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Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

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116 results

27 Jan 2025

Autonomous Cars

Presentation - 1 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

An autonomous car is a vehicle that can ride on public roads without human action. There are six levels of automation, according to the society of Automative Engineers. This car is part of the level 5 which is the highest level of automation.

09 Dec 2024

Aviation - How to Prevent Fire in an Aircraft

Dissertation - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Aircraft fire detection and suppression is a fundamental topic in aviation. Airline accidents are risky as they lead to the destruction of lives and carried goods. Fire detection systems are developed during aircraft manufacture to produce alarms to notify pilots of a quick response to an...

21 Oct 2024

How have biometric systems affected precision and sped up the process of identifying people under border control?

Essay - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The safety of a nation has never been more intensely guarded than in today's era of increasing global security threats. Border security, empowered by handling the two fronts of border protection and regulating the movement of people and goods, must grapple with new challenges. The security...

20 Oct 2024

Qualitative Data Analysis Software Comparison- MaxQDA and NVivo

Case study - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

QSR International's NVivo is a top qualitative data analysis (QDA) program. It originated from Tom Richards' 1981 NUD*IST and is now a mainstay for scholars, with the first version, 1.0, being released in 1997 (Dhakal, 2022). NVivo supports Grounded Theory, content analysis, and...

20 Oct 2024

Artificial intelligence for cybersecurity: Literature review and future research directions - Kaur, Gabrijel?i? & Klobu?ar (2023) - How Is Artificial Intelligence Contributing to Cybersecurity?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

With the propagation of digital technologies, the menacing scene in cyberspace has become progressively multifaceted, imposing innovative tactics for fortifying networks and structures. The uprise of artificial intelligence (AI) has become an auspicious key to enhancing cybersecurity because of...

19 Oct 2024

Implantable Behind-the-Ear Hearing Device Chip

Case study - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The project explores a revolutionary advancement in hearing device technology by introducing implantable chips behind the ear. Usually, there is a sense of discomfort, and maintenance becomes a challenge for the earpieces; hence, the need for a solution that has an unrestricted style. This report...

18 Oct 2024

Using AI Copilots to Enhance Aviation Safety for Autonomous Aircraft Operations

Case study - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

This research proposes an AI copilot system to improve aviation safety for autonomous flight operations. The system combines knowledge representation, reasoning, natural language processing, and computer vision, helping with risk assessments, countermeasure recommendations, and human-AI...

18 Oct 2024

Implementation of an EDRMS at CECE Consulting Inc

Case study - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

CECE Consulting Inc., with office locations in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, runs its business in the non-stop evolving consulting market. Established in September 2023, the company has already delved into some of its operations that require sound document management systems due to the...

18 Oct 2024

Data Security and the Benefits for Users and Companies

Dissertation - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In today's interconnected digital world, data becomes the life-sustaining fluid of every part of existence, whether we are talking about individual communications or global trade. (Lopez, 2023) illustrates that, ultimately, the role of the SOC becomes a validation of the importance of...

17 Oct 2024

ECG (Electrocardiogram) Design Project

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

This project designed and built a circuit to get the ECG signal, which consisted of the instrumentation amplifier to amplify the ECG signal, a 60 Hz notch filter for removing power line noise, and a passive band-pass filter tuned to the typical ECG frequency range. The circuit was integrated, and...

29 Jun 2024

BlackBerry case study

Case study - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The original Blackberry came at a time of great technological innovation, in the early 2000s. Devices were sprawling, from mp3 players to PDAs, wireless phones and even digital cameras. Personal technological devices began to spread into the mainstream, even though wireless phones and pagers were...

09 Apr 2024

International Engineering Management - Toyota

Case study - 9 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

There are numerous strategies that lead Toyota to first place in the automobile industry. This report will provide an opportunity to better understand the company's history, recognize the main factors that bring success to the business, and analyze cultural analysis between China and South...

27 Mar 2024

Quantum States and Wavefunctions

Presentation - 10 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Quantum states and wavefunctions are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, providing a mathematical description of the state of a quantum mechanical system. These concepts are essential for understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level and have profound implications for...

20 Mar 2024

Processing of Polymeric Materials - 3D FDM printing

Course material - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

3D printing is an additive manufacturing technique that proceeds by the addition of material in successive layers, dating back to the 1980s. This process contrasts with conventional subtractive manufacturing techniques such as machining. This technology enables the production of volumetric parts...

