'Make Jim Crow blush': Black leaders bash draft New York congressional map - Scott Wong and Sahil Kapur (2022) - The American Constitution
Text commentary - 3 pages - Constitutional law
Today I am going to be presenting on a recent article published by NBC News titled "Make Jim Crow blush: Black leaders bash draft New York congressional map." The article discusses a draft map of New York's congressional districts that has sparked controversy among Black leaders, who are...
Gender inequality and work/life balance
Summary - 1 pages - Labor law
Individuals spend most of their time in the workplace; therefore an appropriate legal framework should be put in place to protect their rights but also quality of life, regardless of their sex. In this report, women's rights in the workplace will be tackled first, then the balance between...
The Jurisdictional Requirement of the Existence of a Legal Dispute
Essay - 2 pages - International law
In its 1974 judgment, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) resolved solely to admit a case before its framework on the very basis of the genuine existence of a dispute. This provision is not unique to the ICJ: the article 25(1) of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes...
Non-Appearance by a State Compatible with the Adversarial Principle: an Adversarial Procedure Reinstated by the Court
Essay - 5 pages - International law
Since the occupation of Crimea in February 2014, the Russian Federation has been violating the prohibition on the use of force under international law in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter with respect to Ukraine. Moreover, it was already an armed attack within the meaning of Article 51 of the...
India: Kesavananda Bharati vs State of Kerala
Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law
Perhaps the most recognized constitutional decision within the Supreme Court of India reflects on the case of Kesavananda Bharati against the State of Kerala. While the Supreme Court ruled that there was no implied limitation on Parliament's powers on amendments to the Constitution, the...
History of the Common Law System on the English Legal System
Essay - 11 pages - International law
As a direct result of the colonization by the British, many of its states naturally acquired this common law system, being the English law in globo, maintaining its primary principles, procedures, actors and modes of proof. As a consequence of this adoption and utilization of English law, and the...
The AMF (Financial Markets Authority) and market abuse
Course material - 5 pages - Criminal law
Market abuses are also a criminal offenses. Criminal sanctions can be pronounced. They will be pronounced by judicial courts and not by the enforcement committee of AMF. They pronounced fines or jail sanctions. In the french monetary and financial law, there are executive directive listed...
The Law of Contract
Worksheets - 5 pages - Obligation law
The law of contract is a framework in which all commercial transactions from the smallest consumer purchase to the most complex business agreement are going to take place. Contract law is essentially a case-law subject. Case law is all the decisions made by the court. There are very important...
Commercial Law and the Market
Course material - 2 pages - Other law subjects
Before 2006/2007, it was a period of complete boom. It's called the boom time, following to the .com bust in 2000, fixed interest rates at 1% so there were lots of cheap credit. The bank made lots of money. But the bank increased leverage (it's a way of measuring the amount you lend...
Common Law and Origins of the English Legal System
Presentation - 17 pages - Constitutional law
What is common law? Why is it important to have a knowledge of the principles of common law? How did it develop?
The United Kingdom Judicial System Today
Presentation - 18 pages - Constitutional law
This documents contains a presentation explaining the United Kingdom judicial system today.
The English Constitution and the Monarchy
Presentation - 16 pages - Constitutional law
This document is a presentation tackling the English Constitution and Monarchy, explaining the rule of law in the United Kingdom.
Criminal Liability and homicide
Essay - 2 pages - Criminal law
Committing homicide, which according to common law involves the unlawful killing of a human being, caused by another human being', constitutes one of the most serious criminal offenses under the Offenses Against the Person Act 1861 (OAPA 186). The English law recognizes two main acts of...
DAC 6: The Mandatory Disclosure Regime
Practical guide - 4 pages - European law
Under the European Union's DAC6 tax disclosure coordination, the reporting requirements have become enforced across the member states after an almost seven-month postponement of reporting deadlines by many member states, as a result of the recent coronavirus pandemic. Complying with...
Practical case : Employment Law
Law case study - 6 pages - Labor law
1/ David has spent the last two decades working as a security officer for Big Gigs and Loud Sounds Ltd. His contract with Big Gigs and Loud Sounds Ltd expressly declares that he is self-employed' and emphasizes at various points that the basis on which he receives his shifts to work for...
