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International law

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89 results

29 Dec 2024

The Nigeria Ogoni Investigation Commission: the role of the UNSC

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - International law

The Nigerian Government has been responsible for the violations of Human Rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966). The State of Nigeria ratified both covenants on the 29th of...

29 Dec 2024

Is the fragmentation of International Law a pathological phenomenon or the sign of a healthy pluralism?

Essay - 4 pages - International law

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Articles of Agreement of 1944 emphasizes that the World Bank must disregard political factors and solely base its decisions and operation on economic grounds. Highlighting that the consent-based nature of the international legal system...

19 Feb 2024

International contract

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - International law

Statement: You are the legal adviser of the French company SILEC CABLES, specialized in the manufacture of high voltage cables. You receive the following contract draft concerning the supply of cables to TREC as described here below. Please analyze the draft and answer the questions concerning...

10 Feb 2024

Advisory Opinion on The Wall - International Court of Justice - Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and the right of self-defense

Essay - 3 pages - International law

In its Advisory Opinion on The Wall, the International Court of Justice declared that Article 51 of the United Nations Charter "recognizes the existence of an inherent right of self-defense in the case of armed attack by one State against another State", thereby implying that the right of...

10 Feb 2024

European Court of Human Rights, Hirst vs United Kingdom (No. 2) [2005] ECHR 74025/01 - The mechanism to promote judicial and national dialogue

Law case study - 3 pages - International law

This document critically examines the impact of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Hirst v United Kingdom (No. 2) [2005] ECHR 74025/01 as a mechanism to promote judicial and national dialogue. In Hirst v United Kingdom, the country faced the European Court of Human Rights'...

04 Feb 2024

How and why is International Law Binding on States?

Essay - 3 pages - International law

While the legal nature of the subject itself has been often discussed and debated, it is generally considered that international law has legal value, notably because of its binding effect. Indeed, international law is binding on states, with obligations based on both moral and formal reasons....

09 Dec 2023

The Impact of the Barcelona Traction Case on Shareholder Protection under International Law or The Diplomatic Protection of Companies and Shareholders

Thesis - 27 pages - International law

This research paper has been written by Mr Éric J. CHICATE-LAURENT, a student at University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The Barcelona Traction judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 5th 1970, considerably shaped the protection of foreign investors. Indeed, this...

07 Dec 2023

What Consequences did the Treaty of Trianon have on Hungary?

Essay - 4 pages - International law

After 4 years of war between 1914 and 1918, the Allies marked their victory by signing different treaties, like the Treaty of Trianon. Indeed, this treaty was signed on the fourth of June 1920 in Versailles by, on the one hand, most of the Allies (the UK, France, the USA, Italy, the Kingdom of...

02 Dec 2023

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited

Presentation - 7 pages - International law

The Court examined the question: "Can a State provide diplomatic protection to its citizens who hold shares in a company incorporated in a different country when shareholders' interests are impacted by actions against the company?"

04 Nov 2023

The Repercussions of the Law and its Impact on Individuals - Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - International law

When it was created, the bill was meant to eliminate race discrimination in immigration and allow people from all countries to come to the United States, not just white immigrants. The fact is that decades after this bill, we can see the clear impact it had on US immigration: in 1960, 84 percent...

01 Nov 2023

Why do European courts refuse to enforce U.S. punitive damages?

Essay - 6 pages - International law

In terms of civil liability in Continental Europe, the principle is to compensate only for the damage. Civil liability is not punitive. The purpose is only to put the victim back in the situation she knew before the operative event. If the behavior deserves a sanction, it is a matter of criminal...

14 Jan 2023

Fragmentation and inconsistency in international investment law

Essay - 5 pages - International law

It is a fallacy to think of international investment law as a general, coherent regime. The rules of law are splintered and fragmented, both in terms of their formal source and in terms of their application of particular disputes. What is more, there are no mechanisms in international investment...

20 Nov 2022

The Jurisdictional Requirement of the Existence of a Legal Dispute

Essay - 2 pages - International law

In its 1974 judgment, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) resolved solely to admit a case before its framework on the very basis of the genuine existence of a dispute. This provision is not unique to the ICJ: the article 25(1) of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes...

17 Nov 2022

Non-Appearance by a State Compatible with the Adversarial Principle: an Adversarial Procedure Reinstated by the Court

Essay - 5 pages - International law

Since the occupation of Crimea in February 2014, the Russian Federation has been violating the prohibition on the use of force under international law in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter with respect to Ukraine. Moreover, it was already an armed attack within the meaning of Article 51 of the...

09 Oct 2022

History of the Common Law System on the English Legal System

Essay - 11 pages - International law

As a direct result of the colonization by the British, many of its states naturally acquired this common law system, being the English law in globo, maintaining its primary principles, procedures, actors and modes of proof. As a consequence of this adoption and utilization of English law, and the...

