome from this contact is subject to the relative hardness of each material and to the magnitude of the stresses induced relative to their yield or fracture strengths. In order to predict accurately...

05 Apr 2010

Simulation of coal bed methane flow characteristics in coal seams

Essay - 4 pages - Physics

The efficiency of methane released from a coal bed depends on various physical and structural factors of the coal bed. Methane is a gas that is absorbed on the internal surface of coal. The amount of gas that can be produced from a given coal bed depends on various factors such as seam thickness,...

05 Apr 2010

The effects of controlled release and congestion in a flow shop with prohibited early shipments

Thesis - 10 pages - Physics

Experiments were conducted with a simulation model of a flow shop with prohibited early shipments under a wide variety of conditions including congestion, which was modeled separately as “blocking” and as “material handling cost (MHC).” Congestion was found to significantly...

31 Mar 2010

Fault tolerance in object tracking sensor network

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

Sensor network is a system of nodes where each node is equipped with a battery which is used to supply power, a certain amount of computation, communication, a device for sensing and with some storage media. The reliability of wireless sensor networks is affected by faults that may occur due to...

31 Mar 2010

Human face detection using localized feature extraction

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

Human face detection aims to detect the presence and subsequently the position of face or faces in an image is an important task in automated facial image analysis. Humans are able to detect and identify faces in a scene with little or no effort. Our brain analyses, performs segmentation ,...

31 Mar 2010

Integrated system for speech recognition & voice recognition using DSP and neural networks

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

Neural Networks find great application in the field of signal processing. Here in this paper too we have proposed a simple algorithm to achieve better efficiency in speech recognition and also capable of distinguishing between male and female voices. Speech recognition is the process of...

26 Mar 2010

Methamphetamine laboratories: A challenging hazardous chemical cleanup situation

Thesis - 4 pages - Physics

For several months, Greg Sweeney operated a makeshift methamphetamine (meth) lab in the basement of his flower shop in Clendenin, West Virginia. He then used the floral delivery truck to deliver the meth and hide dumping of the hazardous wastes such as toluene that had been left over after...

24 Feb 2010

Chemical communication lab

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

Table 1 shows each chemical with their respective ?l, density, molecular weight, and Q values. The ?l is the rate of droplet length change, and the Q value is the emission rate, in molecules per cubic centimeter per second. The densities and molecular weights were given in the lab book (DeLissio,...

24 Feb 2010

Determining the heating value of a fuel

Thesis - 6 pages - Physics

We carried out this experiment in order to determine the heating value of Diesel fuel. We used a bomb calorimeter as the main apparatus along with a precision scale and a capsule filled with Diesel fuel. We performed the experiment under a pressure of 25 atmospheres. We took measures to compare...

24 Feb 2010

Bench top cooling tower

Thesis - 8 pages - Physics

The cooling tower experiment was carried out using a Bench Top Cooling tower with an orifice at the top. In this case a wet cooling tower, where the coolant comes in to direct contact with atmospheric air and undergo energy and mass transfer was taken in to consideration. The best possible values...

24 Feb 2010

Heat convection of rectangular and cylindrical fin bases

Thesis - 8 pages - Physics

The convective heat transfer lab was conducted in order to observe and analyze the heat transfer rates and various other criteria of two different geometries of heat sinks. First a rectangular fin heat sink and then a cylindrical pin fin heat sink were subject to a flow of air in a wind tunnel....

24 Feb 2010

Measurement of fluid flow characteristics through ducts

Thesis - 11 pages - Physics

This experiment which was conducted in order to closely examine fluid flow characteristics was carried out in three stages. The apparatus that were under investigation in order were, Obstruction Meters, a Rotameter and a Circular Duct. The basic underlying principle for this experiment was the...

24 Feb 2010

Temperature measurement methods using thermocouples, a thermistor and a hot plate

Thesis - 10 pages - Physics

This experiment was conducted in order to analyze temperature measurement through close observation of a K-Type and a T-Type thermocouple, a Thermistor and a hot plate. Each instrument was calibrated with respect to boiling water and Ice water in order to obtain results required. Bias Errors...

