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203 results

13 Nov 2007

Toxic Plant Ingestions

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Biology

Plants have served as both poisons and medicines. Dioscorides listed several hundred plant species in his first Materia Medica in 78 BC. Galen, in second-century Rome, catalogued plants, including those containing opiates, ergotamines, and other alkaloids. Pharmacognosy was established as an...

13 Nov 2007

The Effect of Ampicillin Amounts and Incubation Time on E. Coli Growth

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Biology

Penicillin, derived from the soil mold Penicillium, was the primary antibiotic used to cure bacterial infections after being discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Briefly following its discovery and mass production bacteria began expressing resistance to this Nobel Prize winning medical...

23 Oct 2007

Bear Attacks

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Biology

Bears are one of the most widely distributed animals in the world. At least one of the eight bear species currently exists in Asia, Europe, North and South America, and the Arctic. Bears in Africa became extinct several million years ago. Australia and Antarctica are the only continents where...

23 Oct 2007

Fermentation Lab Report

Case study - 4 pages - Biology

Cells need energy to do work to carry out metabolic processes that keep them alive and functioning. This energy is stored in the form of ATP, which stands for adenosine triphosphate. All plant and animal cells use a process known as cellular respiration to make ATP from carbohydrates. Plant cells...

09 Oct 2007

ATP Production through Fermentation

Case study - 2 pages - Biology

Many people are already indirectly familiar with the processes of fermentation, from the baker to the body builder. The baker, when baking his bread, adds yeasts that produces CO2, which makes the bread rise. Alcohol is also produced during this fermentation but it quickly evaporates during the...

02 Oct 2007

Osmolarity and Body Volume - published: 02/10/2007

Case study - 2 pages - Biology

Our bodies and many other animals' cells extracellular and intracellular fluids are mainly comprised of water with ionized salts in solution. These salts, mainly Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ( Foundations Of Biology: Cell and Organ Physiology, Faculty of the Department of Neurobiology and...

02 Oct 2007

Frog Cardiovascular System

Case study - 3 pages - Biology

The heart is probably one of the most important muscles in an organism's body. It is what drives the flow of nutrients, oxygen, and other vital cells across an organism's body. In different organisms the heart can have slightly different anatomical features as compared to other organisms. In...

02 Oct 2007

Hydronium Concentration of Water and its Effect on Fast Plant Growth

Case study - 4 pages - Biology

Acid rain has always been said to damage the plant life which absorbs the acid water as it would regular water. In this experiment we have decided to see whether this is true and if acid content of water has any effect on plant growth. We have setup an experiment and predict that pH will affect...

02 Oct 2007

Not 'To Study or Not to Study,' But How?

Essay - 5 pages - Biology

To highlight what constitutes the foundation of Man, anthropologists, ethnographers, and theologians like Jonathan Smith, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Clifford Geertz constantly study “savage” societies, societies very different from our own. Scholars endlessly debate which characteristics...

02 Oct 2007

Lab Report: Fermentation

Essay - 2 pages - Biology

Fermentation is the anaerobic conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast. It uses the NADH produced by glycolysis and “regenerates” more NAD+ which is then again used by glycolysis. The process of Alcohol fermentation is the one we will be focusing on. In this process...

02 Oct 2007

Life vs. Politics

Essay - 4 pages - Biology

Thousands of years ago, before the thought of a cell had ever crossed anybody's mind, man revolutionized society with advances such as fire, the wheel, irrigation and the telescope. Man has now arrived at the next step, shall we say “the wheel” of our lifetime, stem cells and in...

02 Oct 2007


Essay - 2 pages - Biology

DNA technology is vital to our technological progress as a society. Without such things as gene therapy which is part of DNA technology many medical feats would not have been accomplished. DNA manipulation is used in many aspects of life, ranging from farms to hospitals and the gene cloning we...

02 Oct 2007

Effects of Decreasing pH on Freshwater Ecosystems Inhabited by Snails and Salvinia

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

The ecosystem of a freshwater lake, stream, and river is greatly influenced by the environment it is in. Temperature, light, nutrients, rainfall amounts, species composition and organic or inorganic pollutant levels all differ from lake to lake, depending on the circumstances of their...

18 Sep 2007

Cardiovascular lab report focusing on Amphibian Heart

Essay - 5 pages - Biology

The heart is an integral part of the cardiovascular system in the body of vertebrates. It provides the pressure needed for the blood to be pumped to different parts of the body. The heart maintains the flow of blood throughout the whole cardiovascular system. This in turn allows all the separate...

18 Sep 2007

Population Ecology Using D.melanogaster and D. Virilis

Case study - 3 pages - Biology

In the “Population Ecology Experiment”, fruit flies were used to investigate the factors that enhanced and limited population growth in these species alone as well as in the presence of other species. In this experiment, the effects of high and low population densities in the same size...

17 Sep 2007

The Effect of Benzodiazepine Drugs on the GABA(A) Receptor

Essay - 4 pages - Biology

The GABA(A) receptor plays a vital role in the mammalian brain and is responsible for a large majority of inhibitory neurotransmissions in the central nervous system (Perrine 144). The GABA(A) receptor is a member of the ionotropic (ligand gated) family of receptors that uses GABA, otherwise...

17 Sep 2007

Structural Explanation of The paradox between High Permeability and High Conductance in a Potassium Channel

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

The human body is a fascinating array of mechanisms, each perfectly sculpted to satisfy its role in the ever changing needs of our physiology. The various systems within us each rely on impulses, sent via the central or peripheral nervous systems, to coordinate everything from breathing to...

17 Sep 2007

Water Pollution

Case study - 4 pages - Biology

This article deals with a possible solution to water pollution in a Wisconsin suburb. However the results could be universally interpreted, with the method of prevention being employed in many areas of the world. The Article describes a scientist's experiment to test the amount of water runoff...

17 Sep 2007


Essay - 10 pages - Biology

One of the most fascinating systems of a cell or an organism is the way it deals with water. Every living needs water to survive and manages the intake of this precious resource differently. Water diffuses through a selectively permeable membrane within a cell by the process of osmosis (Campbell,...

17 Sep 2007

Effects of Allelopathic Agent on Plant Growth

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

The experiment that was performed these past few weeks involved measuring the relative growth of a soybean plant that was planted based on how much allelopathic agent we used. Allelopathic interactions are very widespread in nature, and they are important factors in the mechanisms of the...

17 Sep 2007

Forest Ecology Lab Report

Case study - 3 pages - Biology

This lab was set up in order to demonstrate the diversity and at the same time scarcity of species of plants in a long island forest as an example for a very global issue. The main principles involved were the community structure and dynamics of ecology. To observe this in the open we sectioned...

02 Aug 2007

Effects of Gibberellins on Flowering in Grasses

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

For years, man has been trying to find a single chemical that triggers flowering in plants. Although this single chemical has not been found, several of the Gibberellins show promising results as an active florigen - such as GA5 and GA6 and possibly GA1 and GA4. Results have shown that these...

02 Aug 2007

The Invasion of Bacillus

Essay - 2 pages - Biology

Beep… beep… click… click … this just in: A pandemic breakout of unheard of proportions. Is it anthrax? Or clostridia? It could be, but authorities believe the culprit is Bacillus cereus (49133). B. cereus is a cousin strain to both Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) and Clostridia...