British legal system
Course material - 7 pages - Civil law
Law evolved from Roman law and Canon Law (the legal system created by the church), creating both singular and common law, then Napoleon used them to create his code civil in 1804. He was also inspired by local law. The Code civil is already the biggest achievement for French legislation, in force...
European Union (EU) Law - Introduction and the different stages of integration
Course material - 8 pages - European law
European construction was imagined by politicians and people centuries ago but was achieved after WWII. In middle age, cities developed trade, and at that moment national markets were created. Traders were moving from a city to another, and these citizens made the rules of mercatoria. The...
European Union (EU) Law - Power sharing and EU institutions
Course material - 2 pages - European law
The document broaches the subject of European Union law. It delves into how power is shared between member states and institutions, and describes the institutional structure of the EU.
Race Class, Gender, and Crime
Essay - 1 pages - Law's history and philosophy
Intersectionality refers to the theory developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, which shows that identity is multi-dimensional and different systems of power and privilege impact individuals differently, thus affecting the way in which they experience the world. In the US, social structures, including the...
Punitive Juvenile Justice Policies
Litterature review - 7 pages - Other law subjects
This research paper analyzes the punitive approach, which is prevalent in the juvenile justice systems around the world, pointing out its impact on the offenders and on society at large. The works of Case and Bateman (2020) and Edwards (2017) stress the point that the implementation of the...
Probate Challenges and Solutions in Texas
Litterature review - 6 pages - Family law
The probate process is a legal procedure by which the court is empowered to authenticate the will of a deceased person and monitor the distribution of the assets to beneficiaries. In Texas, probate is prone to being a complicated and time-consuming procedure with the possible difficulties of...
Motion for Summary Judgment
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Civil law
The plaintiff, Jane Doe, stands before this honorable court with unwavering resolve, embodying the essence of perseverance and steadfastness. Beyond a mere request for clarification, Jane Doe ardently seeks the steadfast execution and uncompromising implementation of Rule 20.04(2)(a) of the Rules...
Comparative Rights and Legal Systems
Case study - 6 pages - Constitutional law
Numerous arguments concerning the right to bear arms have always been a topic of significant concern, especially in countries such as the United States and Mexico, where it bears clear cultural and legal value. According to Charles (2022), though the two countries have the citizenship right to...
The Supreme Court, Federalism, and Public Administration
Dissertation - 8 pages - Constitutional law
The U. S. Supreme Court has always played the role of a decisive figure in the conflict of power between the federal and state authorities. The Supreme Court is the apex court of the United States. By virtue of its role in legal interpretation, it defines the parameters of federalism as stated in...
Is the doctrine of consideration adequate to modern business?
Essay - 2 pages - Business law
The doctrine of consideration is one of the most established rules within the common law of contract. It saw the light during the early stages of the English contract law of the Middle Ages. At first, contracts were established under the word of honor, but this soon became a problem since there...
How does the French legal system differ from the common law system with reference to the powers of judges and the functioning of the courts?
Essay - 3 pages - Constitutional law
Judicial systems differ from country to country. Two common legal systems are civil law and common law. Often the choice to use one system over another is based on the history of the country or region in question. For example, France uses the civil law and England uses the common law. The...
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) - What exceptional circumstances allow states to establish segregation?
Law case study - 4 pages - Constitutional law
Let's be clear, the decision of the Supreme Court that we are going to study today is a real jurisprudence change, which means that the decision overturns several other Supreme Court decisions, resulting in a total change in the analysis of the constitution over time. It's very important...
Environmental Law and Social Justice - The Precautionary Principle
Practical guide - 1 pages - Environment law
The document includes fundamental readings that can be useful when dealing with the subject of the precautionary principle.
Criminal Law in an Islamic Legal Society
Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law
The Shari'a does not focus as much on criminal law as it does on family law, but a small part is dedicated to crimes and sanctions, and despite not being strictly applied, those principles still have a normative force among different modern Muslim states' legal systems. Islamic criminal...
The British Political System
Worksheets - 3 pages - Constitutional law
The document is a study guide on the subject of British government and its political system.
Does prison do any good?
Essay - 2 pages - Criminal law
Anyone with criminal liability is exposed to legal consequences if he commits a crime, and there are various ways to execute punishments with specific laws and practices in each country. Prisons are part of the Criminal Justice System in addition to the Courts and Police. In the past few decades,...
