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598 results

27 Dec 2013

Clearance Rate within Community Policing

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

There is an encouraging trend within the criminal justice system that raises acknowledgement and praises with regard to how law enforcement carries out its roles in our society. Community policing has many aspects and the encouraging trend is seen from the narrowed gap in the relation to arrest...

27 Dec 2013

Advances in Law Enforcement Technology

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

The advantages of stun guns and patrol car video surveillance are critical, advanced tools in law enforcement. Officers are given the option of Tasers, which are extremely effective when pursuing an offender that might have had the upper hand to fight for a long time, resulting in the officer...

27 Dec 2013

The Effectiveness of America's Prisons

Case study - 5 pages - Criminal law

Crime has been a defining characteristic of modern America. It has claimed thousands of lives and has cost billions of dollars. The U.S. "correctional" population is at a record high. During the past two decades, the prison population has grown more rapidly than at any noted time in history. This...

18 Dec 2013

Logical problem of evil and the freewill defense

Case study - 3 pages - Business law

The problem of evil according to Inwagen (188) is defined as the label for an intellectual problem that is contrary to emotional, spiritual, psychological and theological problems. The prevalence of evil in the world or the logical problem of evil can easily be used to form a basis for an...

18 Dec 2013

Link between Borrowers' Risk and Mortgage Lending

Case study - 6 pages - Business law

Borrower risk is defined as the type of risk that borrowers of any financial funds such as loans or mortgages are exposed to when they borrow either large or small amounts of money. Borrower risk mostly occurs when an individual borrows money against property or assets that have a high property...

18 Dec 2013

Supply Chain Management: Sony Corporation

Case study - 5 pages - Business law

Supply chain management is defined as the integration of a network of suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centres and retailers through which raw materials are acquired, transformed and delivered to their intended customers. Sony has been able to develop its own supply chain management...

18 Dec 2013

Controlling Organized Crime

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

Organized crime is defined as a group of individuals composed of numerous ethnicities and transnational groups who work and operate together, apart, or in combination with legitimate businesses and political entities. Organized crime has been a rising concern since at least the beginning of the...

18 Dec 2013

Adjusting to Terrorism: Situation and changes

Case study - 1 pages - Criminal law

The United States has developed new methods to combat terrorism attacks after the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. As a result the Department of Homeland Security was established to help protect Americans against terrorism. Department of Homeland Security (n.d), “The...

10 Dec 2013

Trade Theories

Case study - 2 pages - Business law

manufactures to customer, is important because it provide end users with their basic needs. For the process of trading to be effective, various factors such as environment factors that affect the process need to be considered. Some of these effects have great negative impacts to businesses and...

05 Dec 2013

Corrections Trend

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

With the rise in the inmate population over the past decade brought changes with the types of punishment and has caused an increase in the demand of community-based sanctions. To help with prison overcrowding community-based programs were put in place. Deterioration continues to chastise the...

25 Nov 2013

Reorganizing and Consolidating Bureaucracy in America

Case study - 3 pages - International law

The bureaucracy in America has become a major concern in development over the past years. Strict rules, procedures and different functions or obligations are divided and it becomes difficult to handle some tasks due to unnecessary processes involved. Most public institutions are serious...

19 Nov 2013

Careers in Criminal Justice

Case study - 1 pages - Criminal law

Many things are taken in to consideration when getting your education toward the career of a correctional officer. A high school diploma or its equivalent is required in order to pursue this position. Along with that small piece of education, it is also recommended to consider a post secondary...

19 Nov 2013

Criminal Justice: Ethical and Critical Thinking

Case study - 7 pages - Criminal law

Criminal justice is a very fulfilling career field. In this field you will run into so many different types of people. Some, of which will show you the ropes, and others that will let you fall on your face. In this paper, you will read about the different authors who have been used in direct...

19 Nov 2013

Discretion and Hiding Truth

Case study - 1 pages - Criminal law

When dealing with a situation to where you have to dispute a sort of misunderstanding, you have to be very confident in the resolution. I would have to sit and think about the chain of command within the department. I would go and try to find the missing information. Emotionally I would most...

10 Oct 2013

Criminal case

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

A criminal case is referred to as court proceedings involving a trial against an individual who has committed a crime against an individual or the government. This paper elucidates a criminal case through an illustration of a case. This case is between Wardens, Maryland penitentiary versus...

