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1235 results

29 Jun 2010

The grounded theory

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

The methodology of Grounded Theory is increasingly being used in research in information systems. However, some researchers consider this method as having non-rigorous data points and therefore unacceptable for scientific research and the use of empirical data. The purpose of the article by...

29 Jun 2010

Dawn of the information age

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

We live in an age of information. Every day we witness tremendous changes in the field of information technology. To understand the functioning of the information systems around us, we need to look into the meaning of the various terms used in this context. The term information system means any...

29 Jun 2010

Hurray! No spam here

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

The proliferation of the Internet as a means of communication has been an immense boon to mankind. Millions of data are shared between users, companies and governments that enable quick transfer and processing of data. This has resulted in the creation of a global village where there are no...

29 Jun 2010

Kanata: Adaptation and evolution in data sharing systems

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

The role of various elements employed in the adaptation and evolution of data systems is complex. This article elaborates a number of issues related to adaptation and changing data patterns. It includes the use of metadata. Metadata is employed in web pages and are used by search engines while...

29 Jun 2010

Sorption and desorption of chromium in bentonite and kaolinite mixtures

Thesis - 6 pages - Physics

Chromium sorption in soil occurs under different conditions based on the oxidative state of the Cr ion. Variety of factors is influencing the sorption of Cationic Cr III in sub surface environments. In this study, sorption of Cr III has been studied in mixtures of different percentages of...

29 Jun 2010

Agent oriented domain driven data mining

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

Data mining is the process of knowledge discovery in the database. The basic need of data mining in business is to help in improving the business. There are different types of businesses based on domains. Data mining has been recognized as an essential element of decision support, which has...

29 Jun 2010

Facts based voltage sag mitigation and stability improvement in induction generator based wind farms

Thesis - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In recent years generation of electricity using directly connected asynchronous generator (induction generator) based Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) has received considerable attention world wide. The connection of these Fixed Speed Induction Generators (FSIG) to the Point of Common...

29 Jun 2010

Selecting informative features - a novel approach for the classification of large dataset

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

Feature subset selection plays an essential role in all data mining applications. It speeds up a data mining algorithm and improves mining performance. This paper proposes a novel approach of feature subset selection for classification problem. This approach aims to find common features from...

29 Jun 2010

Designing online & offline charging framework for IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)

Thesis - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Mobile Communication service Providers always aim to specify, realize and deploy services as quickly as possible in order to gain a competitive edge in meeting evolving consumer demands. 3GPP introduced their mobile network architecture as IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Real time charging is...

23 Jun 2010

Concept of communication technology

Presentation - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Communication technology is an important tool for computerized information systems as data is communicated by using communication technology. Data communication refers to data transmission and receipt thereof from one location to another. Computers transmit data for many reasons. The problems of...

23 Jun 2010

Linux Vs Microsoft Windows

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

Hardware manufacturers and computer users shared software during the period of 1950's, 1960's and 1970's. But, by the late 1960's, software costs had increased and the growing software industry was competing, as the hardware manufacturer's bundled software products. Towards the late 1970's and...

23 Jun 2010

High definition entertainment

Thesis - 8 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The history of the television is a very interesting subject for those who wish to know more about where the “idiot box” came from. The word ‘television' was coined on the 25th of August 1900 at the International World Fair in Paris. We all know how the television serves to...

23 Jun 2010

The evolution of HDTV

Thesis - 8 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

It all began when a 20year old German student, Paul Nikpow, put forward his theory of the “rotating disk'. The inventors tried to build a mechanical television system based on either this theory or tried to build an electronic television system by using a cathode ray tube. The invention of...

16 Jun 2010

Understanding the concept of human memory

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

Historically, there has always been an interest in understanding the theory behind human memory, but a systematic study that started in the field of memory is less than a century old. An interest in the knowledge of memory and storage techniques have changed a little from what it was in the...

16 Jun 2010

Fibers and their importance

Thesis - 4 pages - Physics

Communication is the key to the existence of mankind. In the field of telecommunication, the horizons are constantly expanding. In this regard, the optical fiber is a wonder tool in the field of telecommunication. We are aware of the fact that light has a tendency to spread in a straight line,...

16 Jun 2010

The A to Z of bioethics

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

The world of science is highly dynamic. It advances the way in which the human race is progressing. Scientific advances in the field of life sciences pose difficult ethical questions. These include questions on cloning, embryo research, patenting of life and the human genome. France has...