The Burden of Proof
Course material - 1 pages - Civil law
The burden of proof in civil and criminal cases is the obligation to provide evidence validating or disputing a certain occurrence. It is an obligation to proof what has been alleged in judicial proceedings. The burden of proof differs in criminal and civil cases whereby in criminal lawsuits, it...
International contract
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - International law
Statement: You are the legal adviser of the French company SILEC CABLES, specialized in the manufacture of high voltage cables. You receive the following contract draft concerning the supply of cables to TREC as described here below. Please analyze the draft and answer the questions concerning...
Advisory Opinion on The Wall - International Court of Justice - Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and the right of self-defense
Essay - 3 pages - International law
In its Advisory Opinion on The Wall, the International Court of Justice declared that Article 51 of the United Nations Charter "recognizes the existence of an inherent right of self-defense in the case of armed attack by one State against another State", thereby implying that the right of...
European Court of Human Rights, Hirst vs United Kingdom (No. 2) [2005] ECHR 74025/01 - The mechanism to promote judicial and national dialogue
Law case study - 3 pages - International law
This document critically examines the impact of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Hirst v United Kingdom (No. 2) [2005] ECHR 74025/01 as a mechanism to promote judicial and national dialogue. In Hirst v United Kingdom, the country faced the European Court of Human Rights'...
Illegal cattle farming - Implications and possible actions by the European commission and Brazilian government
Case study - 11 pages - Environment law
The Amazon Forest is the world's largest tropical rainforest and is a vital ecosystem with a wide range of flora and fauna (WWF, n.d.). However, the Amazon Forest is under threat due to various anthropogenic activities, including illegal cattle farming which is a significant driver of...
How and why is International Law Binding on States?
Essay - 3 pages - International law
While the legal nature of the subject itself has been often discussed and debated, it is generally considered that international law has legal value, notably because of its binding effect. Indeed, international law is binding on states, with obligations based on both moral and formal reasons....
French law of international commercial arbitration
Course material - 5 pages - Other law subjects
French law of international commercial arbitration is a course designed for fourth-year students at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis and doctoral students in law. In order to help students deepen their knowledge of the subject, a book has been set up called "International Commercial...
In your opinion, is the British Monarchy still a relevant institution today?
Essay - 1 pages - Constitutional law
The British monarchy is a long institution that has survived for many years and played a main role in the country history and culture. The British Monarchy, is an institution that lasted in centuries of tradition and historical significance, has long as it has been a symbol of continuity and...
English Law
Course material - 2 pages - Law's history and philosophy
There are four types of law: common law, civil law, religious law, and the mixed systems. The main difference between common law and civil law is that common law is based on the rule of precedent and civil law on code.
Given the rule of the precedent in the federal judiciary system, how can it promote stability in the law?
Essay - 2 pages - Law's history and philosophy
The actual implementation of the federal judiciary system began with the Judiciary Act of 1789, signed into law by President George Washington. It established the basic structure and jurisdiction of the federal judiciary system and created the Supreme Court as well as lower federal courts. Since...
The Social Contract (pros/cons)
Essay - 2 pages - Law's history and philosophy
According to Rousseau, justice cannot be defined as "the right of the strongest". If justice were so, the most powerful individuals would always be the right ones. Hence, he develops the idea that freedom is our self regulation. This is the reason why the well-known philosopher developed a new...
Is the House of the Lord undemocratic?
Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law
British Labor proposes to abolish the House of Lords and replace it with an Assembly of Regions. The party's program was presented with a view to the legislative elections which must take place no later than January 2025. It would aim to replace the House of Lords, in which an Assembly of...
Environmental law - The examples of Canada and the United Kingdom
Case study - 3 pages - Environment law
There is a high amount of litigation related to water, considering that Canada is one of the major fishing sites. Federal fisheries act was made in order to prevent water pollution by prohibiting discharge or deposition of substances which can be harmful to aquatic animals. The UK is historically...
What are the different sources of the law in England and Wales, and what are the common law rules which engage with an actionable misrepresentation?
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Business law
The document answers two short essay questions from Business Law Final Summative Assessment of Regent's University London. The questions are the following: 1- Critically assess the different sources of the law in England and Wales. 2- Explain the difference between a representation and an...