Research on Whether Fingerprint Detection Technology Can Benefit by Use of Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence Techniques
Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Criminal law
Fingerprint identification is one of the most common and often used forensic tools worldwide. It has been used globally by government agencies for the past 100 years, outperforming DNA and all other systems combined to identify and catch criminals. Even so, there are limitations motivating...
Parking space lease agreement
Standard contracts - 1 pages - Civil law
_____________________, hereafter referred to as Lessor, does hereby agree to lease to ________________________, hereafter referred to as Lessee, ____ parking space(s) located at ________________________ in ____________________, such parking space being further described as Parking Space No. ____...
To Legalize or Not to Legalize : The question of Marijuana in America
Essay - 2 pages - Civil law
Once upon a time or more accurately in the early 1930's, marijuana was made illegal and renamed the Devil's Weed'. Whether or not there was a conspiracy to make hemp illegal by the government and the pulp paper industry is hard to say, but one thing is for certain, the strangling hold...
Current Proposals on the Illegal Immigration Problem
Essay - 2 pages - International law
No one knows exactly how many illegal immigrants are in this country. Estimates range from 4 to 12 million people. The largest group of undocumented immigrants is Mexicans. Thousands of Mexicans, some with families, cross the border illegally in search of work. Typically an illegal will stay in...
The Criminalization of Our American Youths: Is Twenty-One an Unfair Drinking Age?
Essay - 2 pages - Civil law
Alcohol, a cheap easy way for many young American adults to enjoy a society which has cast selective freedoms which they fight and die for right out the window. An issue which has plagued young adults since its surfacing in 1984 under President Regan, should the legal drinking age for all...
In the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri.
Law case - 7 pages - Constitutional law
Plaintiff Karlene Kincaid alleges that defendant River Bluffs Community College retaliated against her for exercising her First Amendment right to free speech by terminating her employment contract with the college. Plaintiff claims that the letter to the editor she wrote and the film she...
The Human Coyote: A Heroic Criminal?
Essay - 2 pages - International law
In all the various interrelated issues of the border, there is one central group that is essential to allowing immigrants to cross in the United States: the coyotes. Coyotes are smugglers who assist immigrants in getting across the border without getting stopped by the border patrol, or anyone...
Abortion Debate
Essay - 2 pages - Other law subjects
Throughout history there has been an ongoing struggle over abortion. The process of terminating a baby did not sit well with some and thus a debate arose. Advocates of free choice clashed with those who stood by more traditional ideals. Throughout the debates lifetime very little progress has...
The Political Spectrum: A Different Approach
Essay - 9 pages - Other law subjects
The traditional left-right political spectrum we use to place politicians platforms is outdated. We carried this spectrum over from the French, and any citizen would be hard pressed to be able to even accurately define what the spectrum is measuring. We all know that on the right side sit the...
Paradise Valley Hospital case study
Case study - 25 pages - Labor law
Karen Vogel - Director of Nursing Conflict - DON vs. Hospital Administrator Mr. Anderson's philosophy: If you leave a problem alone long enough and it will go away Karen sought guidance and support Mr. Anderson: do your job or let someone else do it Karen agreed in...
Either Way, Someone Is Playing God
Essay - 3 pages - Other law subjects
Once there was a man who hated his neighbor. Everyday there would be music blasting from the neighbor's house that disturbed the man trying to work. He had asked his neighbor to stop the noise politely many times, but the noise persisted. One day the man snapped and took one of the speakers and...
Punitive Damages
Essay - 8 pages - Other law subjects
Although there is a debate over the purpose of punitive damages, it is generally admitted that their main goals are to deter and to punish wrongdoers : punitive damages are designed to punish a defendant for grossly inappropriate actions and, in doing so, to deter future such actions by...
American law essay 3 : Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98 (2000)
Essay - 4 pages - Constitutional law
Bush v. Gore is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court in many regards. First because of its time constraint (the Electoral College had to meet on December 18th, which gave the Justices very little time to make a major decision), secondly because of its tremendous impact (the Court was given...
Discuss the analysis and significance of the abduction and trial of Eichmann from an international law perspective, with reference to legal writing
Essay - 8 pages - International law
The very concept of individual accountability - indeed - the very idea that an act could be criminal' was antithetical to International law during much of its history [ ] With narrow exceptions, individuals held no rights and bore no responsibilities under International law,...
