Multiple-choice questions, human anatomy, physiology, human body's structure, human body's functions, self-assessment, physiological concepts
This document provides a structured compilation of multiple-choice questions and answers covering various aspects of human anatomy and physiology. It serves as an essential study guide for students, educators, and medical professionals seeking to reinforce their knowledge of the human body's structure and functions. Topics include the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, skeletal, muscular, integumentary, and sensory systems. Designed for academic and professional use, this guide facilitates self-assessment and deeper understanding of fundamental physiological concepts.
[...] Where does fertilization of an egg usually occur? A. Uterus B. Ovaries C. Vagina D. Fallopian tubes ANSWER: D 64. Which structure in the male reproductive system produces the fluid that nourishes and protects sperm? A. Testes B. Prostate gland C. Epididymis D. Vas deferens ANSWER: B 65. Which of the following is NOT a function of the male reproductive system? A. Production of sperm B. Transport of sperm C. Nourishment of the developing embryo D. Production of testosterone ANSWER: C 66. [...]
[...] Olfactory nerve C. Optic nerve D. Vagus nerve ANSWER: B 92. The cranial nerves involved in taste sensation include: A. Glossopharyngeal and Facial nerves B. Optic and Vagus nerves C. Hypoglossal and Trigerminal nerves D. Olfactory and Trochlear nerves ANSWER: A 93. The structure responsible for detecting sound vibrations in the inner ear is: A. Tympanic memebrane B. Cochlea C. Semicircular canals D. Ossicles ANSWER: B 94. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cornea? A. Protection B. [...]
[...] Excessive alcohol consumption B. H. pylori infection C. High-fat diet D. Lack of bile secretion ANSWER: B 48. The muscular contractions that move food through the digestive system are called: A. Segmentation B. Peristalsis C. Mastication D. Emulsification ANSWER: B 49. The main function of the small intestine is: A. Water absorption B. Digestion and absorption of nutrient C. Production of bile D. Secretion of gastric acid ANSWER: B 50. The primary function of the liver in digestion is: A. [...]
[...] Stapedius and tensor tympani C. Cochlea D. Oval window ANSWER: B 97. The structure that produces tears to keep the eye moist is the: A. Ciliary body B. Lacrimal gland C. Choroid D. Vitreous humor ANSWER: B 98. The inability to distinguish certain colours due to defective cones is known as: A. Myopia B. Glaucoma C. Colour blindness D. Presbyopia ANSWER: C 99. Which vitamin is essential for good vision, especially night vision? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin C C. [...]
[...] Comprehensive Anatomy & Physiology - Multiple-choice Questions and Answers Guide OVERVIEW: This document provides a structured compilation of multiple-choice questions and answers covering various aspects of human anatomy and physiology. It serves as an essential study guide for students, educators, and medical professionals seeking to reinforce their knowledge of the human body's structure and functions. Topics include the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, skeletal, muscular, integumentary, and sensory systems. Designed for academic and professional use, this guide facilitates self-assessment and deeper understanding of fundamental physiological concepts. [...]
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