Study of PRSAE: Performance related software architecture engineering
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Current methods for software architecture analysis often falls short of providing objective and quantitative performance information. The paper describes how to bring together techniques in software performance engineering and software architecture analysis in order to support performance-related...
Implementation and analysis of PDA algorithm for CDMA based mud under AWGN channel
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
The Wireless communication system has a challenge of accommodating many users in a small area. With the advent of spread spectrum and hence CDMA, fixed bandwidth was used to accommodate many users by making use of certain coding properties over the bandwidth. However, the standardization of...
Computer-aided identification and diagnosis of mass lesion in mammogram
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
In this growing technological world still disease are challenging human life. Especially the breast cancer stands the leading causes of mortality in women. Early diagnosis helps for better treatment and increase survival rate. Mammography is one among the methods to detect the breast cancer at an...
Performing accurate estimation of available bandwidth channel with SOOPPD technique
Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science
This paper proposes a new technique to estimate available bandwidth in the channel named as Stream of Octal packet pair dispersion (SOOPPD). Available bandwidth between two points in the Internet is generally unknown and the time varying. It is observed that if the sender transmits faster than...
Performance comparison of feature selection technique for distributed database
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Feature subset selection plays an essential role in all data mining applications. It speeds up a data mining algorithm and improves mining performance. This paper investigates the performance of several feature selection methods for classification: filter, wrapper and hybrid. The two filter...
LIP printer: An approach for file transfer
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
This paper presents a biometrics based security algorithm for transferring a file in a distributed environment using lip prints. This work is motivated by large problems arising in certain applications such as e-commerce and criminal detection applications. Biometric is one of the unique features...
Green building technology in India
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
The Green building movement has already gained momentum in India. Currently, there are two rating systems prevailing in India for Green Building certification: Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED INDIA) and Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA). This paper gives the...
Implement sequential and parallel technique for video encoding & optimize code
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Video compression is an evolving technology because of rapid development and progress of multi-media industry. We tried to analyze the various phases of video encoder and decoder using sequential approach as well as parallel approach. As a first step, the basic blocks of the encoder, namely, DCT,...
Perform dynamic fuzzification of multi-split fuzzy decision tree
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
Crisp decision trees depends on sharp split points to partition the data based on continuous valued attributes. This crisp partitioning cannot handle the compatibility of the boundary points with the partitions on both sides of the split points which may lead to misclassification. Such situations...
Deploying face recognition system with neural network & sub-space techniques
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
Now-a-days Human-Computer interaction involves face recognition with high recognition efficiency. Face recognition mainly includes signal processing, face tracking, pose estimation and expressions recognition. The face images are transformed into face spaces by a set of Eigen faces efficiently...
Use test case for z-specification based criteria
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Testing is an important and critical part of the software development process, on which the quality and reliability of the delivered product strictly depend. Testing is not limited to the detection of bugs in the software, but it also increases the level of proper functioning and...
A study on a class of linear integer programming problems
Thesis - 10 pages - Computer science
Linear programming (LP) is an optimization method applicable for the solution of problems in which the objective function and the constraints appear as linear functions of the decision variables. The constraint equations in a linear programming problem (LPP) may be in the form of equalities or...
Unreliable bulk queue with single vacation and an early startup time
Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science
This paper studies the batch arrival queuing system under bi level control policy where an unreliable server operates an (m, N) policy with early startup and takes a single vacation whenever the system becomes empty. The probability generating function of the steady state system size...
Composition of web services in GIS-based emergency response system
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Web services are the pieces of software components, which are distributed over the Internet using some standard protocols. These services can be connected with their clients and can communicate with other web services by using XML based messages through the Internet. Nowadays, the IT industry is...
An effective software test suite optimization framework using intelligent agents with black board architecture based learning
Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science
Artificial Intelligence methods played a vital role in the research of software engineering areas. In particular, Software Testing, a part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) plays a crucial role in quality software development uses the application of artificial intelligence techniques. We...
A novel multi-population genetic algorithm for human resource allocation
Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science
The Human Resource Allocation Problem is an interesting and important problem that occurs in several walks of life. The problem involves multi-objective optimization in a huge search space and hence genetic algorithms prove to be effective in solving such problems. Among the several types of...
