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198 results

15 Jun 2024


Case study - 2 pages - Biology

Mangroves are subject to particular climatic factors. Firstly, they are subject to rapid fluctuations in temperature (Hendy et al., 2014). Light levels vary according to the closure of the canopy (Taureau, 2017). Secondly, their location between land and sea means that they experience alternating...

29 Jun 2017

Neurodegenerative disease - Compare Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

Neurodegeneration refers to the gradual loss of structure and operation of neurons, including death of neurons. The theme of the current paper is to discuss two diseases linked with the neurodegeneration process: Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. Also, the differences between the two diseases will...

29 Jun 2017

Risk factors, etiological factors, clinical manifestations and specific implications of osteomyelitis

Essay - 4 pages - Biology

Osteomyelitis is a microbial infection that infects the bone and associated with fungi, bacteria, and rarely mycobacteria. The microbial infection causes a destructive inflammatory process. Osteomyelitis can happen in any bone in the body. The infection starts with an acute infection, which if...

18 Sep 2015

Analysis of massive ozone hole found in Earth detergent

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

Technically, ozone hole is not just a hole within which the ozone is not present, however, it actually is an area of extremely depleted ozone within the atmosphere above the Antarctic, which happens during the southern hemisphere spring beginning at around august to October. In other words,...

24 Jul 2015

The organ system that support evolutionary change

Essay - 1 pages - Biology

Change is an inevitable part of existence. Nothing will remain the same over a lengthened time period. All living organisms are a testament to this fact. The evolution of each organism provides an even more relevant indication. Evolutionary change can be exemplified through several means....

24 Jul 2015

Can orcas raised or born in captivity be retrained and survive in the wild?

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

Nature has undergone many changes over the centuries. Elements are introduced and taken away constantly. Some of these changes are from natural causes while others are from the hands of man. It is quite common for man to force interaction between ecosystems. The orca provides an example of this....

24 Jul 2015

Genetic Engineering and their critical effect on humanity

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

Biology offers a variety of valid topics for research. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Genetically Modified crops, genetic technology, climate change, pollution, and biodiversity, farming, cloning and reproductive technology. Each of the previously mentioned topics has a substantial...

21 Jul 2015

Effect of discharge of domestic sewage on Coral Reefs in Southern Corniche in Jeddah

Essay - 8 pages - Biology

Despite the important role that coral reefs play in the ecosystem, various human activities have led to their destruction over the years. This is mostly due to the solid and dissolved wastes released into the sea with insufficient treatment. In Jeddah, the second largest city in Saudi Arabia, the...

02 Jun 2015

Fasting and Orthorexia

Case study - 8 pages - Biology

The total fasting corresponds to a total shutdown of all power outside the water. Fasting really begins beyond a period of 12-16 hours of non-food outlet other than water. Before this time we speak of physiological fasting. The concept of fasting is found in the word that comes lunch "de-fast"...

20 Apr 2015

Unemployment: brief study

Case study - 2 pages - Biology

It seems unlikely that we return to suffer the 25% unemployment of the Great Depression. We learned that the government spending - a means of generating demand that was unthinkable in the early 1930s - can stimulate a depressed economy and restore the high level of employment. The experience of...

13 Apr 2015

Nursing Services respectful - place in the health care system

Case study - 1 pages - Biology

A nurse, who takes the role of advocate, must promote a climate in which the individuals, groups, families or a population can act in their own interest, and this includes having access to resources and intervenes when they are unable to act in their own interests. The role of client advocate is...

18 Mar 2015

Temperature Affects E. Coli Growth Rate Positively Over Time

Case study - 3 pages - Biology

Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms where the DNA is held in a nucleoid, which is a non membrane-enclosed organelle. Many people think bacteria are strictly harmful to us, but in fact they coexist to aid in many daily tasks such as digest food or keep our gums healthy. Although we cannot see a...

27 Feb 2015

Healthcare, Patients and Eating habits

Case study - 10 pages - Biology

Kornfeld (1979, p.154) reports that "for some patients, the transfer out of the ICU may therefore represent tangible evidence of improvement. However, others report their concern about the loss of attention and constant observation ", the author mentions that the latter patients felt rejected....

27 Feb 2015

The ICU patient - psychological aspects

Case study - 10 pages - Biology

The ICU sets, for their intrinsic characteristics in an environment that requires great mental and emotional adjustments of the patient. It is an unknown and threatening environment, and coincide with the disease and its likely physical discomfort, and fear the possibility of death that some...

27 Feb 2015

Environmental ICU Interference

Case study - 7 pages - Biology

On the physical conditions, Milk (2000), just mentioned, highlights the fact the ICU be a strange environment where people with known links are broken. The patient is subjected to invasive and painful procedures, subject to rules that can trigger her feelings of helplessness, depression and...

27 Feb 2015

The Team: pathological phenomena on health professionals

Case study - 7 pages - Biology

During this work, thought to question the focus of treatment that has been given to the patient. That is, sometimes the patient was taken care of by a team whose only concern was his physical body, and at other times, there was the search for a more comprehensive performance, also considering its...