04 Feb 2024

Beyond Algorithms: The Symphony of AI and Healthcare

Case study - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In the dawning light of the new day Emma slowly wakes to the gentle chime of the digital assistant, the artificial intelligence-driven sentinel for her health. It's already analyzed her sleep patterns, her vital signs, and the local weather forecast with a high likelihood of a migraine...

20 Dec 2023

Battlebot - Minitron

Case study - 18 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The "Minitron" battle bot is made by Group 1, comprising of 7 members from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and material science. Principles of product design, electrical circuits, and report writing were inherent in the group due to this. Minitron weighs in at 2.3 kg, with a...

02 Sep 2022

Can the use of EHR in healthcare settings increase patient safety and efficiency of work?

Essay - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Electronic health records come at a time when the hospital environment is undergoing a revolution with the idea of fully utilizing the benefits of communication technology. This is driven by the need for quality and efficiency of work in the hospital environment through improved record-keeping...

18 Jun 2022

Voltage and current measurement

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In this experiment, we used a power supply and a digital multimeter to measure the voltage and the current. We measured these values using a closed circuit we created by implementing wires and resistors on a protoboard. The purpose of the experiment is to test how voltage, current, polarity...

21 Mar 2022

How Bluetooth works and its advantages

Worksheets - 1 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Bluetooth gadgets can mostly function at a couple of 4 GHZ with inside the license free, globally available college of notion radio band. The gain to the modern-day band consists of global availability and compatibility. A downside to this, however, is that the gadgets need to percentage this...

16 Dec 2019

Multiplexed LED Display

Essay - 11 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Through a series of laboratory procedures, we have created a LED clock which is powered by a transformer whose voltage initially is a 120V rms. The purpose of the project is to understand how to use resistors, transformers, capacitors, and transistors to bring down the alternating current voltage...

30 Nov 2014

Light control circuit

Case study - 12 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

This research is intended to be used to design a circuit that converts any sound to light, it is an electrical circuit with a Sound sensor, when it hears the sound wave, the sensor converts that sound wave to a certain volts (electrical wave), and the electrical wave runs through the circuit and...

21 Nov 2014

Electromagnetic Fields and their Effect on Human

Case study - 6 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Electronic revolution has changed human life, since the early beginning of human being history humankind has always been trying to creative new things in all fields, the use of electric devices have became mandatory especially in communication like wireless communication links ex (mobile...

20 Jun 2013

How technology can increase organizational efficiency?

Case study - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Delivery of superior services and provision of quality goods to consumers is one of the basic managerial responsibilities. One way to accomplish this objective is to invest heavily in technology. To assess the implications of technology on efficiency of an organization is a difficult task for...

11 Jun 2012

The case of disruptive technology

Case study - 10 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

There are more people who are listening to music. Nowadays it is everywhere and every when: you are going to take your bus, you are traveling from a country to another, you are making sport... Each reason is the right one to listen to music. It is true that with the development of new...

17 May 2012

Video games and their influence on young people

Case study - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Video games and their influence on young people has been the subject of discussion for social commentators and the public during recent years. In this respect, several experts have highlighted the negative aspects of video gaming, such as the health risk like increasing the tendency to obesity...

03 Feb 2011

The traceability of A380 airbus

Case study - 8 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Airbus aircraft manufactures, creates, develops, manufactures, sells and manages aircraft maintenance. Airbus Industrie was formed in 1970 as an economic interest group extending into the European level. The range of very large aircraft development has emerged recently with the A380. It is a...

03 Feb 2011

Technological evolution of mobile radio networks: what is the future of GSM infrastructure?

Dissertation - 65 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Historically, telecommunications have occupied a prominent place in human society. The area occupied by this segment has risen sharply in the past thirty years, by the mobile networks becoming available to the general public. A mobile radio network is primarily a wireless network. It establishes...

29 Sep 2010

Electronic computer industry

Worksheets - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

According to Standard Industrial Classification, the electronic computer industry has been classified under the four-digit code 3571, an industry of the Manufacturing Division and featuring in the major group 35 which includes Industrial and Commercial machinery and computer equipment. This...

29 Sep 2010

Business plan: the Wifi car system

Business plan - 14 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

It is important to choose the right time to start a company, because it is function of the economy. In fact, it is easier to start a company when the economy is bad, as the company will be able to commence its functions when the economy re-starts. In this case, we will study the feasibility of...

25 Aug 2010

Photographing people

Thesis - 3 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Photographs of human beings are, by and large, more interesting than a picture of even the most beautiful landscape. However, it so happens that human beings become more conscious in front of the camera. This is due to the phenomenon called ‘camera phobia'! The camera is feared by all and...