The main differences between the civil and the common law systems
Thesis - 5 pages - European law
The majority of legal authors divide the legal systems in the world into two mains groups : the common law on the one hand and the civil law on the other hand . The most interesting is that when you try to find definitions for those words, you often find the basic definition and then as a...
"In sum, at night, young people seek excitement in cities, not safety": discuss the relationship between young people's leisure activities, crime and the fear of crime.
Essay - 8 pages - Criminal law
Young people's behaviours are seen in the society as a catalyser of change, a vector for social and moral evolution. Usually our societies, often driven by a sense of cautious conservatism, are prudent or even resistant towards youth's attitude. Contrary to the common thoughts youth delinquency...
Principles and practices of consumer's protection within the European Union
Thesis - 19 pages - European law
The European Union aims at protecting the health, safety and economic well-being of its citizens. It promotes their rights to information, helps them safeguard their interests and encourages them to set up consumer associations. Consumer policy is designed to improve the quality of life of all...
CASE No COMP/M.3099 : Areva / Urenco / ETC JV
Law case - 12 pages - European law
In its decision of the 6th October 2004, the European Commission has assessed the compatibility with the common market of the concentration of two firms from the nuclear industry sector, following the procedure laid down in the merger regulation. This concentration was proposed by the French...
What are the challenges facing the EU in its attempts to establish democratic institutional structures ?
Thesis - 7 pages - European law
It is time to recognise that the Union has moved from a diplomatic to a democratic process, with policies that reach deep into national societies and daily life . This statement by the European Commission subsumes ten years of political and academic on-going debate on the...
International commercial arbitration
Essay - 4 pages - International law
International commercial arbitration is one of several forms of dispute resolution for international commercial agreements. The use of arbitration has increased along with the growth of international trade and commerce and the accompanying disputes springing from these pursuits. In its broadest...
Under what circumstances do you think states should intervene in humanitarian crises?
Essay - 6 pages - International law
Humanitarian intervention deals with two academic fields: political philosophy and international law. The question of intervention depends on the morality and on the legality of the intervention. Is humanitarian intervention a moral duty for states? Is humanitarian intervention a right for...
'The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss - publihed: 31/03/2006
Essay - 4 pages - European law
Its political role has being a big issue between the main theoricians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is more obvious. The Commission, as the institution who has the power of initiative, can play a large role in...
Corporate governance under English common law: The respective roles of executive and non executive directors
Thesis - 15 pages - Business law
The role of boards and its relationship to management must be clearly identified. The Companies Act provides that companies must have directors but does not define their functions. This is left to the articles of association, where the most undertaken practice consists of vesting the board of all...
Under which conditions can the European Parliament decide legislative outcomes?
Essay - 5 pages - European law
As any national parliament, the European Parliament's role is mainly a legislative one even if, as opposed to national assemblies, it does not possess the exclusivity of the power to establish and vote the law. The development of the power of the Parliament belongs to a logic of increasing...
Theory of direct effect
Thesis - 8 pages - European law
Born into the International order, the European Community law can touch people only through the juridical order of its Member State. Therefore arises the question about the relationship between EC law and domestic law. The EC law concerns much more directly individuals than the international law....
The precautionary principle and its consequences upon the community legal order: gmos and bse
Essay - 28 pages - European law
Concentrating on the expression itself it is clear that the word "principle? implies a peculiar importance given to the "precaution?. It is to say that the principle of precaution is a principle of law, even if it is not clear how and where this scope has been given: some would say in Treaties,...
Human rights and universality
Thesis - 13 pages - International law
We'll see that a mediate position can be found between what Donnelly has identified as radical cultural relativism (a) and radical universalism (b). Thus, it seems that a cross-cultural consensus can be found on the universality of some basic rights contained in the UDHR, whereas some other...
Crimes Against Humanity And The Principles Of Legality: What Could the Potential Offender Expect?
Essay - 10 pages - International law
Les juges ne sont que la bouche qui prononce les paroles de la loi, des ĂȘtres inanimĂ©s qui ne peuvent ni en adresser la force ni la rigueur. " Charles de Secondat Montesquieu, L'esprit des Lois, Livre XI, Ch. III, 127 (1748). " If the interpretation of laws is evil, their obscurity, which...