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598 results

13 Aug 2008

Equitable tracing discussion

Essay - 5 pages - Other law subjects

Equity has a more sophisticated method of tracing than that of common law. The rules assisting in the location and preservation of traceable property have been developed and applied in relation to fiduciaries and often in the context of the bankruptcy of the fiduciary. In common law, the...

13 Aug 2008

How disability rights will be protected in England and Wales after 1st October 2007

Essay - 8 pages - International law

The main legislative framework addressing protection of disability rights in the UK has been the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) as amended by the Disability Act 2005 to widen the definition of “disability” in order to confer stronger protection rights. However, a consistent...

13 Aug 2008

Co-Ownership and joint tenancy problem question

Essay - 5 pages - Other law subjects

In order to advise Phillip, Claire and New Ventures plc in relation to enforceability of their rights in the property (the Property), it will be necessary to consider the complex legal system governing co-ownership of land.With regard to property ownership in law, section 1(6) of the Law of...

13 Aug 2008

Applied criminology - How are we best to describe the actions of a serial killer?

Essay - 4 pages - Criminal law

The definition of “serial killing” has proved problematic within the confines of narrow legal definitions of murder. Moreover, serial killing adopts multifarious forms brought on by many different states of mind (D, Wilson. 2001). Holmes attempted to define serial murder as consisting...

08 Aug 2008

Criminal law - prison industrial complex - too complex? Criminal law - prison industrial complex - too complex? Criminal law - prison industrial complex - too complex?

Essay - 8 pages - Criminal law

A third party has entered the scene of the U.S. prison system: the private sector. A handful of for-profit Wall Street corporations are currently making millions of dollars from what some critics call “dungeons for dollars.” Such corporations claim they can build and run prisons more...

04 Aug 2008

The Supreme Court: America's judicial body of power

Essay - 9 pages - Constitutional law

This paper analyzes the ways in which the Supreme Court's function has transformed, its current structure, and the issues that presently surround the Court. In order to maintain freedom and prosperity for the American people, the founding fathers explicitly divided up government responsibilities...

04 Aug 2008

The law of witness identification

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Other law subjects

Criminal examiners are aware that it usually takes several pieces of evidence to crack an intricate case, so much so, that neophyte recruits and veteran investigators alike are schooled and equipped to search for, spot, bring together, and protect “palpable” physical evidence like...

17 Jul 2008

Sample resume for the pre-law/ philosophy/ languages/ literature undergraduate student

Sample resume - 1 pages - Other law subjects

JANE DOE Complete Residential Address - (555) 555-555 - EDUCATION: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York, NY (May 2008) Bachelor of Arts Philosophy minors Italian, Modern Greek and Psychology Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa UNIVERSITÀ CA' FOSCARI, Venice, Italy...

11 Jul 2008

A descriptive study on the people's opinions towards the legalization of death penalty

Essay - 4 pages - Criminal law

The study explores the opinions of people residing in a particular community towards death penalty. The information will be gathered through self-administered test questionnaires and focus group discussions. Moreover, the test will also take into account the factors that affect the perceptions of...

07 Jul 2008

The issue of White collar crime

Essay - 5 pages - Criminal law

In recent years, corporate scandals such as those that occurred at Enron and WorldCom have brought a more focused spotlight on the issue of white-collar crime. Although white-collar crime has remained a pervasive part of social discourse throughout the course of the twentieth century, the...

07 Jul 2008

What scholars have noted about property as a social construct mitigating human interactions that transcend legal and economic discourse

Essay - 5 pages - Business law

A.I. Hallowell (1943: 119) once stated that, “Property as a social institution implies a system of relations between individuals. Like other social institutions, it involves rights, duties, powers, privileges, forbearances, etc, of certain kinds.” While this view of property has been...

03 Jul 2008

Implication of federal trademark dilution act to U.S. Business

Essay - 4 pages - Business law

Intellectual property has become a global concern in these last few decades due to the increased trade brought about by the internet. In an article posted at Focus, Field (2006) reported that in the United States alone, for example, studies in the past decade have estimated that over 50 percent...

03 Jul 2008

Sounds a-like but not quite: Is the trademark infringed?

Essay - 5 pages - Business law

The capital is already at hand, the plan has been laid out and the place is just perfect. Most importantly, you just came up with an imaginative name that could spark up the business venture you've been envisioning for so long. But no matter how much thought has been put forth to produce such...

29 Jun 2008

Organized crime: social scourge or auspicious atrocity

Case study - 8 pages - Criminal law

As Gus Tyler once pointed out in his introduction to Organized Crime in America, “…Organized crime is a product and reflection of our national culture” (Maas xviii). However, when the words organized crime is mentioned in almost any situation, thoughts of filthy men in fedoras and...

