The relevance of intellectual property (IP) in various scenarios
Thesis - 5 pages - Business law
The narrative of intellectual property today is a dichotomy between those proponents who believe it is a necessary legal measure in the evolution of our society, and those who believe such rights actually trump the rights of the individual. Indeed, much of the controversy surrounding the issue of...
How far, if at all, does it matter that the United Kingdom does not have a written constitution?
Thesis - 2 pages - European law
Today, the majority of states have written constitutionsit is generally seen as a prerequisite for any new state. They arise due to political events, such as in 1793 consequent to the French Revolution. In a state with a written constitution, one document becomes the supreme authority in...
Murder: Rethinking the mandatory life sentence
Thesis - 6 pages - European law
Sir Edward Coke stated in the Third Part of his Institutes that ... of all felonies, murder is the most heinous . As such, murder has always received the most severe punishment the law could give; a law of King Canute stated that Aberemordcaedes manifestaewas punishable...
Constitutional and administrative law: The concept of the Rule of Law as defined by Dicey
Thesis - 5 pages - European law
The concept of the Rule of Law as defined by Dicey still remains valid: it provides a measure against which we can judge the attitudes and actions of Parliament, Government and the courts. Explain what is meant by the concept of the rule of law. To what extent is the statement above...
To what extent is the criminal justice system consistent with article 6 of the European convention on human rights?
Thesis - 6 pages - European law
At the heart of any legal system is the criminal justice system and it is a paramount that the system is fair in order to be effectivethis is ensured through a fair trial, without which, the whole system would be illegitimate. We only have to look to the political show trials' of the...
Doing business in China: The Citibank's way
Thesis - 5 pages - Business law
Citibank is known for its innovative approach in developing markets. Citibank has always been at the forefront of exploring opportunities in markets where level playing field was absent. This calculated-risk approach has been the reason for development of efficient banking at Citibank. On sensing...
Courts, unelected tyrants and public forums
Thesis - 7 pages - Administrative law
In 2000, during the American presidential elections, the role of the Supreme Court was highly contested. Indeed, it consists of a majority of judges appointed by republican presidents and it decided to stop counting the voices manually in contested towns in Florida and George Bush won the...
Business ethics and social responsibility - published: 14/09/2009
Thesis - 3 pages - Business law
Government's role in environmental protection is to establish standards and set regulations on environmental protection and enforce those standards in a method that is unbiased, and according to the guidelines of environmental integrity. Federal policy, first must achieve harmony between the...
US foreign policy - HS 571
Thesis - 4 pages - Administrative law
When the United States passed the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, the country gave warning to foreign nations that the Western Hemisphere shall be free from European imperialism. While the doctrine was passed on behalf of the rest of the Americas, it gave the US complete control over the foreign...
Second amendment examination: Right to bear arms?
Thesis - 3 pages - Civil law
Words are not just foolish semantics as they may so often seem. Words can be placed and interpreted in so many different ways that finding meaning can be quite challenging. The language of the Second Amendment is at the core of the debate between those who believe in the individual...
Law and racial inequality
Thesis - 4 pages - Civil law
Since the early 20th century, minorities have been striving for equality in the United States. Much progress has since been made in the form of anti-discrimination laws and desegregation, but while many advances have been made in the civil rights movement, inequality has not been escaped....
Illinois state constitution vis-a-vis federal constitution
Thesis - 4 pages - Civil law
In state constitutions, more rights are expressly enumerated than in the federal Bill of Rights. In Illinois, its constitution contains all of the protections afforded in the federal Bill of Rights and much of the same language as well. It also contains further rights such as Crime Victim's...
Gender equality: Women and the law
Thesis - 5 pages - Civil law
The United States, among many other Western countries, has been a beacon for women's rights. Many women in the world cannot teach, work, show their ankles, vote, hold public office and sometimes are not allowed to think much less. Here in the United States, women have the opportunity to do all...
The criminalization of prostitution
Thesis - 3 pages - Civil law
In current times, the body has become a medium for human expression. At a certain age, people can get pierced and tattoos that carry deeper meaning for them or are simply for aesthetic purposes. Cosmetic surgery is at its peak. For decades, people have been using their bodies to express their...
