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137 results

05 Apr 2010

Using a meta-modeling knowledge management layer: A new approach to designing the enterprise information architecture

Thesis - 10 pages - Computer science

As organizations continue to evolve with Inter/Intranet -based applications in this fast moving era of electronic commerce, organizations should adopt an Information technology architecture that conserves knowledge and enables decision-makers to use information systems at an even higher level of...

31 Mar 2010

Gesture recognition using divine proportion

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

In recent years, gesture recognition has become essential in many vision based systems related to wireless interfacing between human and machines. The rising interest in this research is in conjunction with the immense attentions of employing real time application to improve human - machine...

31 Mar 2010

JPEG image compression using MATLAB

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

The paper deals with studying techniques for reducing the storage required saving an image, or the bandwidth required transmitting it. Image compression addresses the problem of reducing the amount of data required to represent a digital image. The underlying basis of the reduction process is the...

31 Mar 2010

A simulation model for implementing collision detection & avoidance in InVANETs

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are an emerging new technology which is the focus of lot of ongoing research and projects.[12],[13] It aims at providing ubiquitous connectivity to mobile users and effective communication between vehicles on dynamic mobility. VANETs have various applications...

31 Mar 2010

Route optimization in mobile adhoc networks

Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science

With the increase of portable devices as well as progress in wireless communications, ad hoc networking is gaining importance with the increasing number of widespread applications. Ad hoc networking can be applied in places where there is little or no communication infrastructure or existing...

31 Mar 2010

Do online information retrieval systems pose a security threat?

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

The search engine's deceptive role of information mining from the crawled web servers has been gravely misunderstood. The general perception of search engine being an information locator is a universal truth. The 24x7 availability of the updated information makes it a potential information search...

31 Mar 2010

Cascaded encryption through recursive key rotation and bitwise operation on blocks (CRKRBOB) of a session key

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

The technique considers a message as binary string on which a Cascaded Recursive Key Rotation and Bitwise Operation (CRKRBOB) is applied. A block of n bits is taken as an input stream, where n varies from 8 to 256, from a continuous stream of bits and the technique operates on it to generate the...

31 Mar 2010

A framework for detection of distributed denial of service attacks

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

The increasing popularity of web-based applications has led to several critical services being provided over the Internet. This has made it imperative to monitor the network traffic so as to prevent malicious attackers from depleting the resources of the network and denying services to legitimate...

31 Mar 2010

Architecture for providing knowledge as a service (KaaS), a new paradigm on academic cloud

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Knowledge plays vital role in every stage of learning and research. The academic clouds providing educational services to students, teachers and researchers can further be equipped to provide knowledge as a service to the users for their knowledge enhancement and problem solutions. This is...

14 Oct 2009

A study on the significance of information technology in various fields

Thesis - 15 pages - Computer science

The outcome of the integration of computer and telecommunications technology is today called as Information Technology which is popularly known as Info Tech. Businesses use IT in many different ways. Some IT applications automate a variety of basic business activities, from production control...

12 Oct 2009

Bead Bar's superior computer system

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

A standard business depends on information technology for their continued existence. Information technology can provide a business with efficiency which assists a business to be highly successful. Recently, information systems have been recognized as a tool for obtaining a competitive advantage....

12 Oct 2009

Importance of benchmarking of E-business sites

Thesis - 2 pages - Computer science

Benchmarking is an important activity in the analysis of E-Business web sites. The primary reason being that today E-Business is highly competitive, with customers having lot of options and hence the E-Business web sites have to keep up with standards or else risk losing customers. Benchmarking...

12 Oct 2009

3D graphics tools for Java

Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science

There are several packages for 3D graphics in Java that have come up in the past decade with varying degrees of success. This paper does a survey of not only the features of these tools, but also about their importance and the future prospects of Java based graphics tools. There are powerful...

04 Sep 2009

Motorola L6i Mobile: User manual

Thesis - 12 pages - Computer science

A mobile phone, also known as a cellular phone is a handheld electronic device that is used for voice and data communication over a network. This User Guide is meant for users of the Motorola L6i mobile phone. Follow the precautions below while using the handset: Almost all mobile phones are...

04 Sep 2009

Smart tips for blackberry users

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

One of the most popular and efficient business phones, the Blackberry is an application rich and feature-loaded smart phone for the professional on the go. However, most owners of Blackberry phones do not use all the features and are seldom aware of what they can do with all the goodies loaded in...

