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Medical studies

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394 results

21 Mar 2016

Pathophysiology of presenting features - Case based assignment

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

Conventionally, the sensation of uncomfortable or difficulty in breathing experienced by John is normally referred to as Dyspnea. The Dyspnea on exertion (DOE) that John reports normally is considered an indication of disease because it occurred at a level of activity that he usually tolerates....

25 Feb 2016

Cancer patients receiving hospital care

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Cancer which is well known as the malignancy, is the unusual growth of cells in the body. Different patients who are having cancer suffer from different types of cancer, which is approximately one hundred. The patient treatment of cancer also varies depending on the type of cancer which include,...

09 Oct 2015

Are bio active-rich fractions functionally richer?

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Medical studies

Plant bioresources are relied upon as natural, inexpensive, and sustainable remedies for the management of several chronic diseases worldwide. Plants have historically been consumed for medicinal purposes based on traditional belief, but this trend is currently changing. The growing interest in...

17 Sep 2015

Healthy alternatives to prescription medications

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Prescriptions that are made for various health problems under conventional Western medical practice often have alternative interventions that are mainly drawn from traditional methods of treatment in various parts of the world. Remarkably, there are a lot of non medicinal interventions that...

16 Sep 2015

Childbirth booth camp : natural childbirth and care

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

A childbirth boot camp offers information and knowledge on natural childbirth as well as other topics related with childbirth and care. These camps are mainly designed for educational purposes. This paper provides an examination of current trends in Childbirth Education. In this regard, the...

16 Sep 2015

Active care rehabilitation for patients suffering from back pain

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Active care rehabilitation is the use of different methods of treatments, mostly involving exercises, to facilitate the recovery from injury or a procedure to ensure that the patient regains the original or normal working of the different functional abilities as they did before the injury or...

10 Sep 2015

Lassa fever in West Africa

Essay - 12 pages - Medical studies

This paper focuses on Lassa fever in West Africa. The Lassa virus that causes the fever has been considered a member of Old World Arenaviruses. In this regard, it has been solely considered endemic in West Africa. Its full endemicity is nevertheless unclear especially given the poor contact means...

10 Sep 2015

Does displaying nutritional information in fast food restaurants impact consumers ?

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

In Western societies food is usually readily available, but poor nutritional choices have been linked to poor health as well as to such things as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Often these choices involve fast food. (NHS Choices, undated):- The observed association between the number of...

10 Sep 2015

Data mining as a methodology for extracting hidden knowledge from breast cancer patient's

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Modern monitoring devices among other data collection devices have helped health care organization reduce their cost of collecting and storing data. Specialized tools that come with such equipment have made the entire data collection and storage process more effective thereby easing management's...

10 Sep 2015

Do lung epithelia in copd undergo transition to behave more like fibroblasts ?

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

Various respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and pulmonary fibrosis are known to cause the degeneration of respiratory tissues such as the epithelial tissue. In regard to this issue, this study tries to establish whether lung epithelia in COPD undergo...

29 Jul 2015

The evolving role of the nurse practitioner and consensus model

Essay - 1 pages - Medical studies

Full Practice Authority for NPs is a significant legal issue that limits the role of NPs and affects health and care delivery. The range of activities that the nurse practitioner should practice is legally regulated by the licensing state and is a controversial issue in the medical community.

24 Jul 2015

Neurocognitive Outcomes of Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Essay - 8 pages - Medical studies

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a disease caused by the inability of the body to produce insulin. As a result of the human defenses against autoimmune disorders, insulin producing cells in the body are identified as foreign and therefore targeted by immune cells for destruction. Insulin is a...

27 Feb 2015

On Slavery - a history of slavery and antislavery

Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies

Slavery is forced labor. In some quarters, it is considered the biggest tragedy in the history of humankind. Slavery is perceived as degrading and robbing people of their dignity and right to freedom. However, despite the negativity associated with slavery, slavery is not necessarily a bad thing...

27 Feb 2015

Forensic Evidence - Making of the Fittest

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Suspect identification is a complex process in the justice system. It is aimed at identifying perpetrators of crime by eliminating people from the list of possible suspect. In contemporary times, advancement in technology has seen the use of advanced techniques in forensic analysis to identify...

27 Feb 2015

Political Theory review - Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, Marx, K

Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies

The advanced learner's dictionary defines alienation as a state of being isolated from a group or activities that a person should be a part of. For example, keeping a person from their families fits in to the definition of alienation. There are many other applications of alienation, but this...

12 Feb 2015

Efficacy of treatment approaches in out-patient therapy

Case study - 7 pages - Medical studies

Anti-depressant medications have been considered as the best outpatient treatment for most depressive disorders, despite the fact that reviews and evidence suggesting otherwise that evidence-based psychotherapies are just as effective as pharmacotherapy when it comes to treating major depressive...

