Nicotine Addiction
Presentation - 33 pages - Medical studies
70.3 million Americans above 12 years reported current use of tobacco (59.9 million were cigarette smokers, 13.7 million smoked cigars, 7.2 million used smokeless tobacco, 1.8 million smoked pipes). In the past month, 4 million American adolescents have used a tobacco product. Risk Factors...
Presentation - 30 pages - Medical studies
The stomach is a type of storage facility that receives all the things we ingest. Internally, it is lined by the mucosa, a pink layer similar to the one that we have in our mouth. Gastritis is a inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it can have different meanings and be understood by different...
Assesment of Normal Pregnancy
Presentation - 48 pages - Medical studies
The diagnosis of pregnancy is usually made on the basis of a history of amenorrhea, an enlarging uterus, and a positive pregnancy test. Nausea and breast tenderness are also often present. It may be crucial to diagnose pregnancy before the first missed menstrual period to prevent exposure of the...
Drugs, Cigarette Smoking & Alcohol During Pregnancy
Presentation - 26 pages - Medical studies
Teratogenicity has been established for only a few drugs, but many more are still not proved to be safe for use during pregnancy. The physician should have a good reason for prescribing any drug early in pregnancy, or indeed during the last half of the menstrual cycle, when any fertile, sexually...
Prenatal Care
Presentation - 45 pages - Medical studies
Prenatal care as we know it today is a relatively new development in medicine. It originated in Boston in the first decade of this century. Before that time, the patient who thought she was pregnant may have visited a physician for confirmation but did not visit again until delivery was imminent....
Normal Pregnancy
Presentation - 27 pages - Medical studies
Pregnancy (gestation) is the maternal condition of having a developing fetus in the body. The human conceptus from fertilization through the eighth week of pregnancy is termed an embryo; from the eighth week until delivery, it is a fetus. For obstetric purposes, the duration of pregnancy is...
Calculation of Gestational Age and Estimated Date of Confinement
Presentation - 26 pages - Medical studies
After the diagnosis of pregnancy is made, it is imperative to determine the duration of pregnancy and the estimated date of confinement (EDC). Normally, human pregnancy lasts 280 days or 40 weeks (9 calendar months or 10 lunar months) from the last normal menstrual period (LNMP). This may also...
Cardiovascular lab report focusing on Amphibian Heart
Essay - 5 pages - Biology
The heart is an integral part of the cardiovascular system in the body of vertebrates. It provides the pressure needed for the blood to be pumped to different parts of the body. The heart maintains the flow of blood throughout the whole cardiovascular system. This in turn allows all the separate...
Population Ecology Using D.melanogaster and D. Virilis
Case study - 3 pages - Biology
In the Population Ecology Experiment, fruit flies were used to investigate the factors that enhanced and limited population growth in these species alone as well as in the presence of other species. In this experiment, the effects of high and low population densities in the same size...
Presentation - 22 pages - Medical studies
Adenosis is a term used to describe nonepithelialized columnar glandular epithelium in the vagina. At ~15th week of embryological development, the Mullerian system, which forms the upper 2/3 of the vagina, fuses with the invaginating cloaca, which forms the lower vagina. Squamous metaplasia from...
Vaginismus (the inability of a woman to withstand penetration)
Presentation - 20 pages - Medical studies
Involuntary painful contraction of perineal muscles and levator ani prior to or during vaginal intercourse. The experience of or even the anticipation of pain on vaginal entry causes these muscles to contract, occluding the vaginal opening and causing further pain when penetration is attempted....
Presentation - 28 pages - Medical studies
An acquired, slowly progressive depigmenting condition in small or large areas of the skin due to the disappearance of previously active melanocytes Focal (including segmental) vitiligo: 1 to a few scattered macules, occasionally in a dermatomal distribution Generalized vitiligo: Many...
The Effect of Benzodiazepine Drugs on the GABA(A) Receptor
Essay - 4 pages - Biology
The GABA(A) receptor plays a vital role in the mammalian brain and is responsible for a large majority of inhibitory neurotransmissions in the central nervous system (Perrine 144). The GABA(A) receptor is a member of the ionotropic (ligand gated) family of receptors that uses GABA, otherwise...
Structural Explanation of The paradox between High Permeability and High Conductance in a Potassium Channel
Essay - 3 pages - Biology
The human body is a fascinating array of mechanisms, each perfectly sculpted to satisfy its role in the ever changing needs of our physiology. The various systems within us each rely on impulses, sent via the central or peripheral nervous systems, to coordinate everything from breathing to...