03 Sep 2009

An overview of QTP

Thesis - 9 pages - Computer science

QTP is a functional testing tool and product of HP. It contains several features for automating the testing. It is divided into five parts- Test pane, Active screen, Data table, Debug viewer pane, Tool option. Add-in manager is special feature in QTP. Vbscript, Active X, Web are the default...

17 Aug 2009

The changing trends of information technology and its compatibility with the economy

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

This case study looks at one of the most commonly discussed questions in the world of information technology and economics. Is the economy and Information Technology changing at the same pace and which one is influencing the other one to change? Another core aspect of this case study is looking...

13 Aug 2009

Motives, methods, and morals: Towards an informed anti-cheating policy in massively online multiplayer games

Thesis - 10 pages - Computer science

World of Warcraft and other massively multiplayer online games have become immensely popular in the past few years. Their growing popularity, advanced player-driven economies, and often reinforced social and political tendencies have yielded an interesting if troublesome set of problems....

16 Jun 2009

Security using firewalls

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

In this age of universal electronic connectivity of viruses and hackers, of electronic Eavesdropping and electronic fraud, there is indeed no time at which security does not matter. The explosive growth in computer systems and their interconnections via network has increased the dependence of...

16 Jun 2009

Active character technology based on neural networks Genetic Algorithms and AI

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

A combination of Neural networks genetic algorithms and conventional computing in Multimedia and Gaming industry has never been attempted before. Existing technologies operate on fixed databases and manipulate limited data that is bound by some logical algorithm. Even many of the AI based...

16 Jun 2009

A look at cogeneration

Thesis - 14 pages - Computer science

Power is one of the basic requirements for the economic development of a country. The performance of various activities is dependent on the availability of adequate and reliable power supply. Our country has made a rapid progress in the field of electricity generation. Thermal power plants are a...

16 Jun 2009

Security and advantages of cluster computing over distributed systems

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

A cluster is a parallel or distributed system consisting of independent computers that cooperate as a single system. In the case Server, Cluster consists of two types of participant's dispatchers and servers. The goal of a cluster is to allow distributing of the computing load over the several...

16 Jun 2009

Authentication techniques: An overview

Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science

Authentication is a process by which one can prove the identity of a communicating partner and/or confirm the genuineness of a document. The process becomes a corner stone of security services in any applications ranging from “defense sector” to “grocery shop”. Initially,...

11 Jun 2009

Parellel performance modelling using a genetic programming based error correction procedure

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

Performance models of high performance computing (HPC) applications are important for several reasons. First, they provide insight to designers of HPC systems on the role of subsystems such as the processor or the network in determining application performance. Second, they allow HPC centers more...

11 Jun 2009

Providing mobility management in a heterogeneous wireless networks

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

Mobile Routers moving in a heterogeneous network environment can take advantage of the different, often complementing, characteristics of the various wireless network technologies. Satellite and cellular networks can provide wide coverage outside urban areas. However, the cost of communications...

11 Jun 2009

Cyber Terrorism: The darker side of internet applications

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Cyber terrorism is the convergence of cyberspace and terrorism. Computers and the Internet are aggressively being used by many international terrorist groups. Although cyber terrorism attacks have not yet happened and also there is no such identified substantiation that terrorists are planning a...

11 Jun 2009

Growth of distributed systems using grid computing and softer aspects of E science

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

Grid computing and eScience are two major areas of growth of distributed systems. The grid concept refers to the virtualization of computing resources in the sense that end-users should have the illusion of using a single source of computing power without knowing the locality of the computation....

11 Jun 2009

Use of SOA and semantics for creating and retaining consistency in loosely coupled systems

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

The primary objective of service-oriented architecture (SOA) is to use information technology to address the key goals of business today: innovation, agility, and market value. Agility in SOA is achieved by use of the principles of encapsulation, modularity, and loose coupling. Loose coupling...

11 Jun 2009

A high level language abstraction for reconfigurable computing

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

The gain of SVC depends upon the type of reactive power load for optimum performance. As the load and input wind power conditions are variable, the gain setting of SVC needs to be adjusted or tuned. In this paper, an ANN based approach has been used to tune the gain parameters of the SVC...

11 Jun 2009

Idiosyncratic applications of data mining in E learning environments

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

Data Mining is a very popular and effective way of discovering new knowledge from large and complex data sets. Its benefits are its ability to gain deeper understanding of the patterns previously unseen using current available reporting capabilities. Internet education arose from traditional...