12 Sep 2014

Effects of intensive policing tactics (like writing lots of UF-250s and summonses) on the community

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

According to researches, evidences consistently showing that, in the minds of police officers, as well as civilians, being black and male is inextricably accompanied with beliefs of criminality and dreadfulness leading to a habituated reaction of distrust and alarm that then results into...

25 Aug 2014

Emergency management based on a historical perspective - case study

Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies

Previous study proposes that emergencies are accidents and therefore are unforeseen. While the term emergency implies a condition of urgency and need, and thus implies lack of preparation and need for a response, this view is not accurate. While the incidence of accidents leads to crises, it is...

29 May 2014

Management of CHD and other chronic illnesses

Case study - 7 pages - Medical studies

This report presents Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) also known as Coronary Artery Disease, a condition that affects a large number of people and which causes a lot death as it affect a most vital organ in the body - the heart. Once we have looked its definition, diagnosis and treatment options we...

22 May 2014

Mental Health and Deviancy - 'From Madness to Mental Illness and Back Again'

Case study - 37 pages - Medical studies

Over the last few centuries, our perception of mental illness has changed considerably, from the view that the ‘insane' were a deviant group who needed, for the sake of society, to be controlled and hidden, through the age of psychiatry, medical-ism and cure whereby medicine became an agent...

20 Sep 2013

The United Kingdom's Drinking Problem

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Alcohol has been a part of British society for many centuries. The idea of drinking was started by kings and queens in many different forms around the 1500's. Drinks range anywhere from mildly alcoholic beverages like beer and wine to a number of stronger drinks such as gin and rum. There are...

10 Jan 2013

Abortion argument

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Abortion is a difficult topic. I am not a supporter of abortion in all cases, but in the case of the 17 year old pregnant girl whose boyfriend was killed in a car accident, I will argue that her choice for abortion was the right one for her situation. I will justify my position using Judith...

09 Jan 2013

The effects of Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) on Lemna minor

Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies

This experiment was done to determine how adding baking soda to Lemna minor's environment would affect its growth and survival. I hypothesized that adding a small amount of baking soda to the water would improve Lemna growth rates. However, the results of this experiment indicated my predictions...

09 Jan 2013

Debarking surgery

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Listening to a neighbor's dog bark constantly all day is enough to start a war in any residential neighborhood. Excessive barking is no doubt annoying and distracting, but is it really the dog's fault? A dog owner is responsible for training their dog to behave in an acceptable manner, especially...

04 Dec 2012

Personal statement for residency application

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

It was during orthopedic surgical residency training that I came to deeply respect radiation oncology's pivotal role in medicine. As a resident, I cared for numerous patients with bone pain or impending pathologic fractures from primary bone tumors, metastatic disease, and multiple myeloma. I...

04 Dec 2012

Sequential PET and local failure in patients being treated for Rhabdomyosarcoma

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Local failure” has been defined as primary tumor growth any time following the last day of radiotherapy (RT) within or adjacent to the RT portal (but not in regional nodes) as assessed by physical examination and imaging (Wharam et al., 1997). The Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) Studies...

02 Dec 2012

A spiritual procedure

Case study - 90 pages - Medical studies

The small studio apartment is cluttered with pizza boxes, cigarette butts, and ashtrays on the counters and floor. There are dishes in the sink, and numerous bottles of beer and wine on the desk. Also on the desk, next to the desktop computer, are many surgical textbooks and notebooks. Lee throws...

20 Aug 2012

Illustrating the Intimate Similarities between Select Classic Poems to Kafka's The Metamorphosis

Essay - 7 pages - Medical studies

If love is the language that transcends race, geography, and ideology, then it probably is the greatest form of plot and theme to every literary tongue. Truth be told, love is the lifeblood of most classical pieces: from Romeo and Juliet's unsurpassable tale of “love begets tragedy” to...

14 Nov 2011

Hepatitis B

Essay - 15 pages - Medical studies

According to Gould (2006), hepatitis results as an inflammation to the liver. There are a couple of different reasons for hepatitis: idiopathic- fatty liver resulting from a local infection, or from an infection somewhere else in the body, or from chemical or drug toxicity are all different...

07 Jul 2011

Richard Dawkins' arguments in 'The Selfish Gene'

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Evolutionary theory, in particular Richard Dawkins' arguments in 'The Selfish Gene', has always been used as support for egoism. In Simon Blackburn's work 'Ethics: A Very Short Introduction', he attempts to argue against this particular flavor of egoism as a way of defusing a...