Theories related to crime causation
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
There are theories that can vary greatly when it is related to crime causation. There are many different insights to the cause of crime. Many people have their own belief to why someone does what they do because they expect it is part of their human characteristics. Crime causation is commonly...
Code of conduct in business
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
As ECG becomes more successful with new implementation of the code of conduct, the business has been running more smoothly by having all employees engaged in training sessions concerning the ethical standards within the organization at ECG. Businesses tend to have a great success, but there are...
Code of Conduct: Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
As a leader of an organization, there are many responsibilities that and leader must take on especially shaping the culture of ethics within the organization. Also as being a leader, operational management and responsibility play a bigger role in the organization when it come sustainability...
Case study - 2 pages - Other law subjects
The kompetenz-kompetenz doctrine is generally understood as the arbitral tribunal's authority to rule on the scope, validity and existence of the arbitration agreement if any of these are challenged, and thereby to rule essentially also on its own jurisdiction. Although under this doctrine there...
Sample cover letter, for a position in a law firm
Case study - 1 pages - Other law subjects
It is with great pleasure that I write and express my interest in your law firm. My hope is that after you read this letter, and review my CV, you will appreciate the unique skills that I possess, and my potential to be an invaluable asset to your firm. Briefly, I am a physician that...
Consensual relationship agreements case study
Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects
Consensual Relationship Agreements are a form of companies trying to protect themselves from legal liability if an office relationship ends in failure. It was more or less formed in the wake of Bill Clinton's extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky (Love Contract). According to...
Employment at will doctrine: Law, Ethics & Corp. Governance
Case study - 4 pages - Business law
When thinking about privacy laws and the collecting of citizens' private information, there are certainly a few things that come to mind. First and foremost is the technology that helps us in so many facets of life and has brought us closer together, has also began to bring into focus the...
Police misconduct
Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law
Police misconduct can be described as a violation, by a police officer, of a legal, ethical, or moral code while on duty. Police misconduct can still occur while off-duty so long as the officer uses, in some way, their status as a police officer to break these legal, ethical, or moral codes....
Policing, a masculine institution
Case study - 3 pages - Other law subjects
Masculinity is the socially generated consensus of what it means to be a man, to be manly or to display such behavior at any one time (Prokos and Padavic 2002), and policing in the United States is absolutely a masculinist institution. As an organization, it utilizes a certain set of...
Racial disparities in policing
Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law
Both institutional and cultural characteristics combine to contribute to racial disparities in policing, but it is my opinion that the institution is the stronger of the two influences. The structure of the institution promotes certain tactics, philosophies, and standard operating procedures that...
The Patriot Act: Why it's Constitutional as well as vital to American Freedom
Essay - 13 pages - Criminal law
The Patriot Act is often thought to be a breach of civil liberties but in reality it is just an extension of laws that already exist. The Patriot Act allows investigators to use the tools that are already available in the investigations of counter terrorism within the world of organized crime and...
Transocean vs. the United States
Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects
In 2008 Transocean, one of the world's largest offshore oil drilling contractors, moved its corporate headquarters from the Cayman Islands to the canton of Zug, Switzerland. The move placed what was already a wildly lucrative company in an even more enviable position. Since their 1999 move from...
Assessing the impact of parental marital status in relation to Irish child law: should Constitution be amended?
Case study - 10 pages - Constitutional law
It cannot be contested that a person born outside marriage, is a human person, equal to one born within marriage . In this statement, Justice Walsh points out the differential treatment between marital and non-marital children which is derived from the Irish Constitution. By letting...
Muslims and Violence
Essay - 13 pages - Constitutional law
Writings about a potential relationship between Islam and violence are abundant whether in the Muslim world or in the Occident. Islam is a fast growing religion but certainly not because of violence or constraint.On the other hand, Muslims are suffering from a multitude of crises, especially...
The fundamental constitutional principles of the British constitution
Essay - 4 pages - Constitutional law
The fundamental constitutional principles of the British constitution are: -The rule of Law -The separation of powers In basic terms, the rule of law is the supremacy of law other humankind. As early as the 4th Before Christ (BC), Aristotle a great philosopher explained that the rule of law is...
Persecution, famine, and exodus: Ireland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Essay - 3 pages - International law
For centuries, Ireland and Britain have had closely intertwined histories and relations. Ireland, as we know it today, has been influenced tremendously by its relations with Britain. It is known as a place of religious and cultural tension, much of which dates back to the eighteenth and...