The utilitarianism of government gaming laws in the United States
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Other law subjects
The current U.S. ban on sports betting goes back to 1961 when the federal wire act made the act of transmitting bets across state lines via the telephone illegal. The only state to offer legal sports betting has been Nevada. (Delaware and Oregon also have made attempts to offer sports...
Common law as a paradigm: The case of Dorset Yacht Co. v. Home Office
Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects
The concept of law can be explained in many different ways and methods, however to easily sum it up one could say it's mainly used as a dispute resolving mechanism that minimizes or altogether prevent the practice of self help. Law can also be described as a social system, something that is...
Legal agreement for the appointment of a non-exclusive distributor
Standard contracts - 12 pages - International law
This document is a sample legal agreement for the appointment of a non-exclusive distributor. Intellectual Property: means any patent, copyright, registered design, trade mark or other industrial or intellectual property right subsisting in the Territory in respect of the Products,...
The states right to compel individuals to take medications
Case study - 13 pages - Constitutional law
A basic standard of health care for all American citizens is an idea that arose less than 100 years ago, but which today is a tenet that most people in the United States believe. Basic healthcare belongs, in my opinion, to the whole world simply due to them being world citizens,...
Fiduciary duty and tracing law
Case study - 5 pages - International law
Yardley was employed as wages and personnel manager for BALIOL between 1994 and 2007. One of his jobs each month was to prepare for payday when the staff was paid in cash on the last day of the month. He would cash the check at the LBSC and sort the cash into brown envelopes for each of the...
Government coercion through duress and contract modification
Thesis - 5 pages - Other law subjects
In Rumsfeld v. Freedom NY, Inc., 329 F.3d 1320 (2003), the government contractor was finally able to procure some relief after a 17 year struggle to rectify the shameful, bad faith tactics of the Defense Logistics Agency. The government's ACO, Marvin Lieberman, breached the contract by refusing...
The deemed undertaking rule
Thesis - 5 pages - Business law
The Deemed Undertaking rule (30.1) functions to prevent information gathered during discovery from being disclosed. The rule itself serves to protect information that respondents may be forced to divulge during discovery by ensuring that any information cannot be used in other...
Is it a human rights violation and not enforcing the law
Thesis - 13 pages - Civil law
In Deshaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a U.S. state's failure to protect an individual against private violence generally does not constitute a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The court reasoned that while the...
How an EU military could affect world peace through international law
Thesis - 12 pages - International law
There is no greater motivation for European unification than the desire for peace. Just like the UN, the EU wants to avoid the scourge of war for its future generations. In times of peace, the world forgets that the EU is not an economic coalition, but is instead a peaceful, foreign...
US courts should apply universal principle to Alien Tort cases
Thesis - 10 pages - International law
The Alien Tort Statute, also known as the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), originally appeared in Section 9 of the first Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the U.S. judicial court system. It provides that the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a...
Wheelchairs and liquid dreams
Thesis - 3 pages - Civil law
Quenching one's thirst with a nice big glass of water could prove to be a mistake if you are in New York City and find yourself in need of a public restroom. Finding a place for relief in the big apple is not easy, and the city's streets and subways have become public toilets. The necessity for...
Justice and the jury: The role of twelve in society
Thesis - 3 pages - Civil law
The ethical standard of justice is a universal right that people in all levels of society are entitled to. In America, one way that the Constitution ensures justice is by naming the right citizens have to a trial by impartial jury. In criminal trials, juries are to decide the fate of one person...
The importance of the trial process: Fair and impartial?
Thesis - 4 pages - Civil law
The American legal system exists for the purpose of enforcing the laws created by the legislature. The trial process does not exist only because common law and American law deems it necessary. The processes that are involved are necessary for the enforcing the law. Each of the parts are defined...
Ethics of public servants
Thesis - 5 pages - Administrative law
Federal elected officials, appointed political officials and civil service officials are held to a separate standard for their behavior. These people are chosen by the American public and by other officials to serve at their behest. What commonly unites elected and non-elected officials is that...
Defense of equality
Thesis - 3 pages - Civil law
From the very beginning of the formation of American democracy, it was designed to give equal power and equal rights to all American peoples: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that...
Animal rights and legislation in Canada: How we fail to slaughter animals humanely
Thesis - 6 pages - Civil law
With the evolution of the legal system, its direction towards stricter and more precise laws has incorporated animals into its protection. A comparison between now and a century ago is remarkable. Society has brought it upon itself to protect not only companion animals such as pets and working...