"We, the people of the United States,?do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America?. By these words starts the American Constitution. This document was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention, led by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and was ratified by each state. It has since been amended twenty-seven times. It is the supreme law of the United States of America and creates a federal union of sovereign states. This constitution is one of the oldest constitutions in the world and the fact that it is still applied highlights its qualities. The American Constitution is one of the best constitutions in the world but is it the best one? The answer probably depends on what country you belong to and therefore on your point of view. Personally, I would herald that the American Constitution is the best in the world.
[...] Its main asset, its longevity, could become a drawback depending on the evolution of society as the Constitution structure could be too far from reality. In that case, it would be necessary to change the American Constitution. But, would American citizens accept this idea? Bibliography - The American Constitution - Mason, Alpheus Thomas and Donald Grier Stephenson, American Constitutional Law: Introductory Essays and Selected Cases - Bailyn, Bernard, The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle for Ratification. [...]
[...] This feeling has lived through two centuries as well; American citizens still trust their Constitution as they trust the bible. The atmosphere of the creation of the Constitution gives it a solid base to be respected as everyone considered it as sacred. Its history shows here how the creation the Constitution helped in the quality of it. Finally the American Constitution is a brilliant document because it has always been accepted by the American people. At first, the Constitution was the most important document of American history and it is still the case. [...]
[...] Nowadays, the American Constitution is still influencing the world for other reasons. Some countries want to copy the American Constitution as it is linked with the prosperity of the country. Indeed, America means success and the American system provided by the American Constitution enables this success. Adopting the same structure than the United States would be, for some countries, the hope of the beginning of a prosperity era. Therefore, the American Constitution is an excellent document considering its influence on the world and on the other constitution. [...]
[...] In more than two hundreds years, the American Constitution has only been amended twenty-seven times. This ability to amend the Constitution rather than change it demonstrates its flexibility. Eventually, the flexibility of the American Constitution is a key asset since it implies a capability of evolution if the context changes. This explains the longevity of the American Constitution and we can imagine that, with such flexibility, the American Constitution could last two centuries more. To finish, the last asset of the American Constitution is that it respects the separation of powers and assures a democratic system. [...]
[...] The American Constitution is also one of the first constitutions in the world. It has always been considered as a reference for the whole world. At the very beginning, it was a reference because it was the only modern Constitution available in the world. The United States were an example for every single country that wanted to write a constitution. Jefferson himself considered the Constitution as a monument and a permanent example for other people. As it was the first modern written Constitution, every single country studied it and it was hard at first to find another way to write a constitution. [...]
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