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1235 results

17 Aug 2010

Boiling point determination experiment

Thesis - 2 pages - Physics

In this experiment, we investigated a physical property called the boiling point. The objective of our experiment is to measure the boiling point of an unknown liquid by using only a small amount of that liquid, and then we compare the boiling point to the boiling points of the three liquids:...

16 Aug 2010

Einstein and the evolution of physics

Thesis - 2 pages - Physics

In this paper, we will try to understand in brief the physical concepts by Einstein and the basics of their creation and operation. At the forefront, Einstein dismisses the notion that science and ideas are the perfect reflection of reality. Physical concepts are creations of the human mind which...

16 Aug 2010

Psychogenic voice disorders

Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies

Communication is what distinguishes human beings from animals. It is a form of expression. There are many ways to express things, but the most commonly used form is communication. There are two types of communication: Verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal or Oral communication is one of the...

16 Aug 2010


Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies

Rheumatism is a term used for diseases that affect the joint and connective tissue. In general, rheumatic disorder refers to musculoskeletal diseases. Such disorders can be cured by various medicines and therapies. The study and the intervention with medication and therapy is called Rheumatology....

16 Aug 2010


Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

Mycology- sounds more like Mythology. But, the similarity ends there. The science that deals with the study of fungi including their biochemical and genetic properties is called Mycology. The word mycology has been derived from the Greek word ?????, which means fungus. This field of study is an...

16 Aug 2010


Thesis - 6 pages - Medical studies

While I was completing my internship in a hospital, I was surprised by the large number of infants hospitalized in the pediatric ward. These infants were placed in chambers and were not brought out under any circumstances due to the risk of contacting some infection. Moreover, they were connected...

16 Aug 2010

Bird flu

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Avian influenza is caused by type A strains of influenza virus and is an infectious disease that affects birds. There are 15 known subtypes of avian influenza virus. Thus, there is a vast reservoir of potential influenza viruses circulating in the bird population. The virus that causes the...

16 Aug 2010

Anesthesia and overcoming physical suffering

Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies

The Mesopotamians were familiar with the properties of opium and sleeping pills, several centuries before the Christian era. Even the Egyptians knew how to prepare opium as did the Greek physicians, such as Claudius Galenus who used it to ease the pain of the patients. The Romans were apparently...

16 Aug 2010

Biological membranes

Thesis - 8 pages - Biology

The three main components of biological membranes are carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, and each of them has an important role to play in the functioning of membranes. The first part of this document will detail the various compounds of the membranes and study their role in its operation. We...

13 Aug 2010

Cloning is here to stay

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Earth's inhabitants live with a notion that nothing is impossible and the sky is the limit, and as such there are all kinds of concepts born everyday. Some are meant to cause more harm than good, while some are for the betterment of all. Some, even though will advance life, are difficult to...

13 Aug 2010

Caps and their influence on wine

Thesis - 7 pages - Physics

The cap is a cylindrical piece usually used as bottle stoppers. Historically, it was used by the Greeks and Romans to seal jars. Despite its history, the cap disappeared for over a thousand years and reappeared in the late nineteenth century in the form of cork. Today bottle caps are made of...

13 Aug 2010

Physiotherapy and Osteopathy

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

The advances made in medicine today have led to a longer life expectancy, than it was about thirty years ago. What was incurable two decades ago is now curable. Many complementary branches of medicine have been developed which helps people to get rid of ailments, thereby decreasing their drug...

13 Aug 2010

Manufacturing process of optical fiber

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

The initial studies in optical networking were undertaken in the 1970's. It was discovered that a glass fiber encased in an opaque sheath was capable of transmitting data at a speed higher than that of light. The optical fiber is thus one of the greatest technological advances in the area of...

13 Aug 2010

Biological chemistry of yeast

Thesis - 8 pages - Biology

Products such as bread, beer, wine and cider depend on microscopic living cells that develop in a fungus. These are called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A number of varieties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exist in nature and are adapted to different kinds of fermentation. Yeast is said to have...

12 Aug 2010

Effect of oxytocin on residual milk letdown and composition

Thesis - 4 pages - Biology

The Endogenous release of Oxytocin occurs in response to stimuli and mechanical release. Milk ejection is stimulated by the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland. The oxytocin then binds to the myoepithelial cells to squeeze milk out of the alveoli and ducts in the mammary gland....