29 Jun 2008

Money talks, so let's talk money: Competing for fiscal resources

Thesis - 5 pages - Fiscal law

The academic landscape has changed in recent years. In the modern academic environment, competition between departments and programs for scarce dollars is the order of the day. Despite the fact that the library is traditionally “the single largest budget center in any academic...

29 Jun 2008

Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

Essay - 3 pages - Constitutional law

Inclusion came by the way of Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 which gave the right of equal educational opportunity to children with disabilities. This was later reenacted in 1990 as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Supported by the Americans with...

19 Jun 2008

Case Brief, Analysis and Impact of Journalism Case Law

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Other law subjects

Judith Miller, an investigative reporter for the New York Times, received a grand jury subpoena to testify regarding the leak of the identity of an undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame. It was believed that Miller had information regarding which it was that broke federal law by disclosing the...

17 Jun 2008

Exploration of the concepts of criminology and criminal justice as sciences

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

Throughout the course of the twentieth century notable advancements in science and technology has enabled researchers choose significantly improve their overall ability to conduct empirical research. Although the advancements have taken place have impacted almost every field of study, and a...

15 Jun 2008

The issue of choosing a Supreme Court Justice

Essay - 8 pages - Constitutional law

Introduction In recent years, the stability of the Supreme Court has been challenged as a direct result of changes in the specific members that comprise the Court. Up until 2006, specific patters of decision-making could clearly be delineated. However, the death of Chief Justice William...

04 Jun 2008

Affirmative action in the U.S

Essay - 9 pages - Constitutional law

In recent years, the issue of affirmative action has become one that has polarized debate in the United States. Affirmative action, which was originally conceptualized under President Johnson's Executive Order 11246 was supposed to provide social institutions with the mechanisms necessary to...

21 May 2008

The Right Medicine: Same-sex Family Law

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Other law subjects

Currently in the United States, same-sex couples face many discrepancies in the law compared to heterosexual married couples, many related to taxation, discrimination protection, and other benefits. Of particular importance are the barriers that same-sex couples and larger families face when...

21 May 2008

The Effectiveness of Restorative Justice

Essay - 7 pages - Civil law

In recent years, restorative justice has been utilized by various jurisdictions and organizations across the globe in an effort to promote increased satisfaction and fairness to participants, as well as hoping to lower crime rates and achieve a multitude of other objectives. Furthermore, it has...

21 May 2008

Should the common law courts recognise the need for a general doctrine of unconscionability?

Essay - 7 pages - Civil law

The doctrine of unconscionability remains a venue of debate and controversy not only for legal scholars, but for judges and attorneys in this country and abroad. The idea of unconscionability is in itself problematic. How can a judge, jury, or attorney deem what is or is not fair? Even if an...

06 May 2008

Introduction to Government and Politics "Hunting" for Diversity: Hunt v. Cromartie

Essay - 3 pages - Other law subjects

“A reapportionment plan that draws in persons, who may have very little in common but the color of their skin, bears an uncomfortable resemblance to political apartheid” (Rosenschein). Clearly, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor understood the weight of her decisions. With those...

22 Apr 2008

Homosexuality and the Law in Canada

Case study - 4 pages - Civil law

Authority has always discriminated and has been prejudiced towards several different categories of people. Whether it's ethnic group, gender, size, or sexual orientation there has been a history of unfair treatment. The world has come a long way into adapting and accepting the multicultural boom...

21 Apr 2008

The American's with Disabilities Act

Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects

The Americans with Disability Act provides the unique opportunity to enhance self-determination, choice, and greater freedom for all men, women, and children with disabilities in the United States. The most significant movement was the black civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's. After...

17 Apr 2008

Conversion: To and From: Theology and our reflections

Essay - 4 pages - Other law subjects

Throughout this course we have studied the relationship between one's embedded and deliberative theology. We understand this relationship to be cyclical in nature; when one's deliberative, or second order theology, is reflected upon it can have the effect of altering one's embedded...

19 Mar 2008

Outline and assess the extent to which the wto agreements have legal effects before eu and member states' courts, creating rights for individuals and the possibility of testing the compatibility of eu secondary legislation with these agreements.

Essay - 12 pages - International law

Because its creation was not a simple extension of the GATT, literature has shown a lively curiosity for the reception of WTO law within the Community legal order. Some concrete facts justify this infatuation. Unlike its predecessor, the WTO is a permanent institution with its own secretariat...

19 Mar 2008

Issues related to gun control

Tutorials/exercises - 14 pages - Criminal law

Did you know that Canada has more guns per house than the United States? This is actually because Canada has a lot more hunting guns than the States, but they have more hand guns and more dangerous guns then we do. Gun Control in Canada has been a very controversial subject in the past few years...

19 Dec 2007

Karlene Kincaid v. River Bluffs Community College : Appeal

Essay - 8 pages - Civil law

This appeal is from the order granting Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Western Division. The District Court had jurisdiction over this case pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 (2002) because this case arises under the...