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598 results

19 Jun 2009

Committee on the rights of the child

Thesis - 22 pages - Civil law

The Convention on the Rights of the Child and two Optional Protocols have marked a turning point in international law and children are essential tools in the implementation of national laws designed to stop crimes that are sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, children and...

05 Jun 2009

Human rights and unequal access to care

Thesis - 9 pages - International law

The right to assistance extends to health care, and any person, whatever his legal status, should enjoy access to appropriate care. However, experience shows that, in reality, the implementation of this law is based primarily on the political will of communities to develop networks of care...

03 Jun 2009

Cyber crime

Presentation - 20 pages - Other law subjects

Cyber crime refers to anything done in the cyber space with a criminal intent. These could be either the criminal activities in the conventional sense or could be activities, newly evolved with the growth of the new medium. Cyber crime includes acts such as hacking, uploading obscene content on...

01 Jun 2009

Plessy v. Ferguson: Utilizing the technique of shepardizing to see relationships among cases

Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law

In 1890, the Louisiana State legislature passed Act 111, also known as the Separate Car Act. This required white and African American people to be given “separate but equal” accommodations on railway trains. It required that: “All railway companies carrying passengers in their...

21 May 2009

Immigration of highly skilled workers to the United States

Thesis - 11 pages - Civil law

The rapidly escalating immigration of highly skilled individuals to the United States demonstrates the diminishing role of national politics in an increasingly supranational global economy. Workers pursue opportunities beyond the confines of national borders, and corporations are able to meet...

19 May 2009

Legal analysis of the US presidential election 2000

Thesis - 4 pages - Civil law

The presidential election of 2000 is one that will live in infamy. Few elections have been as closely contested, and none more controversial. Vice President Gore, who got more votes, made a valid argument for a recount, yet still failed to win despite his best efforts. Personally I believe...

18 May 2009

National organization for the reform of Marijuana laws

Thesis - 6 pages - Civil law

Many people complain that the United States government is unresponsive to their issues. In order to assist all of the underrepresented people, and to educate legislators we have formulated many interest groups in our nation. NORML, the National Organization for the reform of marijuana laws, is...

17 May 2009

International business law (2006)

Thesis - 7 pages - Business law

In most parts of the developed countries the economy is regulated through liberal systems. A liberal system means that there exists open markets and competition over these markets. States and governments are not the leaders of these markets. They are only the institutions which have created rules...

17 May 2009

Do you think Lister v Hesley Hall [2001] UKHL 22 was correctly decided by the House of Lords?

Thesis - 4 pages - Business law

On the 3rd May 2001, the House of Lords gave their judgment to Lister v Hesley Hall [2001] UKHL 22. By overruling a previous decision of the Court of Appeal; Trotman v North Yorkshire County Council [1999] LGR 584. The House of Lords widened the scope of vicarious liability to include acts of...

17 May 2009

Common land ownership in Scotland

Thesis - 7 pages - Other law subjects

This essay was largely inspired by the working papers of Andy Wightman, Robin Callander, Graham Boyd and James Perman. James Perman is a Chartered Accountant from Largs. Andy Wightman, Robin Callander and Graham Boyd are independent authors and researchers who work together on occasion through...

13 May 2009

Critically discuss the contributions of the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) movement to international legal scholarship

Thesis - 6 pages - International law

After the World War II and its atrocities, a new international institution, the United Nations (UN) was created in 1945 to focus on the new challenges faced by the international community. One of the major challenges was the wave of decolonization which started between the two World wars. It was...

12 May 2009

The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion and the different instruments government might use to combat these

Thesis - 5 pages - Fiscal law

Taxation is everywhere in our daily life. People cannot always evade taxes. For instance, we pay tax when we buy goods therefore it is impossible to escape this kind of ‘included tax”. Tax avoidance and tax evasion are determinant for tax burden because they are one of the factors that...

10 May 2009

A political analysis of: R. v. Badger

Thesis - 6 pages - Constitutional law

The supreme court of Canada stands as the highest level of court in Canada and is the final stop for all cases which have been appealed from the superior provincial courts. Unlike the lower courts, the supreme court of Canada seats up to nine judges with each appeal seating a minimum of 5...

08 May 2009

Drug related offenses

Thesis - 14 pages - Criminal law

In modern societies it is easy to recognize that consuming drugs is an every day reality. It is not only taking heroin or marijuana, but also smoking, taking painkillers, having a coffee, a tea or excessive intake of alcohol on Saturday as a required “Saturday night” obligation. The...

08 May 2009

Duress and undue influence

Thesis - 23 pages - Business law

"It is assumed that the parties know their own minds, that they are the best judges of their own needs and circumstances, that they will calculate the risks and future contingencies that are relevant, and that all these enter into the bargain. It follows that unfairness of the bargain - gross...