23 Jun 2022

Offer and Acceptance

Course material - 5 pages - International law

A contract is considered as a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. The agreement creates legal rights and obligations that can be enforced in court. The courts have adopted an intellectual framework that analyzes transactions in terms of offer and acceptance to determine whether...

22 Jun 2022

Administrative law in the United States

Essay - 4 pages - International law

Explaining the concept of administrative law can cause complications to many people. Therefore, before going further in this work, we will define the administrative law in advance for a better understanding. Administrative law is the set of rules that define the rights and obligations of an...

06 Jun 2022

Essay on international agreements : sales of Covid-19 vaccines

Essay - 5 pages - International law

This situation has changed the world. Experiencing such situations require a certain level of implication and commitment on the international scale. Meaning, all the countries were henceforth concerned about this pandemic. Fever, dry cough, and exhaustion are the most prevalent Covid-19 symptoms....

01 Mar 2022

How could international law support a transition to renewable sources of energy?

Essay - 4 pages - International law

Climate change is an international issue. Indeed, no matter how much greenhouse gases emissions decrease in Europe, if the world does not act collectively climate change and its consequences will continue. But climate change is not only an international topic, it intersects with many...

01 Sep 2021

Should the death sentence be implemented globally?

Essay - 5 pages - International law

From the beginning of the world, there have always been multiple ways or theories of punishment. After researches and studies conducted by the experts of the domain, it was revealed that the death sentence takes its roots from the legal and political systems of many countries of the world....

16 Jun 2021

The risks of democracies

Essay - 3 pages - International law

In order to determine whether there is a violation of due process, it is necessary to ask several cumulative and conditional questions. If so, is a fundamental right involved? And finally, depending on the answer to this question, it is necessary to apply the standards of the review to provide an...

02 Feb 2021

State sovereignty in international public law

Essay - 5 pages - International law

Jean Bodin (1530-1596) considered that the concept of sovereignty is an absolute concept. Sovereignty is a key concept when it comes to dealing with the state and its place in the international arena. It is, indeed, a concept that has been fostered to characterize the intrinsic power of states:...

19 Sep 2020

Estoppel: questions and case study

Essay - 5 pages - International law

The doctrine of the promissory estoppel is a remedy afforded to a party receiving a promise/representation (the promisee) enabling them to rely on that promise/representation made by the other party (the promisor) to recover damages due to the either beneficial or prejudicial and detrimental...

07 May 2020

The International Criminal Court and the Peace Process in Northern Uganda

Essay - 9 pages - International law

The Juba Peace Talks that started in July 2006 in Southern Sudan seem to be one of the best chances to bring an end to the 20-year-long raging conflict in the region of Northern Uganda. Known for its unbelievable atrocities, the war has by now caused the displacement of more than 1.7 million...

04 Jun 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Essay - 4 pages - International law

It is increasingly common for commercial agreements to include clauses providing for the use of a form of alternative dispute resolution, should a dispute arise. Consider critically the approach of the courts, and the guidance available from bodies such as UNCITRAL and the ICC, in discussing how...

25 Nov 2013

Reorganizing and Consolidating Bureaucracy in America

Case study - 3 pages - International law

The bureaucracy in America has become a major concern in development over the past years. Strict rules, procedures and different functions or obligations are divided and it becomes difficult to handle some tasks due to unnecessary processes involved. Most public institutions are serious...

01 Jan 2012

Persecution, famine, and exodus: Ireland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Essay - 3 pages - International law

For centuries, Ireland and Britain have had closely intertwined histories and relations. Ireland, as we know it today, has been influenced tremendously by its relations with Britain. It is known as a place of religious and cultural tension, much of which dates back to the eighteenth and...

03 Feb 2011

The conditions of admissibility of reservations in the Vienna Convention

Essay - 5 pages - International law

Paragraph 4 of Article 20 shows that the Vienna Convention contains a rigid principle of unanimous acceptance of reservations. It reads "The acceptance of a reservation by another contracting State of the reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if the treaty is...

03 Feb 2011

The ban on the use of force in International Law

Worksheets - 2 pages - International law

TThe principle that prohibits the use of force is a major element in the international system that is based mainly on cooperation between States and collective security. This principle has always been of a relative nature, in fact, the contemporary public international law has noted more...

03 Feb 2011

The legal effect of unilateral acts of States and international organizations

Essay - 7 pages - International law

The International Law Commission is responsible for the codification and progressive development of international laws. It had its forty eighth session in 1996 and the issues of Unilateral Acts and their legal effects have figured prominently in their discussions. There is an uncertainty...