13 Sep 2013

Adjusting to Terrorism

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

An Internet crime is criminal activity that takes place on the World Wide Web. There are numerous crimes that fall under the category of computer crime. Cyber terrorist crimes can be aimed at a person, a business, or a nation. Spam is the most common of all internet crimes. Spam is the sending...

13 Sep 2013

Conflict management styles paper

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

The hiring process is the steps that are taken with perspective new employees. The hiring process begins with the interview and ends with training of a new hire. If the manager is hiring for a position that requires the employee to work in a team setting, he or she should be looking for a team...

13 Sep 2013

Malfunction junction case study

Case study - 3 pages - Administrative law

A police agency should be organized to be able to know what will happen within the organization in terms of change when a new chief is sworn in. The organization should be able to know what they want to accomplish and how they will reach their goals. The program COPPS (community oriented policing...

11 Sep 2013

Letter to Heidegger

Case study - 1 pages - Administrative law

I urge you to leave the Nazi regime. I understand you come from a family who are firm believers in Catholicism. How does it feel to be a minion to a tyrant? How does it feel to essentially be working to Anti-Christ himself? Mr. Heidegger Do you know what occurs at the Nazi concentration camps?...

10 Sep 2013

Grant proposal and presentation

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

The local police department has been graciously awarded a grant of $100,000 grant from a philanthropist in town to be used toward a worthy cause. The grant will be a substantial asset to the department during this time of financial crisis. The grant proposal and presentation presented by the...

10 Sep 2013

Ethics in criminal justice administration analysis

Case study - 3 pages - Administrative law

Law enforcement officers are expected to live up to the highest professional and personal standards of life. With every passing day and just like all people; the faith, honor and integrity of a law enforcement official will be tested. Law enforcement officials are tempted with and can easily...

05 Sep 2013

Article analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

A cybercrime is “the unauthorized use of computer technology to manipulate critical user data” (Oak, n.d., para 1). Cybercrimes are not victimless offenses and are similar to crimes that take place in the physical world. Cybercrimes include spamming, hacking, credit fraud,...

05 Sep 2013

Court management executive summary

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

The purpose and responsibility of court systems are important to factors of court management and the function and duties do not instinctively convert into action. However, when strategic planning and visioning are implemented into the courts, the court administrators begin to commence a...

05 Sep 2013

Criminal justice workplace observation paper

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

The Albany Police Department protects and serves our city with the use of both new and traditional forms of policing. The mission statement of the Albany Police Department is “to provide the safest environment for our residents to live in, commuters to work in, and our visitors to stay...

05 Sep 2013

Courtroom standards analysis

Case study - 3 pages - Administrative law

The role of a Judge in a courtroom is very important. The Judge has many different responsibilities under his or her robe. A courtroom Judge is the person who signs the arrest warrants that permits an arrest to occur and the search warrants required for the Police to perform legal searches. After...

05 Sep 2013

Political environment case study

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

This case study involves a prison for adults in an average populated state. Over the several past years the prison struggled to keep staff members and revenue. Changes have been made in the prison within the past 2 years which heighten the prison's success. However, a new barrier stands in the...

05 Sep 2013

Decision making case study

Case study - 1 pages - Administrative law

This case study involves members of the Pineville. The case study focuses on one member in particular, Deputy Raymond Ripley. The background to the case study includes a recent pending lawsuit against the Pineville County Sheriff's Department. Recently the Pineville County Sheriff's Department...

04 Sep 2013

An unmanageable case-management quandary

Essay - 3 pages - Administrative law

As with any organization difficulties in productivity effectiveness and efficiency occur when increases. These difficulties include tasks that arise and need to be resolved. The criminal justice court system is no different. Time management of cases to be tried and reviewed cause backlogs within...

04 Sep 2013

Court issues analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

Court administrators are a major asset to the courtroom. They “work in a variety of ways to ensure the continued operations of a court of law” (Callahan, 2010, para. I). Court Administrators are also referred to as court executives. In many ways the duties of a court administrator...

04 Sep 2013

Out-of-Town Brown and the Besieged Probation Supervisor

Case study - 3 pages - Administrative law

Recently, a few high-profile cases involving sentencing recommendations from probation officers within the Collier County Probation Department have brought some bad press to the department. According to the public's perception via the media, the department is not as tough on sentencing sanctions...