Decision tree based project classification using activity diagram
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
Several projects of different categories start every year by various companies and each project goes through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Even though SDLC is followed by all companies, many projects do not complete. The reasons are lack of technical skills, imprecise project...
Intelligent system for visually challenging people
Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science
The proposed Guidecane system assist the visually challenging people to navigate in an indoor environment to give prior knowledge and avoidance of obstacle during navigation .The existing guidecane added with the light weight kit Guidebot. The Guidebot has an ultrasonic sensors and microphones to...
Design and implementation of a neural network architecture for distance measures in optimization
Thesis - 11 pages - Computer science
In this paper, we present a new approach for solving distance measures using neural networks with suitable strategies. These measures may be of different norms, viz., Euclidean, Squared Euclidean, Rectilinear or Geodesic. Euclidean distance is most frequently used in many realistic problems and...
Stability of composite plates - a study using artificial neural networks
Thesis - 11 pages - Computer science
Prediction of stability and buckling strength plays a vital role in determining the safety of the structures at design loads. The analysis of composite plated structures being anisotropic in nature is more involved. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been found to be a tool, which can...
Scheduling assembly job shop associated with multiple routings using particle swarm optimization approach
Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science
This paper addresses the scheduling model of a capital goods industry in which the components of different products are processed and assembled in an assembly job shop type environment associated with multiple routings. Assembly job shop scheduling problem (AJSP) is an extension of classical job...
Medium of Instruction and its impact in designing e-learning systems
Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science
Traditional e-Learning system displays the same content to all the learners irrespective of their knowledge level and relevance. This paper concentrates on the investigation of the impact of learner's primary medium of instruction at school in understanding the content given to them in English...
A test case reduction heuristic based on changed condition/coverage criteria
Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science
Software testing and retesting occurs continuously during software development life cycle to validate the software from different views. To validate the developed one, time and resource constraints are taken into account; therefore test suite reduction technique (i.e., instead of checking all...
POLCA based lead time reduction in a job shop environment using simulated experiments
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Quick Response Manufacturing is an emerging shop floor management technique best suited for high product mix and variable demand environments. Paired Cell Overlapping Loop of Cards with Authorization or POLCA is the material control system of Quick Response Manufacturing. Pull system have...
An application of genetic algorithm method for solving patrol manpower deployment problems through fuzzy goal programming in traffic management system: A case study
Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Computer science
This article demonstrates a fuzzy goal programming (FGP) procedure with the use of genetic algorithm (GA) solution approach for proper allocation and deployment of patrol manpower to various road-segment areas in different shifting times to deter violation of traffic laws and thereby reducing the...
Curriculum management using web intelligence
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
The major objective of an intelligent tutoring system is to provide adaptivity of the course material according to the learners need and background knowledge. In Automatic Courseware Sequencing, the main idea is to generate the course material that is well suited for the learner according to the...
SGS authentication protocol resisting man-in-middle attack
Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science
SGS authentication is a new protocol which not only enables a receiver to identify the source of a received message but also prevents a third party from identifying the source of the message. This protocol removes the deficiency of Deffie-Hellman algorithm which is man-in-middle attack by...
Unattended installation and un-installation of software remotely using mesh network
Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science
Remotely Unattended Installation / Un installation of Software is a collection of tools that allow the network administrator, sitting at his or her desk, to manage a network of remote PCs and accomplish the tasks like, to support of daily IT operations and management task. The tasks include the...
Virtual LAN simulator
Thesis - 2 pages - Computer science
The project comprises of a device driver (basically a device driver on top of the existing Ethernet driver).This driver will effectively route the packets of the virtual LAN back to the machine exactly like the loop back driver does. It does not send any packets to the network. It also contains a...
Web mail server for mobile mailing application
Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science
The Web Mail Server is a mailing system implemented to allow a user to access POP3 mail account through a Mobile SMS and also supports to access POP3 mail account through GUI on intranet. The server will be support to any mobile. To design a Mail Server to address the above problem and allows...