Legal Capacity and Theoretical Concepts Over Companies
Course material - 4 pages - Business law
How to finance a company: the traditional way in SRL or SPA is subscribing to the capital. You could do shareholding loans, loans made by shareholders, these loans do not enter into the capital but enter their liability and assets in cash, without interest (could be) and not proportional to the...
Partnerships and way to act in business
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
An entrepreneur, definition art 2082 CC, someone who exercises an economic or financial activity professionally, organizes to produce/exchange produces and services, in an individual or collective way. If it's a small entrepreneur = artisan, it's article 2083 CC: he is the one who carries...
Comparative law trust tools to protect familial patrimony
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
When there is an issue about finding which national law has to be applied, the civil code identifies, depending on the case who is the competent court and which law will be applied. Comparative law aims to have knowledge and discover new models and methods to solve some subject matters in other...
Succession Plans Trusts or Fiducias
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
People who tend to be weak in any kind of weakness could choose to settle an express trust, so the trustee as a legal representative of the patrimony put in the trust will manage it on behalf of the beneficiaries, thus the weak person or its family.
Negotiation and contractual responsibility
Course material - 2 pages - Business law
During the negotiations there are two provisions in Italy, "parties must behave in good faith during negotiation and before completion of contract"; " the party knowing or having to know a reason of invalidity for the present case, and fail to disclose the information, will be liable for damages...
The life of a company
Course material - 4 pages - Business law
Under liquidation you're not obliged to pay all taxes, but only for three years. Specific clause permits shareholders to dissolve the company under particular conditions. Duty of directors: they should manage the company in a conservative way. In case of liquidation, they should act to...
How to set up a business in Italy
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
The concept of a company started 600 years ago, when men thought of doing business together to share responsibility and profit thanks to a contract. A company needs a contract when there is more than one person who wants to start a business in the name of a legal entity. Civil codes of each...
Business Law: Transnational commercial contracts
Course material - 15 pages - Business law
Parties can choose the law applicable to the contract and other should respect that choice. Recognized for the first time in France with the decision "American trading" in 1910. Today this principle is recognized by a lot of conventions and is a general principle.