Portfolio Optimization using Genetic Algorithm: Application to CAC40
Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - Computer science
This project aims to implement and apply Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for the optimization of investment portfolios, focusing on top 15 CAC40 assets. The primary objective is to leverage the adaptive nature of GAs to efficiently explore the solution space, generating diverse and innovative portfolio...
Training Computer C++ Project - Genetic algorithm
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Computer science
This C++ code implements the genetic algorithm method applied to a problem chosen from the master's field (MMMEF or IRFA).
Training Computer C++ Project - Genetic Algorithm - published: 16/01/2024
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Computer science
This exercise consists in providing a C++ code implementing the genetic algorithm method applied to a chosen problem in the master's field (MMMEF).
Excel statistics exercise
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Mathematics
Our sample is made up of 30 individuals, including 11 women (36.6%) and 19 men (63.3%). Our database includes 4 variables: 1) gender, which is a binary variable (male or female); 2) fair-play score, where the higher the value, the better the individual; 3) number of fouls, where the higher the...
Embedded and Industrial Computer Systems Term Project
Presentation - 50 pages - Computer science
This document contains a presentation regarding a project entitled "Embedded and Industrial Computer Systems Term".
Spectrochemistry and Reactivity - Music
Course material - 13 pages - Chemistry
Music is an art and has a long history. But music is also a science: music is produced by interactions between air movement, forms and geometries of instruments.
Programming Percentile
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Computer science
The purpose of this assignment is to have you work on a mathematical problem/analysis (this is a scientific computing class) using memory allocation, file reading, and command line arguments.
RSTUDIO: Final Project - Data Correlation, Causation
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Computer science
In this document we propose to study three countries on three different continents namely France, Japan and the United States. We want to analyze how the primary variable fertility rate is related to the influencing variables namely unemployment rate and inflation. Indeed, harsh economic...
Battlebot - Minitron
Case study - 18 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The "Minitron" battle bot is made by Group 1, comprising of 7 members from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and material science. Principles of product design, electrical circuits, and report writing were inherent in the group due to this. Minitron weighs in at 2.3 kg, with a...
Applying the A* Search Algorithm
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Computer science
This assignment delves into the application of the A* algorithm in navigating 2D grid-like environments. Through a series of tasks, we explore pathfinding, emphasizing the algorithm's versatility in addressing obstacles and varying costs. The report highlights both programming implementations...
Econometrics: coding on RSTUDIO - US Presidential Elections
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Computer science
This coding exercise consists of one long analysis of data from the 2020 Presidential elections in the United States.
Connection between social engineering and Trojan virus
Presentation - 3 pages - Computer science
Since data have become the biggest economic challenge over the recent years, every company or individual has grown as an open door to fraudsters' greed. Yet, most of the social connections have been a sensitive matter for IT experts. Trojans represent 76% of program infections. 32 % of the...
Data Analysis for Decision Making - Cookfood Project
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Mathematics
A questionnaire is administered to a sample set of 856 individuals on a pilot consumer brand called "Cookfood" ready-to-eat product. The data gathered on the sample set is based on their answers with respect to their attitude to the new product, as well as standard demographics, such as age,...
Parasites of snakes
Course material - 4 pages - Veterinary
Reptiles and especially snakes have become a more and more common domestic pet. Several species of reptiles which are sold as pets are bred in captivity. However, most of them are taken from the wild or are the offspring of wild-caught parents. In the wild, reptiles are really rarely in contact...
Spark introduction
Presentation - 30 pages - Computer science
The document is a presentation about using Apache Spark for Big Data.
The Specificities of Surgery
Worksheets - 5 pages - Medical studies
Surgery can refer to an invasive treatment, which is an aggressive approach that causes inflammation and involves "violating" a natural barrier in the human body (penetrating the skin or a mucous membrane to "work" inside the human body). An important concept in invasive treatment is the...
Introduction to Software Development: Explore the World of Programming
Course material - 8 pages - Computer science
This course takes you on an exciting journey through the world of software development and programming. Whether you are a complete beginner or already have some experience, this course provides you with the essential foundations to understand key programming concepts and prepares you to build...
Cyclones Studies Through Soap Bubbles
Presentation - 53 pages - Physics
This document is a presentation aid for a talk on cyclones studies through soap bubbles.
Black Holes
Presentation - 78 pages - Physics
This document is a presentation aid for a lecture about black holes.
Supervised Learning Classification Checkpoint
Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - Computer science
In this checkpoint, we are going to work on the Titanic data set to predict if a passenger will survive or not using several classification algorithms of supervised learning. We will start by logistic regression, knn, then decision tree and we finalize by random forest.
Introduction to Computer Systems Science
Course material - 23 pages - Computer science
The course aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of computer science, as well as the skills necessary to solve practical programming problems. Students learn the key concepts of computer programming, including data structures, algorithms, modularity, and code...
MATLAB Keywords
Worksheets - 19 pages - Computer science
This document contains lines of code, instructions for programming in MATLAB, a popular programming language used for numerical computing and data analysis.
HIV / AIDS - Definition, Transmission Mode and Prevention
Course material - 3 pages - Medical studies
AIDS or acquired immunosuppression syndrome, revealed in 1981, is the serious consequence of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), responsible for a reduction in cellular immunity which is a source of opportunistic infections. The improvement of immune functions under multi...
Implementation of a Flight Management System within an Airline
Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Computer science
This analysis aims to design and build a prototype of an airline-oriented web application for managing aircraft flights. At the same time, it aims to be a powerful, easy-to-use, fast and effective management tool for airline agents, on the one hand, and a simple and safe information tool for...
Brief Overview of Machine Learning as a Field
Presentation - 9 pages - Computer science
Machine learning is a field of study in artificial intelligence that relies on mathematical and statistical approaches to give computers the ability to "learn" from data. Machine learning generally consists of two phases. The first one consists in estimating a model from. This so-called learning...
Web-based intervention among cancer survivors
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Medical studies
Patient empowerment is linked with the improvement of patients' health outcomes. It is said to help patients to take care of their health conditions, and in return, improve their health outcomes. Web-based intervention has been one of the methods used to empower patients. It has been used to...
The impact of evidence-based methods in nursing
Dissertation - 7 pages - Medical studies
In the field of nursing, evidence-based practices have been frequently utilized as a way of improving the practice and the quality of care that nurses provide to their patients. This approach is founded on the independence of research and patient experiences where nurses are supposed to utilize...
Can the use of EHR in healthcare settings increase patient safety and efficiency of work?
Essay - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Electronic health records come at a time when the hospital environment is undergoing a revolution with the idea of fully utilizing the benefits of communication technology. This is driven by the need for quality and efficiency of work in the hospital environment through improved record-keeping...
Physical sciences experiments on esters
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Physics
The aim is to produce 6 different esters using ethanoic acid salicylic acid to compare the odors that are produced to their expected odors. An ester formation is a chemical reaction that takes place between carboxylic acid (ethanoic acid and salicylic acid) and alcohols when they are heated over...
How to use Microsoft Office
Practical guide - 9 pages - Computer science
This document is a practical guide on how to use Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint and Excel.