12 Aug 2010

Fruit abscission in physalis species in response to herbivory by heliothis subflexa

Thesis - 6 pages - Biology

Heliothis subflexa is a Lepidopteran caterpillar that feeds exclusively on Physalis spp. fruits. These fruits are encased in the inflated calyces—a characteristic that all plants in the genus Physalis share. Abscission of the fruits on which H. subflexa is feeding is a mechanism employed...

12 Aug 2010

The use and abuse of biology

Essay - 1 pages - Biology

Although biology is useful it is not everything as it does not explain the motive of an individual. The motives of the individual may not be the motives of a society. In the example of war, the biological standpoint says that people go to war because there is an underlying aggression engrained in...

12 Aug 2010

Photo filters

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Without a doubt, filters can be a great tool for a photographer, in as much as they can add to the photos, with color and special effects. They are an invaluable aid in livening up a visual. One can use filters in both color and black-and-white photography. Filters come in two forms, viz. mounted...

11 Aug 2010

Acidosis, alkalosis and genetics

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

These two terms are used to describe the unusual conditions when a patient's blood pH is not within its healthy range. It measures how acidic the blood is. It is normal for pH to fall between 7.35- 7.45 as this will make sure that metabolic processes function properly. There are situations...

11 Aug 2010

Things you should know about camera lens

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The main function of the camera lens is to focus the image sharply on the film. But they do a lot more than that: the lens aperture allows us to control the amount of light reaching the film and the depth of the field. Lenses are termed as ‘standard', ‘wide-angle' or ‘tele-photo'...

11 Aug 2010

Light is the medium of communication for a photographer

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The medium of communication for a photographer is light, just as words are for the writer. It is not enough whether light is sufficient or insufficient. Light has other properties as well which create special effects. These special effects can happen only if light can be controlled by the...

11 Aug 2010

Camera exposure modes and bracketing

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

For a perfect negative or slide, correct exposure is a must. This can be achieved only when an exact amount of light (necessary to produce negatives with right density and color transparencies with pleasing colors) is allowed on the film through the lens of a camera. Overexposure (caused by...

11 Aug 2010

Basics of developing and printing

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

After taking pictures, irrespective of the type of camera and film used, the next obvious step is to see the result. This is possible by developing the film and making prints if the film is black-and-white or color negative. If a transparency film is used, then developing is necessary to get the...

10 Aug 2010

Nursing management of the client with respiratory failure

Thesis - 2 pages - Medical studies

This paper focuses on what respiratory failure is, its classification and nursing management of the client with respiratory failure. It includes clinical manifestations, nursing assessment, potential nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions plus patient teaching. Respiratory failure occurs as...

09 Aug 2010

7 steps for curbing the carbohydrate craving monster

Essay - 1 pages - Medical studies

Plan your snacks very carefully. Self-denial can lead to overeating or binge eating. Allow yourself small sensible servings of your favorite foods. This may help to curb cravings. Take healthy snacks to work or school with you. Habits can be at the root of most food cravings. Find more nutritious...

09 Aug 2010


Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

For a perfect negative or slide, correct exposure is a must. This can be achieved only when an exact amount of light (necessary to produce negatives with right density and color transparencies with pleasing colors) is allowed on the film through the lens of a camera. Overexposure (caused by...

09 Aug 2010

Choice of equipment and lenses for mountain photography

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Mountains have always beckoned adventures. But today conducted tours and better accessibility make even ordinary people to throng mountain resorts and hill stations for rest and enjoyment. And with the proper equipment, mountains offer excellent photo opportunities. It is therefore no wonder that...

06 Aug 2010

Experiment: Computational chemistry lab

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

Using AM1 and ZINDO molecular modeling, we calculated the excitations energies of four thiacyanine dyes DTC, DTCC, DTDC, DTTC to be 430nm, 485nm, 544nm, and 600nm. Using UV?Visible Absorption Spectroscopy, in a previous lab we determined that the absorption wavelengths were 422nm, 544nm, 655nm,...

06 Aug 2010

Experiment: Magnetic susceptibility measurements of solids lab

Thesis - 4 pages - Physics

Nine of a possible eleven solid complexes were tested for magnetic properties using a magnetic susceptibility balance. From this data, the number of unpaired electrons were calculated using an estimate value of ?(1+ ?eff2)-1. These experimental numbers were compared to the calculated number of...

06 Aug 2010

Atomic force microscopy lab: An experiment

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) methods were used to characterize two samples in two different modes. Contact mode was used to characterize a zinc oxide sample and tapping mode was used to characterize a grating sample. The distance between the grating lines was calculated to be 1.173?m. The two...