24 Feb 2010

Using ethics to solve dilemmas in the world of engineering

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

This report explores the importance of engineering ethics to arrive at reasonable conclusions to a dilemma between two vendors. This is done so by exploring answers to the three questions of whether or not the engineer of ACME should confront the other non engineering employee from ACME,...

23 Feb 2010

Biodegradability of starch

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

This experiment looked at the biodegradability of starch based packing peanuts in an environment of soil, in order to test its potential use in compost. This experiment determined the speed of the decomposition of our subject by measuring the changes in mass over a period of time. Four starch...

18 Nov 2009

Innovative train technology: Maglev super speed system

Presentation - 25 pages - Physics

The super speed Maglev system Trans-rapid is an innovative track-bound transportation system for passengers and high-value cargo traffic at speeds between 300 to 500 km/hour. It is the first fundamental innovation in railroad technology since the construction of the first railroad. So as you can...

13 Nov 2009

Aristotle's four causes

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

In Physics, Aristotle discusses the four causes, especially the final cause. The original school of thought says things in nature happen to form the way they are by chance and that they happen to be purposeful, but did not form for a purpose. Aristotle attempts to reject this original notion...

01 Oct 2009

Spectrum of consciousness: Evolution of the spectrum

Thesis - 13 pages - Physics

In this chapter, Wilber explains how the information given in the previous chapters relate to the spectrum model of consciousness. He summarizes the previous chapters and shows how they relate to the creation of the spectrum. Wilber describes the spectrum as an infinitely long continuum in...

04 Sep 2009

Comparing the burning rates of two candles and the chemical reactions involved

Thesis - 7 pages - Physics

In chemistry and many other sciences, it is very important to visualize your data. In the world today, everything is visual: television, computers, and advertising ads and pictures. Because the whole world is so visually oriented, it is imperative to construct a visual out of the data you have....

04 Sep 2009

Molar solutions

Thesis - 9 pages - Physics

Before the experimenting phase of the lab, the students must first calculate the molarity of the given solutions so that exact reacting ratio will occur between the two solutions when mixed. One reactant will be constant, as in each lab the molarity and the volume of that reactant will remain the...

14 Jul 2009

Theory of everything

Thesis - 4 pages - Physics

This is a theory that represents the ultimate goal of science. It seeks to discover what the basic components of the material world are and what equations can be used to describe their movements. In refers to the discipline of physics and it is a theory that brings together the four fundamental...

18 Jun 2009

Concrete technology

Presentation - 410 pages - Physics

The presentation is based on concrete and starts with the objectives of the presentation and moves onto a review of the composition of concrete. It then moves towards RCC structures and covers points like methods used in the designing of RCC structures, the codes used and the functions of...

11 Jun 2009

A report on activities on and around OFDM

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

Multi-carrier communications are currently in a state of very rapid development, both in the introduction of new techniques and in its application to a wide variety of channels and services. Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a bandwidth-efficient signaling scheme for wideband...

09 Jun 2009

National conference on power electronics and power systems 2008: Simulation of transient for power transmission lines

Thesis - 6 pages - Physics

Switching operations, faults, lightning surges, and other intended or unintended disturbances cause temporary high voltages and currents in power transmission lines. The system must withstand this high voltage with a certain probability or its effects must be reduced and limited with protective...

09 Jun 2009

Study of the incompressible fluid-flow past a square cylinder in a viscous medium

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

The present study makes an effort to find out the location of the drag, stream lines and contours of static pressure in the flow field passing through the square cylinder in incompressible viscous media. For this work, different values of Reynolds Numbers have been chosen. The distance of both...

09 Jun 2009

Experimental methods of hydrogen testing to prevent Hydrogen Assisted Cracking (HAC) during the Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

One of the main problems associated with the welding of ferritic steels is that of hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC), popularly known as cold cracking or delayed cracking. As the name suggests, it is caused by hydrogen present in the weld metal. One of the methods to mitigate this type of cracking...