Smart home systems are expected to become key research area for ubiquitous and embedded system
Computing in coming years. In this paper, a new scheme in smart home systems technology using Embedded server for providing intelligent control of home appliances is proposed. A wireless based Embedded server act as protocol glue that incorporates wireless option such as Short Message Service (SMS) router with wireless local area network (WI-FI) for intelligent automation and higher speed of Home appliances connectivity. With remote triggering capabilities, it sits at the core of the home network, acts as residential gateway and enables bi-directional communication and data transfer channel among networked appliances in the home and across the Internet. The proposed server has been implemented and verified that the system can be a core device for smart home environment.
[...] ALGORITHM FOR IMPLEMENTING REMOTE TRIGGERING BASED EMBEDDED TSEheR VprEoRpo sed remote triggering based embedded servers for smart home environment uses embedded process incoming Fig.3 User interface of client-side application The 2nd National Intelligent Systems And Information Technology Symposium (ISITS'07), Oct 30-31, 2007,ITMA -UPM, Malaysia.255 The client-side application enable user to establish connection to the server (embedded CPU) by using IP address and appropriate port number. In this case, IP address of remote application server is And the port number TCP server is 100. [...]
[...] There has been much talk about generic remote triggering based embedded server but all of today's solutions are proprietary. One of the core difficulties in putting the module in place is the uncertainty as to the services and facilities which consumers will come to demand in the medium to long term. Because large based systems which a service provider must install are considerable risks if new, or if refined services required by customers, thus a practical module must be inexpensive, easily maintainable from both software and hardware perspectives and should be easily upgradeable to meet market demands for new multimedia services. [...]
[...] Client Mobile Device Local ISP WWW SMS Remote Server with Wi-Fi Switching Module Embedded CPU The 2nd National Intelligent Systems And Information Technology Symposium (ISITS'07), Oct 30- ITMA -UPM, Malaysia c. Switching Module Switching module consists of single chip and several relays that have functional protocol stack installed on complete Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), integrates all features needed for modern Ethernet and Internet applications. SC12 from Beck- IPC is used to implement the server Network interface of SC12 including 10Base-T with RJ45 connector. [...]
[...] Fig shows the control interface using SMS. rtos/index.asp?sp=en. Fig.6 SMS Control Interface For smart home environment, both 56k dial-up and 64k ISDN are consuming around 2 s to travel control signal from remote terminal to remote triggering based embedded server. These types of connections are restricted for generalpurpose application instead of high-precision control purpose. 128k ISDN and 384k ADSL seems to be the ideal choice for application specific smart home triggering and monitoring system that requires time-sensitive and high precision purpose. [...]
[...] As a result, the status of the remote system or home appliance is transparent to the user. If any of the listed appliances button is checked, the client-side will send a specific code to the embedded CPU. Once the remote application server received the code, translation process initialized to process the code before transferring to the switching module. Once the switching module received the code, the microprocessor performs appropriate operations to trigger corresponding relay that reside in the switching module. [...]
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