This presentation is about the most commonly used group communications methods. The presentation begins with the definition of different means of group communications on the network. Further topics include description about mailing lists, its working and set-up across network and handling it in different issues. It then moves on with the explanation of Usenet news, NNTP and its options. Next is a brief differentiation between news and E-mailing list. The next topic deals with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and explains about channel operators, nicknames, emoticons, acronyms and few examples. Next is the explanation about web-conferencing, tools used and its applications. The conclusion is a brief description about real time multimedia communication such as video conferencing.
[...] Some newsgroups have a moderator who scans the messages for the group and decides which ones are appropriate for distribution. Cancel command Usenet news has a cancel command, which can delete messages already sent out. Only the author of the cancelled message and the local news server administrator is allowed to cancel a message. What is NNTP? NNTP is a standard specification for the distribution, inquiry, retrieval, and posting of news articles using and a server-client model. The client and the server can be on different computers running different software and potentially even using different operating systems. [...]
[...] FLEXIBLE: Mailing group provides a highly flexible and popular means of network communication for interest groups. A feature of their flexibility is that simultaneous connection between message sender and recipients isn't necessary. This type of communication is known as `asychronous' communication. Mailing lists Email is an enormously flexible medium, through mailing list we can send emails to multiple recipients It is a very simple method The discussion on a mailing list normally focuses on a single subject, How mailing lists work Facility for mailing lists is common for all email programs Multiple email addresses can be grouped under one collective name, often referred to as an alias by the email program. [...]
[...] (EDT) Herring Words on the web: computer mediated communication by Lyn Pemberton, Simon Shurville Supporting links 1.0 _6.html Group Communications The most widespread means of group communication on the networks are the well-established tools, mailing lists (discussion lists) and Usenet News A mailing list is an electronic discussion forum that anyone can subscribe to. When someone sends an email message to the mailing list, a copy of that message is broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to that mailing list. [...]
[...] Brilhart Group Communications The most widespread means of group communication on the networks are the well-established tools, mailing lists (discussion lists) and Usenet News A mailing list is an electronic discussion forum that anyone can subscribe to. When someone sends an email message to the mailing list, a copy of that message is broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to that mailing list. Mailing lists provide a simple and effective communication mechanism. With potentially thousands of subscribers, there is a common set of etiquette guidelines that you should observe. [...]
[...] (EDT) Herring Words on the web: computer mediated communication by Lyn Pemberton, Simon Shurville Supporting links 1.0 _6.html Group Communications The most widespread means of group communication on the networks are the well-established tools, mailing lists (discussion lists) and Usenet News A mailing list is an electronic discussion forum that anyone can subscribe to. When someone sends an email message to the mailing list, a copy of that message is broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to that mailing list. [...]
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