Water Pollution
Case study - 4 pages - Biology
This article deals with a possible solution to water pollution in a Wisconsin suburb. However the results could be universally interpreted, with the method of prevention being employed in many areas of the world. The Article describes a scientist's experiment to test the amount of water runoff...
Essay - 10 pages - Biology
One of the most fascinating systems of a cell or an organism is the way it deals with water. Every living needs water to survive and manages the intake of this precious resource differently. Water diffuses through a selectively permeable membrane within a cell by the process of osmosis (Campbell,...
Effects of Allelopathic Agent on Plant Growth
Essay - 3 pages - Biology
The experiment that was performed these past few weeks involved measuring the relative growth of a soybean plant that was planted based on how much allelopathic agent we used. Allelopathic interactions are very widespread in nature, and they are important factors in the mechanisms of the...
Forest Ecology Lab Report
Case study - 3 pages - Biology
This lab was set up in order to demonstrate the diversity and at the same time scarcity of species of plants in a long island forest as an example for a very global issue. The main principles involved were the community structure and dynamics of ecology. To observe this in the open we sectioned...
Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy
Presentation - 28 pages - Medical studies
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy has many causes and ranges in severity from mild (with normal pregnancy outcome) to life threatening for both infant and mother. Bleeding can vary from scant to excessive, from brown to bright red, and can be painless or painful. Causes can be divided into...
Presentation - 32 pages - Medical studies
Sensation of movement when no movement is actually occurring. Results from peripheral or central causes or, in some instances, may be induced by medications or anxiety disorders. Patients who are elderly and have risk factors for cerebrovascular disease (CVD) are more likely to experience central...
Pulmonary Hypertension
Presentation - 23 pages - Medical studies
It occurs when the blood pressure abnormally raises in the arteries that take the blood from the heart to the lungs. This pressure is not the same one that is measured in the medical doctor's office. When the cause of this illness is pulmonary emphysema or an heart illness since birth, for...
Presentation - 31 pages - Medical studies
Glaucoma is an alteration where the pressure of the liquid that fills the ocular globe abnormally increases, beyond the eye can tolerate. When this pressure, called intra-ocular tension, is bigger than the normal one, the risk of damages to the eyes increases. Glaucoma is caused by the...
Presentation - 30 pages - Medical studies
Illness provoked by the deficiency of production and/or action of insulin, that drives to acute symptoms and chronic complications. The disease involves the metabolism of glucose, fats and proteins and has serious consequences in either if it appears quickly as when it is installed slowly. In...
Uterine Myoma
Presentation - 33 pages - Medical studies
When numerous large tumors (especially intraligamentary mommas) are found, total abdominal hysterectomy is indicated. If the ovaries are diseased or if their blood supply has been destroyed, oophorectomy is necessary; otherwise, the ovaries should be preserved. Ovaries generally are preserved in...
Presentation - 63 pages - Medical studies
Consciousness, the awareness of self and environment, requires both arousal and mental content; the anatomic substrate includes both reticular activating system and cerebral cortex. Coma is a state of unconsciousness that differs from syncope in being sustained and from sleep in being less easily...
Effects of Gibberellins on Flowering in Grasses
Essay - 3 pages - Biology
For years, man has been trying to find a single chemical that triggers flowering in plants. Although this single chemical has not been found, several of the Gibberellins show promising results as an active florigen - such as GA5 and GA6 and possibly GA1 and GA4. Results have shown that these...
The Invasion of Bacillus
Essay - 2 pages - Biology
Beep beep click click this just in: A pandemic breakout of unheard of proportions. Is it anthrax? Or clostridia? It could be, but authorities believe the culprit is Bacillus cereus (49133). B. cereus is a cousin strain to both Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) and Clostridia...
Management and Prognosis of Heart Failure
Presentation - 121 pages - Medical studies
The cardinal manifestations of heart failure are (1) dyspnea and fatigue, which may limit exercise tolerance, and (2) fluid retention, which may lead to pulmonary and peripheral edema. Both abnormalities can impair the functional capacity and quality of life of affected individuals. In addition,...
Glucocorticosteroids in Relation to Inflammatory Disease
Presentation - 42 pages - Medical studies
For more than 50 years, glucocorticosteroids have been important agents in treating diseases characterized by inflammation and exaggerated immune responses. The pioneering work of Hench and colleagues in rheumatoid arthritis showed the possible potency of these agents in such pathologic states....
Applications of Statistics in the Medical Area
Presentation - 49 pages - Medical studies
The sound practice of medicine requires the ability to use scientific evidence that is based on data and is published in the peer-reviewed medical literature. In this literature, investigators publish their findings using descriptive statistics to summarize data and inferential statistics to test...