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Medical studies

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411 results

02 Sep 2022

The impact of evidence-based methods in nursing

Dissertation - 7 pages - Medical studies

In the field of nursing, evidence-based practices have been frequently utilized as a way of improving the practice and the quality of care that nurses provide to their patients. This approach is founded on the independence of research and patient experiences where nurses are supposed to utilize...

22 Aug 2022

How can nanomedicine help conventional medicine and what is its future?

Presentation - 10 pages - Medical studies

This document is a presentation on what nanomedicine is, its applications, and how its evolution could impact conventional medicine.

14 Aug 2022

A Genetic Disorder - Down Syndrome

Course material - 7 pages - Medical studies

Down syndrome is also referred to as trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder that occurs due to the presence of all or some of the third copy of chromosome 21 (Head et al., 2016). The disorder is characterized by delays in physical growth, moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial...

14 Aug 2022

Broadening perspectives on reflective nursing practice

Diploma Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Reflective practice is an approach to learning through experience. It promotes the continual development of a nurse and helps nurses gain knowledge to challenge their prior concepts and ideas. Reflection involves seeing what happened through a new perspective that helps in personal growth and in...

04 Aug 2022

Mentoring and clinical supervision

Practical guide - 4 pages - Medical studies

In an effort to maximize benefit and reduce harm, clinical supervision is centered on collegial relationships rather than power dynamics. It is a procedure that can aid qualified physicians in resolving issues, enhancing productivity, and provide a platform for discussion and development. In...

25 Jun 2022

Children living with Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Worksheets - 4 pages - Medical studies

The maturation of the brain begins at the conception and is continuous after birth. All trouble of cerebral tissues before, during and after birth can affect certain part of brain and, depending on the degree of injury, can cause a permanent trouble characterized by the progressive injury.

22 Mar 2022

New digital tools for hospitals - CHU Saint-Pierre

Presentation - 12 pages - Medical studies

This presentation gives points as to why hospitals need new digital tools to treat and take care of their patients.

19 Jun 2018

Considerations when recruiting foreign nurses and the ethics of international recruitment

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

The nursing shortage has always been one of the biggest concerns in the healthcare field. Since nurses make up the majority of the healthcare workforce, many solutions for this problem have been presented: improving recruitment, offering opportunities for advancement, suggesting contracts with...

30 Jan 2017

Advanced knowledge for nurse educators

Essay - 6 pages - Medical studies

Concerns are raised concerning the safety of patients as cases of error and injury escalate globally. To improve the security of patients, nurses are thus supposed to recognize variations in the condition of the patient. Besides, they should be in a position to anticipate orders, prioritize and...

26 Sep 2016

Dental informatics

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

Dental Informatics is a relatively new field which has gained popularity in proportion to the increasing use of computer systems in dental practices. Sittig, Mirshner, and Maupome define dental informatics as "Application of computer and information science to improve dental practice, research...

21 Sep 2016

Genetically modified foods: a feeding system in need of improvement?

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Genetically engineered food has become a very controversial topic over the past few decades, and the issue continues to gain importance as more companies are producing genetically engineered/modified foods. The process of genetic engineering involves taking food products, alternating their...

16 Sep 2016

Why does nursing care differ for patients who suffer from dementia?

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Dementia is one of the most difficult symptoms for patients to cope with. There are three main forms of dementia. The most common cause, Alzheimer's disease, is responsible for dementia. It afflicts 4 million Americans (Dolhi and Rogers, 2001). It is a degenerative disease that affects the brain...

07 Sep 2016

The analysis of the link between posttraumatic stress disorder, stress-induced cortisol production, and heart disease

Case study - 5 pages - Medical studies

A number of links between posttraumatic stress disorder, cortisol, and heart disease have been established, although the final synthesis has yet to be developed. The pure correlation between heart disease and posttraumatic stress disorder has become a standard conclusion. Recent studies have...

07 Sep 2016

Lyme disease: history, causes & transmission, effects & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prevention

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Lyme disease begins as an infection caused by black-legged ticks. Usually living in wooded areas such as forests, these ticks can attach themselves to the skin of humans and bite them, infecting them a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi (CDC 2008). Several days or weeks after such a bite, a...

06 Jul 2016

Whether vegetarianism is good for the heart

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Although many people believe that eating meat is part of a healthy diet, and eating this way is as nature intended, vegetarianism is a popular growing trend among many individuals who are attempting to improve their health. It is a difficult choice to make, and while there are many reasons to...