08 May 2009

International law and normative unity

Thesis - 5 pages - International law

In the Supreme Court of Canada's 1993 judgment in Hunt v. T & N Plc, Justice La Forest laid down the following goal to international law : “develop (…) co-ordination in the face of [the] diversity” of the international system. In other words, international law has to reconcile the...

08 May 2009

Has the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 gone far enough in reforming the English law of privacy?

Thesis - 5 pages - Business law

Under the doctrine of privacy, which became entrenched in English law in the latter half of the 19th century , contractual rights and liabilities are limited to the parties to the contract. The mounting criticisms and arguments for reform have led to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act...

07 May 2009

The impacts of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in France

Thesis - 10 pages - Administrative law

The CAP is often considered as a debate of the specialists since this is a very complex and technical topic, but nowadays there is a huge public debate on this policy which is one of the most important European policy and also one of the most expensive one. In May 2006 there was the biggest...

07 May 2009

Côte d'Ivoire and the ONUCI

Thesis - 10 pages - Administrative law

Located in the western part of Africa, notably surrounded by Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire constitutes an isolated case in the African History of the twentieth century. Indeed, considered as a model of African success from its decolonisation in 1960 until the...

07 May 2009

The power of eminent domain in the United States of America

Thesis - 4 pages - Constitutional law

Since its self-declared independence in 1776, the United States of America has always shown its will to become a grand nation. To fulfill this dream and set itself up as one of the greatest powers in a various domains on the international scale, it has gone through centuries of expansion. As a...

01 May 2009

Who has the rights? A case I attempted to salvage

Thesis - 5 pages - Civil law

Some of the US laws seem to exist solely in order to confuse and discourage us from petitioning or adequately defending against lawsuits. It certainly appears for every law there is, another law can be found repealing, invalidating or disallowing it, under ‘special circumstances.' What...

29 Apr 2009

The complicated reasons for Lincoln's first emancipation proclamation

Thesis - 6 pages - Constitutional law

On the eve of the American Civil War, the key issue in the run up to the election was whether or not slavery would be extended into the new expanding territories and states opening in the West. (McPherson, 1988) This same issue sparked the misguided attack upon the South by John Brown and a few...

27 Apr 2009

Evaluation of the national child benefit act: Critique and policy suggestions

Thesis - 10 pages - Constitutional law

Introduction - This research paper will present an evaluation of the 1997 Federal National Child Benefit Act. The NCB was introduced as a way to aid poor working families which include children override income disparities which exist between them and families in higher economic brackets. Research...

23 Apr 2009

Theories and case studies on copyright issues in a digital environment, logo infringement and patents

Thesis - 11 pages - Other law subjects

Locke propounded the theory that protection of property is to justify it as a reward for the labor put in to create / generate it by the creator. Locke started his theory with the presumption that ‘every man has a property in his own person'. Locke claims that an individual's labor belongs...

23 Apr 2009

Information technology related intellectual property rights: Discussed using various case studies

Thesis - 10 pages - Other law subjects

Ms. Rukmini residing in India has taken photographs of small children as a professional photographer. The photographs are taken on the theme of expression of babies. As is present in India, children are like God and hence it does not matter if the photographs are nude. This was an issue in USA as...

23 Apr 2009

Theory and practice: Civil disobedience and the pursuit of justice

Thesis - 4 pages - Civil law

In the Crito, Socrates makes an argument against the notion of breaking the laws even if they are judged by the public to be unjust. This is because by disobeying the law, one is in effect “attempting to destroy... the laws, and indeed the whole city” (Plato 53). Socrates continues...

22 Apr 2009

International criminal courts: An historical and sociological overview of supranational criminal justice

Thesis - 5 pages - International law

The notion of individual criminal responsibility under international law is a recent phenomenon. Many different mechanisms have been employed including domestic courts, the International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as ad hoc UN tribunals and new “hybrid” or internationalized courts in...

20 Apr 2009

Hair and fiber evidence

Thesis - 4 pages - Criminal law

Most trace evidence found at a crime undergoes forensic analysis for two main purposes: identification and comparison. Often tiny strange particles are found, and testing for identification purposes establishes exactly what the material is. Obviously, this is a vital step in determining if...

16 Apr 2009

Fair labor

Thesis - 6 pages - Labor law

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”1 When considered in the context of globalization and modern capitalism, Churchill's words are oddly disturbing. As the global population continues to grow, unemployment and...

16 Apr 2009

Patrice Lumumba: American foreign policy and cover-ups

Thesis - 6 pages - International law

Historically, the foreign policy of the United States has been such that one event has integrated itself into effecting the majority of events to follow. The case of the United States foreign policy in the Congo and, specifically, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba is no exception. This...