Legal english, law H.R.7365, bill, veterans, internal security committee, congress, house of representatives, senate
Paul A. Gosar, the bill's principal author and a Republican congressman from Arizona, introduced the VETS Safe Travel Act for consideration on 15 February 2024. It was supported by 47 other co-sponsors, also Republican representatives from large populations such as California and Texas. The bill was referred the same day to the relevant committees, such as Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs. The bill was referred to a sub-committee responsible for veterans' aid before being examined and amended by the Homeland Security Committee, which approved it by oral vote.
[...] Once a bill is discharged, a mark-up session is held. A mark-up is a meeting by a committee or subcommittee during which committee members offer, debate, and vote on amendments to the bill. Since the committee on Homeland Security was ready, it ordered by Voice Vote for the bill to be reported. This means to waive the consideration of the other committee, the Veterans affairs committee, who was still waiting for the referral. But despite this, the committee's chairman on Veterans Affairs agreed to forego (not examine) the bill. [...]
[...] Presentation of bill or law from Congress: Law H.R.7365 - 118th Congress (2023-2024) VETS Safe Travel Act - How the bill progressed in Congress summary of most important sponsors, actions, procedures); - Which congressional committees dealt with it. I. Summary: sponsors, actions, procedures Paul A. Gosar, the main sponsor of the bill and Republican representative from Arizona in Congress, introduced the VETS Safe Travel Act on February for review. It was supported by 47 other co-sponsors, also Republican representatives of large populations such as California and Texas. [...]
[...] The same day, the bill was referred (meaning it was passed) to the Committee on Homeland Security, and to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. The bill needed a more detailed examination so the Committee on Homeland Security proceeded to do a referral. The bill was referred to a subcommittee. The Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security. The 29th, the Committee on Veterans' Affairs also referred the bill to a subcommittee. The subcommittee of Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs. The subcommittees considered the bill until it was ready for discharge. [...]
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