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1235 results

28 Mar 2011

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Presentation - 20 pages - Medical studies

Sexual dysfunctions are disorders that make it impossible for a person to have or enjoy intercourse. The term sexual dysfunction means difficult or painful sexual functioning. Some sexual dysfunctions may occur in both sexes,others are unique to one sex. Until fairly recently, it was presumed...

22 Mar 2011

Case of Phineas Gage

Thesis - 2 pages - Medical studies

The brain in all of its complexity has fascinated philosophers and researchers for hundreds of years. The brain plays a role in all forms of behavior, sensory perception, subjective perception, subjective feeling, thought, and bodily function. The structures of the brain are responsible for...

15 Mar 2011

Phage Therapy: The Last Defense

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

One of the most under researched medical fields in the twentieth century through to the present day is phage therapy. What is phage therapy? Phage is short for ‘bacteriophage' which is a virus that only infects bacteria (Ransford 2008). Increasing antibiotic resistance among several...

14 Mar 2011

Principal causes of atmospheric motion

Thesis - 3 pages - Physics

All parts of the atmosphere does not receive energy in a homogeneous manner. This difference leads to air motion following the principle that warm air is likely to reach high altitudes due to its low density compared to cool air. The difference in temperature and pressure is one of the key points...

21 Feb 2011

Ion distribution across the cell membrane and the Nernst equation

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

The cell membrane is essentially a bi-lipid layer that contains phosoplipids and proteins. The concentration of ions and certain molecules is vastly different between the intracellular and extra cellular concentrations in cells across the cell membrane. This is because the lipid bi-layer in the...

21 Feb 2011

Key mechanisms that are involved in expressing a eukaryotic gene as a protein

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

The information contained within the DNA, in the form of a nucleotide sequence, is responsible for the production of the phenotype of an individual. The dna contains specific sequenmces of nucleotides, called genes, that code for specific chasracteristics. The basic concept of how this occurs...

21 Feb 2011

Has the patch clamp given us more information about the initiation of the action potential?

Essay - 6 pages - Physics

An action potential is an electrical discharge that propagates along the length of a cell to transmit a signal. It is initiated by depolarizing the cell via an ion influx until the cell becomes positive in comparison to its external environment, and then rapidly repolarizes to its negative...

21 Feb 2011

Physical properties of drugs with regard to their use as local and general anaesthetic agents- Their adverse effects.

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Local anaesthetics now have many clinical uses and can be applied in a number of ways; they vary in their pharmacological properties, and as such are used in various techniques of anesthesia. Infiltration anesthesia sees the direct injection of local anesthetic into tissues to reach nerve...

03 Feb 2011

Strategic management - example of the company "Apple"

Case study - 15 pages - Computer science

The Apple Company is present in the technology sector. It operates in three business areas with main strategies: - Computer: design and production of computers (desktops and laptops), development of operating systems and software. - Music: design and implementation of MP3 players, their media...

03 Feb 2011

Business of the information systems

Course material - 9 pages - Computer science

Internet, databases, networks, telecommunications, e-commerce, multimedia are all associated with the conduct of business. They prove the pervasiveness of information technology in the functioning of organizations. At a time when technological progress accompanies intense competition, management...

03 Feb 2011

The traceability of A380 airbus

Case study - 8 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Airbus aircraft manufactures, creates, develops, manufactures, sells and manages aircraft maintenance. Airbus Industrie was formed in 1970 as an economic interest group extending into the European level. The range of very large aircraft development has emerged recently with the A380. It is a...

03 Feb 2011

Technological evolution of mobile radio networks: what is the future of GSM infrastructure?

Dissertation - 65 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Historically, telecommunications have occupied a prominent place in human society. The area occupied by this segment has risen sharply in the past thirty years, by the mobile networks becoming available to the general public. A mobile radio network is primarily a wireless network. It establishes...

03 Feb 2011

The birth of the Digital divide

Essay - 3 pages - Computer science

Information technology and communication (ICT) is the subject of a more than abundant literature, and prompted the greatest hopes and greatest fears, and awakened the dreams of democratic ideals and fear of social control. In the late 1970s, we saw a real boom of IT in developed countries. The...

03 Feb 2011

Business model of the Facebook company

Case study - 8 pages - Computer science

In February 4, 2oo4, Mark Zuckerberg left the prestigious Boston University and along with his roommates , Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, created the The Facebook. Facebook brings together more than 190 million users worldwide (600 000 new members per day) 70 % of who are from outside the...

03 Feb 2011

Optical fibers and their applications in new technologies

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

The optical fibers are the source of a technological revolution in telecommunications, because they are capable of navigating light over thousands of kilometers.The main objective of our project is to show how communications using fiber optics can meet the explosive growth of E-traffic expected...

