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598 results

15 Oct 2008

Design rights and logo licence

Standard contracts - 3 pages - Other law subjects

This document is a sample legal licence permitting use of the design right and logo in respect of business. The consideration for the grant of a licence in this instance is shares. The Licensor is the proprietor of and beneficially entitled to the copyright, unregistered and registered design...

15 Oct 2008

The FA's news rules on the regulation of player agents: A critique

Essay - 8 pages - International law

On 21 November 2006, the Football Association (FA) approved and implemented the new domestic Football Agents Regulations (the Regulations), which came into effect in September 2007. Whilst it is too early to ascertain the impact of the Regulations on conduct of player agents, they have sparked...

15 Oct 2008

Property law: Landlord and tenant law

Essay - 7 pages - Other law subjects

In 2000, Oliver's great aunt Fran, died leaving Oliver “all my right, title and interest in Blackacre”. Fran's will left everything else to her next of kin Everett. In 2003, Oliver subdivided Blackacre into Yellowacre and Blueacre. In 2003, Oliver entered into an agreement with Tania to...

14 Oct 2008

Dissolution of assets and unincorporated associations

Essay - 5 pages - Other law subjects

During his life time Brendon was a member of the Tetherdown Theatre Club, which was a non-charitable unincorporated association. Membership fees were used for various purposes, including for rental of a local theatre space. In the summer of 2004, the club organised a workshop for local children...

14 Oct 2008

Are sex offenders rehabilitative and should the government impose the death penalty on them?

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

Recent, emerging academic debate has polarised opinion as to whether rehabilitation programs geared towards the treatment of sex offenders are in fact successful in reducing “sexual recidivism” (Marques 1999). Resolving this debate is a difficult task due to the inherent limitations of...

06 Oct 2008

A testator's disposal of property and providing for the family, cohabitants and dependants

Essay - 8 pages - Constitutional law

In our courts, wills are contested and challenged every day. Despite the best intentions of the testator, or author of the will, there is no such thing as a will that cannot be contested. Still, it is important to remember that a will is designed to protect the wishes of the testator after they...

06 Oct 2008

Option to purchase real estate contract (Residential)

Standard contracts - 3 pages - Other law subjects

Improvements: The house, garage and all other fixtures and improvements attached to the above-described real property, including without limitation, the following permanently installed and built-in items, if any: all equipment and appliances, valances, screens, shutters, awnings, wall-to-wall...

30 Sep 2008

Notice of option to purchase real estate (Residential)

Standard contracts - 3 pages - Other law subjects

Assigns - The Optionee may assign and convey his/her interest in this "Contract" or any part thereof provided, however, that such assignment or conveyance should not result in any impairment of Optionor's position. Optionor, intending to bind Optionor, Optionor's heirs, successors and...

30 Sep 2008

The Enlightenment Project and how it impacted Christian theology

Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law

Typically identified as a movement among eighteenth century philosophers in France, Britain and Germany, The Enlightenment Project, also known as ‘The Age of Enlightenment,' or simply ‘The Enlightenment,' bridged the seventeenth century's ‘Age of Reason' with the nineteenth...

25 Sep 2008

Patent law essay - Interpretation of claims and infringement

Essay - 6 pages - International law

The intrinsic nature of patents has rendered interpretation of patent claims inherently problematic. The central issue that has exercised the courts is the appropriate method of interpretation, particularly on infringement claims. Bainbridge's observations of the intricacies of patent...

10 Sep 2008

WTO: An introduction to the World Trade Organization

Essay - 6 pages - International law

The World Trade Organization is the most recent result of international efforts to reduce barriers to trade. It is an institution in which membership is voluntary, but it is also an organization with legal status. I will explain more about this later. In this paper I will explore the history,...

10 Sep 2008

The PLO: Still a threat?

Essay - 6 pages - International law

When the historic "Gaza and Jericho" first agreement was signed in September 1993 at the White House in Washington, D. C., in the presence of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and President Clinton, uproar and discontent were exhibited by all...

09 Sep 2008

Title IX and college athletics: Noble intentions and faulty execution

Thesis - 6 pages - Other law subjects

On June 23 1972, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 was passed into law. The law states simply that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education...

09 Sep 2008

Battered woman syndrome and New York city

Essay - 5 pages - Other law subjects

Though domestic violence, as an issue, is important enough for the mayor of have an office dedicated to the phenomenon (Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence) and several local laws that protect victims of domestic violence, the city government remains largely silent on the concept of...

09 Sep 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport and the Bosman decision

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of...