05 Jul 2016

Smallpox and vaccination in the 19th century

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

During the 19th century, medicine and technology were two things very far behind what they are today. There were no guidelines on how to treat patients, and epidemics arose due to the poor standards of living. Therefore, when smallpox broke out, there were many reactions to the incredible...

22 Mar 2016

Cancer patients receiving hospice care

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Generally, cancer is a group of diseases that involve abnormal cell growth and the abnormal cell growth has the potential to spread to other body parts. The cancer condition is also referred to as a malignant tumor, but this does not mean all tumors are cancerous. On the other hand, hospice...

21 Mar 2016

Pathophysiology of presenting features - Case based assignment

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

Conventionally, the sensation of uncomfortable or difficulty in breathing experienced by John is normally referred to as Dyspnea. The Dyspnea on exertion (DOE) that John reports normally is considered an indication of disease because it occurred at a level of activity that he usually tolerates....

25 Feb 2016

Cancer patients receiving hospital care

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Cancer which is well known as the malignancy, is the unusual growth of cells in the body. Different patients who are having cancer suffer from different types of cancer, which is approximately one hundred. The patient treatment of cancer also varies depending on the type of cancer which include,...

09 Oct 2015

Are bio active-rich fractions functionally richer?

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Medical studies

Plant bioresources are relied upon as natural, inexpensive, and sustainable remedies for the management of several chronic diseases worldwide. Plants have historically been consumed for medicinal purposes based on traditional belief, but this trend is currently changing. The growing interest in...

17 Sep 2015

Healthy alternatives to prescription medications

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Prescriptions that are made for various health problems under conventional Western medical practice often have alternative interventions that are mainly drawn from traditional methods of treatment in various parts of the world. Remarkably, there are a lot of non medicinal interventions that...

16 Sep 2015

Childbirth booth camp : natural childbirth and care

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

A childbirth boot camp offers information and knowledge on natural childbirth as well as other topics related with childbirth and care. These camps are mainly designed for educational purposes. This paper provides an examination of current trends in Childbirth Education. In this regard, the...

16 Sep 2015

Active care rehabilitation for patients suffering from back pain

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Active care rehabilitation is the use of different methods of treatments, mostly involving exercises, to facilitate the recovery from injury or a procedure to ensure that the patient regains the original or normal working of the different functional abilities as they did before the injury or...

10 Sep 2015

Lassa fever in West Africa

Essay - 12 pages - Medical studies

This paper focuses on Lassa fever in West Africa. The Lassa virus that causes the fever has been considered a member of Old World Arenaviruses. In this regard, it has been solely considered endemic in West Africa. Its full endemicity is nevertheless unclear especially given the poor contact means...

10 Sep 2015

Does displaying nutritional information in fast food restaurants impact consumers ?

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

In Western societies food is usually readily available, but poor nutritional choices have been linked to poor health as well as to such things as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Often these choices involve fast food. (NHS Choices, undated):- The observed association between the number of...

10 Sep 2015

Data mining as a methodology for extracting hidden knowledge from breast cancer patient's

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Modern monitoring devices among other data collection devices have helped health care organization reduce their cost of collecting and storing data. Specialized tools that come with such equipment have made the entire data collection and storage process more effective thereby easing management's...

10 Sep 2015

Do lung epithelia in copd undergo transition to behave more like fibroblasts ?

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

Various respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and pulmonary fibrosis are known to cause the degeneration of respiratory tissues such as the epithelial tissue. In regard to this issue, this study tries to establish whether lung epithelia in COPD undergo...

29 Jul 2015

The evolving role of the nurse practitioner and consensus model

Essay - 1 pages - Medical studies

Full Practice Authority for NPs is a significant legal issue that limits the role of NPs and affects health and care delivery. The range of activities that the nurse practitioner should practice is legally regulated by the licensing state and is a controversial issue in the medical community.

24 Jul 2015

Neurocognitive Outcomes of Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Essay - 8 pages - Medical studies

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a disease caused by the inability of the body to produce insulin. As a result of the human defenses against autoimmune disorders, insulin producing cells in the body are identified as foreign and therefore targeted by immune cells for destruction. Insulin is a...

27 Feb 2015

On Slavery - a history of slavery and antislavery

Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies

Slavery is forced labor. In some quarters, it is considered the biggest tragedy in the history of humankind. Slavery is perceived as degrading and robbing people of their dignity and right to freedom. However, despite the negativity associated with slavery, slavery is not necessarily a bad thing...