Biology of Ageing
Presentation - 48 pages - Medical studies
It is useful to think of organisms as protein-synthesizing factories. If that factory is to function at very high levels of efficiency and stability for very long periods of time, the builder should start with an excellent set of blueprints (hence the importance of understanding the...
Urinary Incontinence
Presentation - 34 pages - Medical studies
Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary loss of urine of sufficient severity to be a health and/or social problem. Although it is commonly hidden and not discussed with health professionals, urinary incontinence is a prevalent, morbid, and expensive condition. Half of young and...
Violence and Injury
Presentation - 41 pages - Medical studies
Serious violence and injury have life-altering consequences for victims and their families that often cannot be reversed. Prevention and treatment must be priorities. Violence in the United States is a public health epidemic that is caused by institutional and personal actions. The root causes...
Gonococcal Infections
Presentation - 82 pages - Medical studies
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection of epithelium and commonly manifests as cervicitis, urethritis, proctitis, and conjunctivitis. If untreated, infections at these sites can lead to local complications such as endometritis, salpingitis, tuboovarian abscess, bartholinitis, peritonitis,...
Ferromagnetism and the Curie-Weiss Law
Course material - 3 pages - Physics
In "Ferromagnetism and the Curie-Weiss Law" the author will start by giving a more complete derivation of the Curie-Weiss law, which might make a few points clearer. Then he will try to address some of your questions more directly. The author hopes that the derivation itself will make things...
Position of the Fermi Level for Extrinsic Semiconductors: Additional Notes for Solid State Physics
Course material - 2 pages - Physics
In "Position of the Fermi Level for Extrinsic Semiconductors" the author will talk a little more in detail about doped semiconductors. Here, the author answers the following questions: (i) What is the position of the Fermi level for an extrinsic semiconductor? (ii) What is the concentration of...
Quantum Dots : A Brief Overview
Essay - 5 pages - Physics
Over the past few decades there has been immense interest in Quantum Dots. In this report the author will outline some of the fabrication techniques, basic theory, and a few important properties of QDs. There are various different kinds of Quantum Dots. The author will focus mainly on...