21 Aug 2008

The contribution made to the concept of the supremacy of European Community Law by the judgment of the European Court of Justice

Essay - 5 pages - International law

The tension between European Community law (EC) and national law is arguably the most debated topic of constitutional law . The convention of Parliamentary supremacy is rooted within the British constitution as a fundamental limb of the separation of powers doctrine . Constitutional convention...

20 Aug 2008

Child advocacy groups and class action lawsuits

Essay - 9 pages - Other law subjects

Children's Rights, Inc. is one organization dedicated to improving and reforming state-run child welfare systems, and ensuring that those state-run child welfare systems are held accountable for providing safe and adequate environments for the children under their care. Since the mid-nineties,...

20 Aug 2008

Criminal Law problem question

Essay - 9 pages - Criminal law

This document provides an analysis in answer to a criminal law problem question relating to the law of murder and manslaughter. The problem is set out as follows: Alan and Betty are contestants in the Big Sister game show. They do not get on and Alan feels that Betty is two faced. Betty has put...

20 Aug 2008

Company law

Essay - 5 pages - Business law

From Star Limited's perspective, the central issue is whether it can enforce the restraint of trade clause against Ramon notwithstanding the fact that he is using his company Equip Limited to solicit Star Limited's customers. Before considering whether the clause can be enforced against Ramon...

20 Aug 2008

Critically analyse arguments for and against the introduction of a no-fault scheme for the tort of negligence

Essay - 13 pages - Civil law

The characterisation of a no-fault scheme is rooted in the principle of distributive justice, compensating victims without having to establish causation and fault. Conversely, current liability for negligence involves fault considerations based on legal theoretical concepts determined through...

20 Aug 2008

Management report - Trade union recognition

Essay - 7 pages - Civil law

This report considers and advises on the legal and practical implications for the Company Board of Directors (“the Board”) of the invitation for voluntary recognition as a Trade Union (“TU”). The relevant law applicable to TU recognition is the Trade Union and Labour...

19 Aug 2008

Discuss critically the current international legal position on the patentability of software and business method inventions

Essay - 7 pages - International law

The question of available protection for new products which are software is a complex issue. Under UK law, the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988 (“the Act”), software is protected by the law of copyright. Although this is a powerful form of protection against an authorised copying...

18 Aug 2008

Tearing the tag off the mattress :Why over-criminalization is an escalating epidemic

Essay - 6 pages - Criminal law

Many law scholars and experts in the area of law and society can argue and disagree on many different issues. However, many can also agree on one thing and that is that the justice system suffers because of over criminalization. With outdated offenses, too many laws, and new crimes appearing,...

18 Aug 2008

Family law - Problem question assignment

Essay - 4 pages - Other law subjects

Maria and Homer are not married and in order to apply for a protective order Part IV of the FLA Maria will have to come within the definition of “associated persons” as prescribed by the FLA (A Diduck., & F Kaganas., 2006). Section 62 of the FLA defines “associated persons”...

18 Aug 2008

How should we punish offenders?

Essay - 9 pages - Criminal law

Criminological debate has propounded polarised theorem as to the most efficacious method to punish offenders within the criminal justice system. Whilst academics agree on the concept of “punishment” as a necessary means they “disagree on the underlying reason that makes punishment...

18 Aug 2008

Land law: The Land Registration Act

Essay - 6 pages - Constitutional law

The Land Registration Act 2002 (LRA) came into force on 13th October 2003 implementing an overhaul of the organisation of registered land system, repealing the Land Registration Act 1925. The Law Commission Report Number 271 highlighted the central objective of the LRA 2002 being to create a land...

18 Aug 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport in the context of sport regulation and restraint of trade since the Bosman decision.

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of...

18 Aug 2008

How can we balance the need of protection for vulnerable witnesses and the rights of the accused?

Essay - 10 pages - Other law subjects

The tension between the rights of the accused and a vulnerable witness has remained a problematic balance to address through the criminal justice system. The enshrined presumption of innocence imposes a burden of proof set “beyond reasonable doubt ”, further bolstered by the European...

18 Aug 2008

Nature of aggression and the law

Essay - 6 pages - Criminal law

The nature of aggression has always been troublesome to settle as a legal concept, especially as it is “intertwined with political elements” . The concept of aggression as a criminal offence was fuelled by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in the wake of the Second World...

18 Aug 2008

A critical examination of current law of divorce and the need for change

Essay - 9 pages - Other law subjects

“There is no one branch of the law more important, in any point of view, to the great interests of society……than that which regulates the formation and the dissolution of the nuptial contract. No institution indeed more nearly concerns the very foundations of society….than...