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Thesis in mathematics

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15 results

24 May 2010

A continuous manufacturing processes to manage the outgoing quality

Thesis - 6 pages - Mathematics

When the production is continuous and the process is not under statistical control (i.e., p is the probability of a defective unit is constant) and at the same time it does not follow a scheme of total control, it is remarked that a dependent process will be more realistic than the existing...

10 May 2010

Heuristic algorithms for scheduling of a batch processor for the automobile gear manufacturing environment

Thesis - 18 pages - Mathematics

In this paper we develop a mathematical model and propose six heuristic algorithms for scheduling jobs with incompatible job families, on a singe batch processor (BP). The motivation for this paper comes from the heat treatment operation in gear manufacturing process used to manufacture...

29 Apr 2010

Evaluate semi-supervised classification with collaborative learning algorithm

Thesis - 5 pages - Mathematics

Conventional classification models are built based on supervised learning which invariably requires class labels of entities to be classified along with their description. Even the instance based classifiers require class labels of their training examples to predict the class labels of unknown...

28 Apr 2010

A recursive algorithm for parameter optimization in support vector regression

Thesis - 3 pages - Mathematics

Parameter Optimization is the most crucial task during any model development. The task becomes challenging when the model involves multiple parameters with interrelationships among them. This work concentrates on parameter optimization for Support Vector Regression of atmospheric variables....

28 Apr 2010

Performance evaluation of texture features with co-occurrence and Q-matrix

Thesis - 2 pages - Mathematics

The Present paper compares the texture features based on co-occurrence and the new Matrix-method called “Qmatrix”, which measures the similarities of grey levels. The problem addressed is to determine which features optimize classification rate. Such features may be used in image...

28 Apr 2010

Weight adapted of k - nearest neighbor algorithm with genetic approach implementing over data classification

Thesis - 6 pages - Mathematics

The enormous flow of information in various fields of technology prompts for the development of novel Data Mining methodologies that can process and interprets large volumes of data to be classified to a specify category with high reliability. The problem with Data Classification is inconvenient...

14 Apr 2010

Review of LMS algorithm and its implementation on TMS320C6713 DSK platform

Thesis - 5 pages - Mathematics

In this paper, we illustrate the use of adaptive algorithms to time varying conditions on the linear filter. We explain the Least Mean Square Algorithm which is based upon the stochastic gradient algorithm. Using this algorithm in SIMULINK on windows platform, we demonstrate the use of LMS...

12 Apr 2010

Signature recognition by the algorithm of string matching

Thesis - 4 pages - Mathematics

This method generates string for the given original signature. Basically by using this method each image gets converted into a string. So the original signature which is input to the method, a string can be constructed. Now if we rotate this signature by 0 to 360 degrees then we will get 360...

12 Apr 2010

Use of regression method of estimation for estimating mean from incomplete sample

Thesis - 4 pages - Mathematics

In this paper we have used Hansen and Hurwitz technique along with Regression method of estimation and developed a better estimator than one suggested by Hansen & Hurwitz. We have also worked out optimum k and n for large N and found same as those for HH estimator. Hansen and Hurwitz (1946) were...

07 Apr 2010

An effective knowledge delivery for understanding hypothesis testing: Adding a step zero

Thesis - 5 pages - Mathematics

Knowledge on statistics is increasingly important for professionals in modern business. For example, hypothesis testing is especially one of the critical topics for quality managers and team workers in Six-Sigma training programs. Delivering the knowledge of hypothesis testing sometimes is an...

06 Apr 2010

Variance estimation for adaptive cluster sampling with a single primary unit

Thesis - 8 pages - Mathematics

In this paper, an initial sample of the adaptive cluster sampling design is considered in terms of primary and secondary units. The primary unit contains units that are called secondary units and all these secondary units are arranged in systematic order. Although in some situations in field work...

05 Apr 2010

Comparison of power of three tests of equality of means of Pareto populations

Thesis - 7 pages - Mathematics

To test the equality of means of non-normal data, both parametric test and non-parametric test may be applied. In this paper, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, the likelihood ratio test and the Kruskal-Wallis test are investigated in order to test the means of several Pareto distributions....

30 Nov 2009

Decision algorithms and measuring instruments

Thesis - 14 pages - Mathematics

The medical repositories often take the form of algorithms that assist the medical decision. Gradually worked out a true algorithmic approach, one of the most spectacular examples is in psychiatry. Since the 1950s, the American Psychiatric Association has indeed undertaken the task of creating an...

07 May 2009

Game theory: Negotiation

Thesis - 3 pages - Mathematics

Investigate the use of game theory in negotiation. What are some of the ways it might be used? How is it a more effective method for producing a good outcome for a negotiator than more traditional methods? In our case, we have to imagine a negotiation situation. It is just to imagine two parts...

15 Jan 2009

How can the game theory affect the way of negotiating?

Thesis - 2 pages - Mathematics

The theory of the games is a very huge theory. In fact, this theory is enclosing very different sectors as economics, rationality and mathematics with probabilities. Let's explain a little bit what this theory is, which are the main authors and what is its future evolution. In a second part, we...