Policing development and operation trends paper
Case study - 4 pages - Administrative law
The United States Government has developed what is referred to as the criminal justice system. This system is broken into multi-tier organizations and agencies; though while similar in terms of goals the systems are separate. There are three main systems within the tiered system: Local, State,...
Criminal justice trends evaluation
Case study - 4 pages - Administrative law
E-scams, child pornography, identity theft, cyber stalking and bullying, spamming, Malware, fraud, and computer hacking are types of internet crimes. These crimes are certainly on the rise. The general public relies heavily on technology, resorting to pen and paper is just so primitive; all of...
Corrections and treatment
Case study - 1 pages - Administrative law
Community-based treatment programs are made available to juveniles who require additional efforts. Community treatment refers to efforts to provide care, protection, and treatment for juveniles in need. (Siegel and Welsh, 2005) Three community-based programs that have been created for...
A world apart
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
Offenders are placed in prisons when their sentenced to be incarcerated for a year or more and only then. Even still America's prisons are extremely overcrowded. Since 1980, America's prison population has more than tripled, creeping up to the two million mark. The number of females in...
Prison system
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
Of the more than 1,300,000 felons in prison in 2003, the great majority were held in state prisons in various levels of security, from supermax to open. (Foster, 2003) The six different types of state prisons that were listed in the text, Corrections: the fundamentals were Super...
Case study - 1 pages - Administrative law
A courtroom Judge is the person who signs the arrest warrants that permits an arrest to occur and the search warrants required for the Police to perform legal searches. Before a trial may begin, there are certain steps that must be followed. After an arrest has been made the booking process will...
Inside criminal law
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
There are four sources of American criminal law. The four sources have been codified. They have been put in writing and made accessible for all. The first of four sources is the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. As such, it is the basis of all law in...
In basket test
Case study - 1 pages - Administrative law
There are four things that I as a store manager would immediately act upon. The first being A customer complaint regarding product quality. I believe that in order to maintain a store, the store needs to have a high customer satisfaction rate. One unhappy customer can change how...
Punishment Vs. Rehabilitation in the Juvenile Justice System
Case study - 3 pages - Administrative law
Rehabilitative intervention will indeed impact community services programs. The state and community programs will need to further extend their reach to those minors who are at risk of becoming criminal offenders. To be at risk means a minor has attributes of mental, emotional or social...
Case study: Targeting tattoos
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's skin. [T]he ink is injected into the dermis, which is the second, deeper layer of skin. Dermis cells are very stable, so the tattoo is...
Case study: Officer Robert Barton paper
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
When a person decides to enters the criminal justice field, they take an oath of conduct. They also vow to honor the relationship between their fellow brother and sister officers. In the case study of Officer Barton, a group of officers who came from different backgrounds, had different...
Fact and fiction as it relates to criminal trials
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
Humans feed on entertainment drama. We love it and sometimes we cannot seem to get enough of it. Some of us watch television and film and get a taste of our inner most dreams, our goals, of our ambitions, or to escape reality and unwind. Television shows and movies about crime really get us...
Proactive tactics
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
Police officers are taking proactive steps to deter crime. These tactics take form as aggressive patrol tactics and saturation patrol, blending and decoy operations, stakeout operations, sting operations, civil liability and code enforcement teams, and both efforts against drunk drivers and...
Organization of the police department
Case study - 3 pages - Administrative law
Area is the first model that plays into the effectiveness of a police department's organization. Well-defined geographical areas are under the responsibility of the police officers within the department. The geographical areas are defined by size. The smallest geographical areas are known as...
Police ethics and deviance
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
Law enforcement officers are expected to live up to the highest professional and personal standards of life. With every passing day and just like all people; the faith, honor and integrity of a law enforcement official will be tested. Law enforcement officials are tempted with and can easily...
Policing functions
Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law
The functions of local law enforcement operate in a clearly defined geographical area. Local law enforcement pertains to local police that includes areas such as metropolitan, rural, and small towns or villages. Maintaining public order and security is above all the definitive function of local...
International dispute resolution
Case study - 3 pages - Other law subjects
No arbitrator shall be of the nationality of the place of incorporation or principal place of business of any of the parties or their shareholders. For the purpose of this Article, a person who is a citizen of two or more States shall be treated as a national of each state; and citizens of the...
Write an essay or a story to illustrate how as a victim you came out as a victor at the end
Essay - 3 pages - Other law subjects
Monday morning's general assembly at the school was the most dreaded event. On that particular day the head teacher of the local Methodist Primary School at Bodum, Mr. Rufus Obiri, put in an appearance himself. He would, in a stern mood, read out the names of students who were to be subject to...
Components of the court system
Essay - 2 pages - Other law subjects
Every aspect of our society has varying proponents. Nothing goes without refute. This is evident in politics, economics, and history. An exemplification of this may be presented through our court system. Court proceedings vary based on the nature of the hearing. Civil cases drastically vary from...
Crime statistics in America and their impact on society
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
Crime statistics is a word heard on the news every day, but many American's don't know where they come from or what exactly that means. In this paper we will explain not only what this word means but also what it contains as well as the systems used to measure these statistics. Later...
Correctional officer simulation and reaction
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
After reading the above simulation one must first take into account the contemporary problems in the American corrections system today. Many of the prisons themselves are old and in need of repair. This in turn causes great amounts of health and fire hazards for not only the inmates but also the...
Case scenario analysis and reaction
Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law
In and out of court cases the prosecution has certain ethical guidelines and requirements they must follow as an officer of the court. Should they come into knowledge of a crime or breach in code of ethics the prosecutor is required to report these discrepancies to the court whether or not this...
Counterterrorism theories and policy
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
There are many options when combating terrorism. This form of combating terrorism, or counterterrorism, includes options such as retaliation, preemption, negotiation, covert military operation, special operations, prosecution and punishment. In the case of prosecution and punishment one can find...
Asset forfeiture in combating terrorism
Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law
Asset forfeiture is a wonderful tool in combatting terrorist financing. By causing those who provide funds for terrorist organizations to hand over their wealth to the US government in a criminal investigation or after sentencing, we are able to use the funds that would once be funneled into...
Independence and impartiality of arbitrators
Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects
There is a tension inherent to arbitration that raises the sensitive issue of the independence and impartiality of arbitrators; it is the tension of an ideal, that is, perfect fairness of the arbitrator, against the reality that the very method by which arbitrators may be selected can...
Classification and imprisonment in the United States correctional system
Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law
Many people wonder who decides what offenders go into what prisons and why some of those prisons are labeled maximum security while others are simply minimum security. Is it based on a state, local or federal level or is it based on the percentage of felony to misdemeanor...
Case history and their reasoning
Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law
Facts: McDonnell, a prisoner, filed a class action suit against the state of Nebraska claiming that the disciplinary procedure was unconstitutional in both actions in general and revocation of good time off sentencing. The state courts ruled that the case did not meet the minimum...
Goals of punishment and their applications in corrections
Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law
In punishment, as in all aspects of our world, there is always a goal to an action. For this topic there are not one but five different goals related to punishment and the correctional system of the U.S. and abroad. These goals have evolved over the centuries to fit the needs of society at the...
Case study - 2 pages - Other law subjects
Laws are in place to protect each of us from others as well as ourselves. If some laws had not been put into place, we could be in danger. Other laws are not there for physical protection, but to protect our identities or personal information. In this world there are many unscrupulous people who...
Alternatives measures for young offenders
Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law
As indicated in the introduction above, diversion is alternative measures that are giving to younger offenders who commit a minor crime too including their first offense. The very means to alternative measures are basically programs that stored in placed that uses victim/offender mediation...