WiBro technology
Thesis - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
This technology is the latest advancement in Wireless Communication which presents drastic change in Wireless Internet and helps connect each and every person globally. It is the most advanced and upcoming technology now a days. WiBro is the Portable Internet Service to provide a high data rate...
Brain finger-printing
Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc. has developed and patented EEG/P300 based testing systems that determines, with extremely high accuracy, whether or not specific information is stored in a person's memory. The test measures individual brain-wave responses to relevant words, pictures or...
DSP based excitation controller for synchronous motor
Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Induction motors are widely used in industrial production processes. Use of an induction motor will result in increased lagging power factor. This power factor must be corrected by adding capacitors. If not, the result is the penalty of larger kVA burdens to the interconnected system. The...
Commutative analysis of a stepper motor drive
Thesis - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
In this paper, the designs of the various drives of the stepper motor are presented. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the various drives of the stepper motor. Basically the Design consist four sections. First part is power supply. We required two supply 5v and 12v. Second part is...
A comparative study of GSM & CDMA technology
Thesis - 16 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The mobile industry in India is divided between the two technologies GSM and CDMA. While the earlier service providers had adopted the GSM technology, the new players have been using CDMA technology and have notched up a significant share of the Indian market. Hence any discussion on Mobile...
GIS training: Distribution system management
Thesis - 30 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Reliable and sufficiently detailed data is required to facilitate decision making in all activities and Distribution System Management. Controlling costs improve efficiency and reducing down time has become essential for a utility in order to be successful in the highly competitive environment of...
An absolute security system with a password for sending secret data files
Dissertation - 52 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
This is a work done on cryptography. Conventionally, data is protected from unauthorized interception or eavesdropping by analog techniques. In a digital data security system, when you press a button in the DTMF generator set keypad for data send a connection is made that generates a...
A look at local area networks and some of its variants: With a special reference to Bharat Electronics Limited
Dissertation - 38 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
India, as a country, has been very lucky with regard to the introduction of telecom products. The first telegraph link was commissioned between Calcutta and Diamond Harbor in the year 1852, which was invented in 1876. First wireless communication equipment were introduced in Indian Army in the...
The architecture and functioning of OCB-283: The switching node in the Alcatel 1000E
Thesis - 20 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
This document relates to the O.C.B 283 system, switching node in the ALCATEL 1000E 10 switching system. It outlines the general architecture and operation of the O.C.B.283, both the fixed subscriber centers and the access exchange to services (G.S.M, IN). O.C.B.283 is digital switching system...
Universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART) (17 slides)
Presentation - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Serial communications is the process of sending data one bit at one time, sequentially, over a communication channel or computer bus. Serial communications is used for all long haul communications and most computer networks, where the cost of cable and synchronization difficulties make parallel...
Smart wireless foot pedal: How to make one specific to medical equipment
Presentation - 25 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
In this project, we will be developing a micro controller based wireless foot pedal system to be used along with medical equipment. Most of the surgical equipments will be controlled by the foot pedals. Most of the surgical equipment will be controlled by the foot pedals. The parameters such as...
Designing an electro-mechanical device with automatic target detection and firing mechanism and a provision for remote controlling the device
Tutorials/exercises - 35 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The main aim of any security organization is to provide a comprehensive security net to its client. However, in the process the cost of the whole process in terms of labor and money needs to be considered. Many times the work force gets limited due to reasons such as unavailability of suitable...
Commodity futures market
Dissertation - 40 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
India has a long history of commodity futures trading, extending over 125 years. Still, such trading was interrupted suddenly since the mid seventies in the fond hope of ushering in an elusive socialistic pattern of society. As the country embarked on economic liberalization policies and signed...
Can Japanese Sogo-soshas become common in Europe and USA with the system and its current situation?
Essay - 11 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
According to Reuters, a Japanese company has come up with a new way to track down grandmas, grandpas and anyone else who forgets where he or she is supposed to be. The company will use a satellite-based global positioning system and cellular technology. The device has been developed by a firm...
The disposable DVD (DVD-D)
Thesis - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The DVD-D is a standard DVD that can be used only for several hours after the card board sleeve has been opened. But the sleeve can be opened anytime: now, in one day, in one week, in one month or in several years. Then the DVD-D has a restricted lifespan of eight hours, after which it will be...
The use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) by banks
Essay - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Nowadays, companies are getting more and more involved in Geographic Information Systems. Indeed, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a new tool for today's businesses. This statement is confirmed by Peter Keenan (2005). There are in fact several reasons why companies are increasingly using...
What was TV?
Essay - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
In the 1950's television became the dominant mass media as people readily brought small screens into their homes in greater numbers of hours per week than ever before. It was clear that television would leave its mark for good or ill and be under ever widening scrutinyand not merely...
On-Line quality control: Advances in sensor technology
Essay - 9 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The success of new product introductions lies with consumer acceptance of key food attributes such as texture, color, flavor, freshness, and nutrition. Automation in food processing allows for control of the consistency of these attributes by measuring a specific property, adjusting processing...
Encryption: Security in the age of technology
Essay - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Encryption is a word that is associated with mystery and secrecy. For hundreds of years, it is tool that has been used to help protect information. Simply, it is a process that scrambles ordinary textual or written information into something that is illegible and difficult to read or decipher....
Technology applications of X-ray diffraction for non-destructive testing
Essay - 8 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
In this article the use of X-ray diffraction in non-destructive testing of materials and machine components is examined. The article contains twelve refeX-ray diffraction finds uses in many applications of science and technology, ranging from applications in the field of pharmacy for the...
Vehicle interlock systems- An introduction and overview
Essay - 9 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Vehicle Interlock Systems, or Breathalyzer are systems of alcohol-control installed into vehicles, with the purpose of prohibiting/controlling driver alcohol consumption. The goal of this invention was to reduce or eradicate the ability and/or frequency of drunk driving on the...
The main architectural features of the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
Essay - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The world of computer technology has evolved rather rapidly in the past two decades. Interestingly, while the number of languages and programs available has increased, the specific architectures that are used for building microprocessors have not changed that dramatically. What this effectively...
Examination of scholarly literature on the phenomenon of flashbulb memory
Essay - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The processes of memory and recollection are critical for understanding the human mind. Although considerable research has been done with respect to these issues, much of what is known about memory and recall is theoretical in nature. Thus, while modern psychologists and medical scientists have a...
The Specific Methods that can be used by the Organization to improve the overall security of its wireless networks
Essay - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The advancement of computer technologies has served as the basis for the evolution of organizations. In recent years, the proliferation of wireless technologies has made it possible for employees to work more independently, in some cases eliminating the need for an office. These advances have...
Digital Evolution
Essay - 11 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
The turn of the new century has brought outstanding leaps in the realm of technology. The rapid progression of technological development has changed the way our society operates. Moreover, the influence of technology has taken over our lives as a whole. It is with this premise that indeed...
The Telephone
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Phones have been integral to the evolution of communications and can be considered to have been the most prominent icon of interpersonal interactions over long distances. From the moment Alexander Graham Bell say those famous words to Thomas Watson over the first incarnation of the telephone...