27 Jan 2011

Critical evaluation of Nike's corporate social responsibility (C.S.R)

Essay - 10 pages - Computer science

Corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship or corporate conscience relates to a mode of regulation within the corporate world where corporations display a form of corporate conscience. A corporation chooses integrate its corporate consciences into its business model, partly to meet...

13 Jan 2011

Neuroscience in Film: Distinguishing Fact and Myth in the Portrayal of Intelligence in Defending Your Life

Thesis - 3 pages - Medical studies

Humans have the potential to use most of their brain if they choose to use reason and logic in their everyday decision making process. The movie 'Defending Your Life' examines how using more of one's brain power and overcoming earthly fears can propel an individual to move on to the next...

11 Jan 2011

Genetically Modified Food: A trip to your grave

Thesis - 3 pages - Medical studies

Have you ever wondered if what you are eating is pure or not? Or whether it came from a natural plant or a laboratory experiment? GMF is ruling the world as we know it. People will anything that tastes good, but what about health? Is it not important to consider health in your life? Because...

05 Jan 2011

History and characterization of Tay-Sachs Disease

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder that causes fatal neuro-degeneration in the brain and spinal cord and usually results in death by the age of 2 or 3. The disease is caused by the fatal accumulation of ganglioside glycosphingo lipids that are a component of...

25 Nov 2010

Small-Pox: Remedies and diagnosis

Course material - 9 pages - Medical studies

Owing to the beneficent discovery of Edward Jenner the full terrors of small-pox as it used to prevail can now hardly be realized. In unvaccinated persons, and those upon whom the operation has been performed imperfectly, the disease may still rage with all its natural violence, but in ordinary...

11 Nov 2010

The Schengen Information System (SIS), functions, issues and problems

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

The purpose of this essay is to present an overview of the main functions of the Schengen Information system (SIS), as well of the main issues and problems surrounding its use. In the first part of this essay, a description of the functions, the functioning and the architecture of the SIS will...

07 Nov 2010

Overview of hemophilia

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

Hemophilia is a congenital tendency to bleeding which manifests itself shortly after birth and lasts the life of the patient. The hemorrhage occurs either spontaneously or upon slight provocation, and can only be arrested with great difficulty. The subjects of the disease also exhibit a curious...

18 Oct 2010

The tourism marketing of Dubai: Why it's a success

Thesis - 25 pages - Geology

Dubai has emerged as one of the most attractive tourism destinations in the world with the help of an excellent marketing strategy, which gives the city a unique identity in relation with its origins. Dubai has chosen to invest in tourism as the ruling power had the foresight to realize that oil...

29 Sep 2010

Cloud Computing - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 16 pages - Computer science

We can assume that a few years ago, "cloud computing" was a vague concept, arguing that in an uncertain future, computing would not require anymore software or hardware facilities to be used locally by the end user. This concept had its place with other futurist concepts, such as the vision of a...

29 Sep 2010

DreamShare business plan

Business plan - 15 pages - Computer science

We are going to launch an innovative community website in France. The company responsible will be a partnership. The product and the Company will have the same name: Dreamshare. Our concept is pretty similar to the concept that our competitors have come up with (Myspace, Facebook). Though we are...

29 Sep 2010

Google AdSense(TM), to what extent does the concept AdSense revolutionize the advertising on internet?

Case study - 10 pages - Computer science

The first ad that appeared on the web was posted in 1994 by AT&T on the website Created by the interactive agency Modem media, the size of this banner - 468x60 pixels - became the standard size of the classic banner. The contract, signed in April, 1994, concerned a period of twelve...

29 Sep 2010

Facebook success analysis

Essay - 4 pages - Computer science

Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of now the social networking site has over 500 million active users across the globe. Users can create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages,...

29 Sep 2010

Electronic computer industry

Worksheets - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

According to Standard Industrial Classification, the electronic computer industry has been classified under the four-digit code 3571, an industry of the Manufacturing Division and featuring in the major group 35 which includes Industrial and Commercial machinery and computer equipment. This...

29 Sep 2010

Business plan: the Wifi car system

Business plan - 14 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

It is important to choose the right time to start a company, because it is function of the economy. In fact, it is easier to start a company when the economy is bad, as the company will be able to commence its functions when the economy re-starts. In this case, we will study the feasibility of...

29 Sep 2010

Software business models for AUTOSAR automotive world standard (rapport de stage, 2006)

Essay - 12 pages - Computer science

AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open Standard ARchitecture) is a promising initiative that aims at establishing open standards for automotive E/E architecture. AUTOSAR compliant basic software ensures independency of the application software from the underlying hardware and allows modularity as well as...