Criminal Law
Thesis - 22 pages - Criminal law
What is an actus reus? An actus reus is more than just an act. It includes whatever circumstances and consequences that are required for liability for the offense in question which means that an actus reus is composed by all the elements of an offense other than the mental element. Some crimes,...
Letter and Spirit of the Law: Comparative Analysis of the Constitution's Interpretations with Regards to the Death Penalty
Essay - 4 pages - Constitutional law
Death penalty, also known as the capital punishment, has been one of the most controversial legal issues since the first federal execution took place on June 25, 1790. Its constitutionality is still widely debated today. One of the most debatable aspects of the death penalty issue is whether it...
European Union Law - Commentary: Article 4 of the EU Treaty (Member States' sovereignty/cooperation duties)
Thesis - 4 pages - European law
The document we are going to comment on is the article 4 of the EU Treaty, as modified by the Lisbon Treaty. It highlights the fact that the EU membership implies a great number of consequences for the member States. According to this article, although some rights belonging to the States are...
The Case for Federal Courts: Why suspected terrorists should not be tried in military commissions
Thesis - 6 pages - Constitutional law
Federal courts are a time-tested, constitutionally sound, and internationally approved system for prosecuting designated enemy combatants. The United States Constitution is intended not to grant rights, but to protect those rights in the face of the power of the federal government....
Larry Sabato's 'A more perfect constitution'
Essay - 3 pages - Constitutional law
I agree with Sabato's proposal of a presidential line-item veto. This would allow the President to veto only select parts of a bill--eliminating unnecessary attachments and thereby reducing wasteful spending. Members of Congress are unashamedly out for themselvesthey represent their...
Differences between the United States Constitution and the Confederate Constitution
Thesis - 2 pages - Constitutional law
Two significant differences between the United States Constitution and the Confederate Constitution were the line-item veto the latter granted to the President and the combined measures the Confederate Constitution instituted to guarantee the survival of slavery. The line-item veto presented the...
Split Brain: 'Puccetti Defense'
Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law
Sitting uncomfortably in the court room next to your public defender, you look around the audience to see who has come to support you in this unique case. Seth Shabo is quietly sitting in the second row, staring straight into the center of the courtroom, and Tyler Doggett can be seen in the...
The Importance of constitutional interpretation
Essay - 3 pages - Constitutional law
Constitutional interpretation, often called judicial interpretation, is defined as a theory or mode of thought that explains how the judiciary should interpret the law, particularly constitutional documents and legislation . There are two main types of interpretation:...
Is the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights a necessary and desirable development?
Thesis - 7 pages - Constitutional law
The Treaty of Lisbon came into force in 2009 and alongside it, a reference to the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Charter) gave it legal standing. The Charter became one of the most defining documents the European Union has ever witnessed, or a mere piece of symbolic literature that is...
Women's Rights are Human Rights: An overview
Thesis - 5 pages - Constitutional law
Women make up 70% of the world's poor population and 65% of the world's illiterate. On average, women are still paid, 65 cents to every dollar earned by men in the Western countries. Women form a marginalized group, and these statistics only paint a fraction of the picture. Still, women...
Automobile contracts as the fulcrum of the automobile industry
Thesis - 4 pages - Business law
This paper argues that automobile contracting is one of the most important tenets of the automobile industry as supported by the various articles on the import of contracting in the global business arena by Michael P. Vandenbergh. There are however specific areas of interest to all the parties...
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Worksheets - 3 pages - European law
It is only with the European Council acting by qualified majority and the concurrence of the President of the European Commission that the High Representative is appointed. Art 18 TEU states that the High Representative shall implement the common foreign and security policy of the Union....
The conditions of admissibility of reservations in the Vienna Convention
Essay - 5 pages - International law
Paragraph 4 of Article 20 shows that the Vienna Convention contains a rigid principle of unanimous acceptance of reservations. It reads "The acceptance of a reservation by another contracting State of the reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if the treaty is...
The right to strike in Europe
Essay - 9 pages - European law
'A strike is the name given to a collective movement conducted at the initiative of all or part of the staff of a company, usually intended to compel employers to negotiate working conditions and pay (Law Dictionary). The right to strike presupposes that there is a contract of employment....