27 Feb 2015

Existential Process

Case study - 8 pages - Biology

On the human development process in general and fairly briefly is possible to say that the baby is born and the beginning of his life keeps important links with their nuclear family. Such links, as well as their knowledge, little by little are expanding. The child attends school, grows and...

27 Feb 2015

Patient or UTI - Psychological aspects

Case study - 8 pages - Biology

This paper aims to analyze the psychological aspect of the patient hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as well as the importance of the psychologist in the care of this patient. Hospital psychology is the playing field more develops in psychology. Among the many professional development...

27 Feb 2015

Supervised plan in clinical psychology

Case study - 11 pages - Biology

Gain knowledge through articulation between theoretical concepts and practical experiences in order to contribute to the recovery, prevention and health promotion in order to improve the quality of life of people with problems caused by use and dependence on alcohol and other drugs as well as to...

27 Feb 2015

The logic methods and the power structure of speeches

Case study - 5 pages - Biology

Several called social discourse, that is, speeches whose recipient is a public. The scientific discourse, legal discourse, political discourse, media discourse, the advertising discourse, religious discourse, the artistic discourse, pedagogic discourse, among others, are all examples of speeches...

27 Feb 2015

The ICU provider

Case study - 8 pages - Biology

Wallace-Barnhill (cited Shoemaker, 1992) makes observations on the situation of medical aspects considering emotional, professional and historical characters involved, especially with regard to death and how it comes to be seen after the appearance of UTIs. Thus, said it reached a point where...

27 Feb 2015

Drug and pancreas

Case study - 5 pages - Biology

Cirrhosis is characterized by changes in the basic structure with the development of liver fibrosis and nodule formation. Fibrosis is an irreversible change, causing replacement of liver cells without cell function. Ultimately it is the reaction of the liver to external aggression. Often occurs...

27 Feb 2015

Digestion in the third age: drug interactions, liver changes and pancreas

Case study - 5 pages - Biology

The drug poisoning can be confused with viral hepatitis, with biliary tract obstruction with cirrhosis and hepatoma. The liver can be attacked in various ways: necrosis, hepatitis nonspecific, chronic hepatitis, etc. In the process are involved biotransformation of chemicals and individual...

18 Feb 2015

Mapping of Drosophila Melanogaster incomplete gene

Case study - 30 pages - Biology

Gene mapping is the process of assigning gene to specific chromosomes or specific loci on that chromosome. It also determines the relative distance between genes linked on the same chromosome (Strachan & Read 2004). Gene mapping is used to construct linkage map that shows the relative locus of...

18 Feb 2015

RNA extraction and amplification of putative lipase gene from Kasalath and Indonesian Black rice

Case study - 8 pages - Biology

Lipase is responsible for hydrolytic rancidity of processed rice. It hydrolyzes lipids by breaking intra-chain ester bonds into free fatty acids. This experiment aimed to extract RNA from Kasalath and Indonesian Black (IDB) rice lines and determine genes responsible for lipase activity. The...

18 Feb 2015

Construction of artificial micro RNA with mismatch PCR to direct silencing of lipase gene

Case study - 7 pages - Biology

Lipase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes rice bran oil into free fatty acids, causing spoilage and restricting its usage as food ingredient. Micro RNA (miRNA) is a post-transcriptional regulator endogenously produced in plants that can be potentially altered to specifically target lipase gene,...

18 Feb 2015

Characterization of Egg White Proteins

Case study - 28 pages - Biology

Egg white or albumin is the biggest fraction of whole egg and contains 88% water, 11% proteins, 0.2% fats and 0.2% minerals. The major constituent of egg white proteins are 60% of ovalbumin, 12% of conalbumin, 11% of ovomucoid, and 3.5% of lysozyme. It also contains small amount of ovoinhibitor,...

18 Feb 2015

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of rice callus with artificial miRNA construct against lipase to produce transgenic plant with lowered lipase activity

Case study - 9 pages - Biology

Lipase is a lipolytic enzyme causes spoilage of rice bran. Its removal by conventional heating and chemical approaches damages bran quality. This experiment aimed to transform Nipponbare rice callus with ami RNA against lipase using Agrobacterium tumefaciens, regenerate whole transgenic rice...

17 Feb 2015

Functional analysis of NQPT1 and NPQT2 promoters, and analysis using GUS activity the transcriptional control and strength of NQPT2 versus CaMV35S promoters

Case study - 20 pages - Biology

Quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase (QPT) links the pyridine nucleotide cycle and aspartate pathway by maintaining the availability of nicotinic acid important for de novo synthesis of NAD and alkaloid. QPT is encoded by QPT gene. Gene duplication leads to two different forms of QPT gene which...

16 Feb 2015

The impact of sleep duration on vulnerability to false memory implantation

Case study - 5 pages - Biology

Many studies have been examining effects of sleep loss on developing false memory. Yet, its role in ‘lost-in-the-mall' memory implantation has not been discerned. This study will investigate impact of sleep durations on vulnerability to false memory implantation, in university students....