02 Jun 2010

The effect of loud music and headphones on long-term hearing loss

Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies

In this combined literature study and experiment, I investigated to what extent listening to loud music via headphones affected long term hearing loss. In spring of 2010, a group of college students at University of Virginia took a hearing test using a sound curve generating software. I compared...

27 May 2010

A survey on quality of service in network-on-chip

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

This paper presents a survey on one of the key Network-on-Chip (NoC) research area i.e. Quality of Service (QoS): Service classification and negotiation. The models of QoS are classified into different categories based on synchronous, that is, having single clock domain or asynchronous NoC and...

27 May 2010

Recent advances in organic polymer for electronics in nano regime

Thesis - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Organic semiconductors are of increasing interest as new materials for electronic devices, owing to their easy processing on flexible substrates and potential for low-cost fabrication. Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), OLED display, photodiodes and field-effect transistors (FETs) are the...

27 May 2010

Assessment of open source software

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Previous research of software being developed under open source license has showed that some open source products can reach qualitative and popularly level of commercial (usually closed-source) counterparts. Open source (usually free of charge) software has become increasingly prominent in last...

27 May 2010

Efficient rule based genetic algorithm

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Genetic algorithm (GA) is an optimization technique which is applicable to all the functions that can be evaluated by using fuzzy rule based system. The problems can also be optimized by using mathematical functions such as calculus (derivative, integration etc.), and other nonlinear modeling...

27 May 2010

Time synchronization: A need for sensor network

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

Wireless sensor networks are a new type of ad hoc networks that had drawn the interest of the research community in last few years. They require accurate, reliable time for many of its applications. The use of traditional time synchronization protocols for wired network is restricted by severe...

27 May 2010

Quality of services in ad-hoc wireless networks: A survey

Thesis - 11 pages - Computer science

Wireless network is a collection of hosts forming a network on the fly, using a fixed infrastructure. But Ad-hoc Wireless network is a collection of mobile hosts forming a network in the air, without using a fixed infrastructure. Some features of Ad-hoc Wireless network are lack of central...

24 May 2010

Decision making through software agent-based intelligent system for education management

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) is a sub-field of Artificial intelligence (AI) which is concerned with a society of problem solvers or agents interacting in order to solve a common problem. Software Agents have evolved from Multi-Agent System (MAS) ,which in turn form one of three broad...

24 May 2010

A continuous manufacturing processes to manage the outgoing quality

Thesis - 6 pages - Mathematics

When the production is continuous and the process is not under statistical control (i.e., p is the probability of a defective unit is constant) and at the same time it does not follow a scheme of total control, it is remarked that a dependent process will be more realistic than the existing...

24 May 2010

Estimation of stage efficiency and optimization of biosorption processes using dynamic programming

Thesis - 15 pages - Computer science

Heavy metal ions in aqueous effluent stream is being treated by biosorption of metal ions upon various biosorbents. Use of Azolla filiculoides as an effective biosorbent has been studied to remove copper ions for a given volume of effluent with initial concentration of Ci to the desired final...

24 May 2010

Online match making process using fuzzy multi-attribute decision making method

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

In this paper, we study the fuzzy multi attribute decision making problems with preference information on alternatives, in which the attribute values and the preference values given by the decision maker(s) are in the form of triangular fuzzy numbers, and the information about attribute weights...

24 May 2010

A new paradigm in designing an advertisement - an application of real time data warehouse & data mining in preparation of an ad copy

Thesis - 16 pages - Computer science

The purpose of the article is to address the relative information of modeling an ad copy through real-time data warehousing. In modern enterprises the day-to-day activities information is to be stored in data warehouse. We have taken the example of data warehouse concept from SAP Business One...

24 May 2010

Constructive and equivalent variable cost heuristics to the multi-period fixed charge transportation problem

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

This paper addresses a multi-period fixed charge transportation problem (MPFCTP), which includes transportation, inventories and backlog. The transportation costs are represented in the form of a nonlinear function. The objective is to determine the size of the shipments in each period, inventory...

24 May 2010

An algorithm to solve multi-objective fractional bottleneck transportation problem with restrictions

Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science

The transportation problems with multiple objectives having more than one restriction are very important from the practical point of view. In this paper, an algorithm is developed to solve Multiple Fractional Time Transportation Problem with Restrictions (MFTPR), which is solved by a...