Offer and Acceptance
Course material - 5 pages - International law
A contract is considered as a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. The agreement creates legal rights and obligations that can be enforced in court. The courts have adopted an intellectual framework that analyzes transactions in terms of offer and acceptance to determine whether...
Administrative law in the United States
Essay - 4 pages - International law
Explaining the concept of administrative law can cause complications to many people. Therefore, before going further in this work, we will define the administrative law in advance for a better understanding. Administrative law is the set of rules that define the rights and obligations of an...
The American Legal system versus the English Legal System
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Other law subjects
When we talk about the American legal system, it should be understood as the legal system that applies in the United States of American (US), whereas the English legal system is the one that takes place in the United Kingdom (UK) : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island, except for...
Essay on international agreements : sales of Covid-19 vaccines
Essay - 5 pages - International law
This situation has changed the world. Experiencing such situations require a certain level of implication and commitment on the international scale. Meaning, all the countries were henceforth concerned about this pandemic. Fever, dry cough, and exhaustion are the most prevalent Covid-19 symptoms....
Employee protection and economic liberalism in the US: does the search for a balance still make sense?
Essay - 6 pages - Labor law
American history, such as most countries nowadays in the world history, has been through several periods of crucial changes, socially, economically and in general, politically. Very frequently, this also led to some changes in the legislation that was applied and evolved through most...
How could international law support a transition to renewable sources of energy?
Essay - 4 pages - International law
Climate change is an international issue. Indeed, no matter how much greenhouse gases emissions decrease in Europe, if the world does not act collectively climate change and its consequences will continue. But climate change is not only an international topic, it intersects with many...
Lower-class youth delinquency and incarceration in the United States
Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law
In 2016 in the United States, 11,745 youths were sentenced either to life with/without parole, or virtual life imprisonment (Sentencing Project, 2019). Thankfully, the Supreme Court barred the death sentence of youth offenders (Roper v. Simmons, 2005) even though life without parole and virtual...
Opinion: the process of plea bargaining should be reformed in the American Justice System
Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law
According to the Department of Justice, more than 90% of Criminal Justice cases end in plea bargains (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005). This statistic shows how important the process of plea bargaining is in the American Justice System. Clark Neily (2021) describes plea bargaining as "a...
Judgment of the court (Second Chamber), 30 September 2004, Case C-319/03, Serge Briheche v Ministre de l'Intérieur and Others
Law case - 2 pages - Administrative law
A man named Mr. S. Briheche was 48 years old. He was a widower not remarried and had a 12-year-old dependent child. This man applied for four civil servant recruitment contests. However, access to these contests is restricted to persons under the age of 45. The Minister of the Interior, the...
Environmental Law - Sustainable Development in South Africa
Essay - 4 pages - Environment law
The expression "sustainable development" has been used for years now. It is all about the promotion of people's well-being, the improvement of their life quality, especially in the long run. This means that what the current generation is doing has consequences on future generations. Therefore,...
Should the death sentence be implemented globally?
Essay - 5 pages - International law
From the beginning of the world, there have always been multiple ways or theories of punishment. After researches and studies conducted by the experts of the domain, it was revealed that the death sentence takes its roots from the legal and political systems of many countries of the world....
Global overview of the death penalty around the world and reasons to abolish it
Dissertation - 13 pages - Criminal law
As far back as the Old Testament, the death penalty has been established to punish offenses. Nowadays the death penalty, also called capital punishement, defines the execution of an offender who has committed an infringment.This sanction is applied by a recognized instituion after a trial....
The Universality of Fundamental Rights
Essay - 5 pages - Public liberties
The concept surrounding the notion of the universality of fundamental rights, and more precisely that of human rights, implies in reality rights that would apply to all of humanity. Its point of origin, both historical and philosophical, in fact, lies in an 18th-century French text, namely: The...
The right of veto in the US Constitution
Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law
In 1787 the US Constitution established a special political regime that has no equivalent elsewhere. This observation stems from the will of the Founding Fathers, who wanted to build a characteristic and unique system of balance of power. In addition to the implemented separation of powers, this...
The risks of democracies
Essay - 3 pages - International law
In order to determine whether there is a violation of due process, it is necessary to ask several cumulative and conditional questions. If so, is a fundamental right involved? And finally, depending on the answer to this question, it is necessary to apply the standards of the review to provide an...